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Lets make KSP educational... :)

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I have this idea, I see a few people asking for a Hubble Telescope, I know its been done before, but hey, an official KSP Kubble Telescope

BUT with one difference!

make it educational: you can take photos which can be beamed down to KSP and counts towards science....

but the photos Kubble takes comes from NASA, real photos taken of things far far away.

Then at least, KSP can claim to be partially educational.... Once they arrive at KSP they can be viewed in your browser.


(and evey now and then, a photo can be inserted of Jeb getting himself snapped by Kubble holding a sign announcing the release of a new version... the sighn would state the version number... like V22)

I rather like that idea... :)

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This. This simply needs to be done! Also add in longer exposure requirements, like if you focus the scope for a day, you get additional science for each day up to a week, like the Hubble deep space image! Also maybe if long exposures are taken of the same object again, movement is recorded, additional science! Also pictures of planets reviel the info about the planets that already are available!

The only downside is that the skybox needs to be updated, and upgraded! Bigger res skybox needed... Also nebulae?

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KSP is already educational. Orbital physics and basic rocket science.

There is no need to put those things in. And photos of space don't even teach anything. They just look fancy.

They certainly teach things to the scientists who take them and see them for the first time, but to an average person they are just a pretty picture. But not if they are coupled with an explanation of what was discovered using the particular image. But personally I think it is outside the scope of KSP. Astronomy and cosmology are *huge* areas of study, and orbital mechanics and rocket science are enough for any game to tackle I think...

What would be better is an "education" mode where various concepts are explained in real time on your ship, e.g. drag, lift, thrust, trajectory, ballistics, terminal velocity etc.

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What would be better is an "education" mode where various concepts are explained in real time on your ship, e.g. drag, lift, thrust, trajectory, ballistics, terminal velocity etc.

That would definitely be a good idea further down the line; license a KSP-lite which is more directed and has guided scenarios in problem solving. ie: "Jeb needs to get from KSC to Kerbin's beaches for his holiday, what is the most efficient way to do it, how would adding wings help, what TWR would you use, etc etc"

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They certainly teach things to the scientists who take them and see them for the first time, but to an average person they are just a pretty picture. But not if they are coupled with an explanation of what was discovered using the particular image. But personally I think it is outside the scope of KSP. Astronomy and cosmology are *huge* areas of study, and orbital mechanics and rocket science are enough for any game to tackle I think...

What would be better is an "education" mode where various concepts are explained in real time on your ship, e.g. drag, lift, thrust, trajectory, ballistics, terminal velocity etc.

On the contrary, your narrow perception of what education is saddens me. "education" teaches, yes, but showing students what fields of science are all about gets them hooked for choosing a career later on, they see the photos of sea life and decide to become marine biologists, photos of space has inspired many into the various space sciences, in fact, just LOOKING at the moon, or seeing photos of it, inspired the likes of Neil Armstrong to become astronauts ...

In fact, I hate to say it, but TOS of Star Trek inspired a few to become Shuttle pilots, which they did...

Inspiring people is an important part of education. No one is suggesting that the "Kubble Telescope" be FORCED onto every one... but if some could be inspired while they "played" then that would be awesome, and it wouldn't be that hard to do. Remember also, that if a person launched the Kubble telescope and took pictures... double inspiration... in a way, these are photos they took... just like people show off their landers and rovers, so too they could be proud of the photos they "took" within the game.

We could have two options for the telescope....

We could have photos automatically imported from NASA along with, if possible the data of what the photo is about etc.

We could have it take home photos ... launch a kerbal to go to the Kubble... the EVA and start snapping photos... yeah, not much point, but might be a bit of fun...

MORE.... as was suggested, we could take photos of the planets and moons of Kerbal, along with data, so they can be printed out. Sure, you can get this info online or in the game, but there is no better satisfaction that 'doing it yourself'

besides, currently, its unrealistic, till you actually send a probe to EVE, for example, how can they be so precise with the data they have, really, Pluto was discovered in the 1930's .. it wasn't till about the 1970's that we REALLY started finding out things about it...

AND..lastly... one thing I really HATE about these forums is that when ever anyone comes up with an idea, a group of people come along and poo poo the idea... as if.... we need their permission to advance ideas, if THEY think its no good, they say so and the idea dies... its like these people have a club or something...

For starters... I wasn't seeking their approval... nor permission for this idea. YES, this area has the word "discussion" in it, but they do not discuss, they KILL, or try to, when they say things like

KSP is already educational. Orbital physics and basic rocket science.

There is no need to put those things in. And photos of space don't even teach anything. They just look fancy.

So... hard... so FINAL.... and the guy who said it is such an expert with 17 posts...

Why do some think we need their permission? I put forward an idea, we are advancing that idea, discussing the merits of it, the drawbacks... the pros the cons... if someone likes the idea, then they might write the code to make the mod...

I wished the doom merchants would just stay silent and let the dreamers ....dream... I can imagine what would have happened to KSP before it was written when someone said... "Hey, I have an idea for a neat space game... we can call it KSP"

and they chimed in and the dreamer was discouraged and never advanced the idea.... none of us would be here now....

"nay sayer... I demand you DREAM, and if ye cannot DREAM, then remain silent. For the world needs dreamers. They dream of wonderful things and then go about making these dreams reality.... Gene Roddenberry dreamed about space and then wrote Star Trek... people since the beginning of time have dreamed about stepping foot on the Moon... Jebidiah Kerman dreamt about stepping foot on the Mun... and did...."

Edited by kiwi1960
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I think there was mention of implementing a discovery mechanic in future to find other worlds within the solar system rather than know exactly where they are from the start. I like the idea of having a space telescope to produce science, but I'd prefer the idea of a 'live' feed from the telescope. And I'm mostly thinking of a live feed for planets and moons within the system rather than looking at Stars, Nebulae, or (more unlikely) Extrasolar Planets. Seeing as there's no interstellar element yet (something far, far, far, far... far down the line), this'd be the best bet for now. But if it should happen in future then maybe something like the data you'd see from Planet Hunters would be good.

So... hard... so FINAL.... and the guy who said it is such an expert with 17 posts...

Honestly, post count is by no means indication of intelligence of a user and really shouldn't be used as another means of judging the merit of someone's post. Just comes across as petty, regardless of the content posted by the respective user.

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I am a councilor for a space camp that my local space museum runs (http://www.cosmo.org/ Apollo 13, Gemini X, Liberty Bell 7, more cool stuff) We have our kids refly the Curiosity landing using prebuilt rockets with serious supervision. They learn so much in those 30 minutes about everything from aerobraking to orbital mechanics, this game is already educational and more importantly, teaches you in stealth mode, while you think you are having fun.

Having said that, I don't think this is an good idea, original yes, but I don't think the styles match. It would also be an iffy game mechanic, because lets face it, at the the end of the day, it is still a game.

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Well, I really like the idea, but maybe not aim for the educational part of it, but rather the features they add? I know I just can download and install the Ordan space telescope, but its just for looking at planets. I want this to be stock in the game, with the science i mentioned etc... And if you don't like it, then you can giiit eout... (SP reference anyone?)

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I'm not sure it's too good of an idea. Using a telescope in the KSP universe to generate IRL pictures doesn't quite fit the style of KSP. If a telescope could spot Jool and its moon or Eeloo an send THOSE images back, then it fits more.

As for educational. KSP is already very educational. It encourages logical construction of vehicles based on mass and other factors. It is a FANTASTIC way to learn orbital mechanics and concepts. The sense of exploration encourages players to think bigger and better to reach new worlds. It gives people who think space travel is like that in Sci-fi movies a wake up call by showing how rediculous they are. It encourages Logic and planning. And is essentially Newton's laws 101.

The game can teach one more about space and physics in two weeks than a school could in 2 months.

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