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Prevent "Alt+," from decelerating craft

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Is there a way to stop that key comb from decelerating ones space craft? I'm asking as I tend to use warp (the 1-4 times one) when I'm performing maneuvers in large crafts.



Actually, Alt Gr is CTRL+ALT, at least in the Linux "way of understanding keyboard". It is located right next to the space key (on the right). Maybe some doesn't have it (I have an AZERTY keyboard), but it seems that Unity takes the Alt Gr aas CTRL+ALT, thus decreasing the throttle.

Solution, use to left alt, or make right alt mimic left alt

Edited by Sokar408
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Not quite sure what you're actually asking. Alt+, combo is used to decrease timewarp, are you asking how to disable it? You say you're using physical timewarp, but want to disable cancelling it?

I guess I can only advice you to change your keybindings until you clarify.

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What keybindings do you have for each thing? My keybinding are the default ones, and I can separatedly accelerate and deccelerate ship speed (LShift and LCtrl) and time warp (< and >), if I understand you about the overlapping functions.

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I use default keybinds. When I use "Alt" or should I say "Alt Gr" + "," I both decrease timewarp but at the same time decrease engine acceleration. Is there a way to disable the deceleration of the engines?

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What is Alt Gr? On my keyboard, accelerate and decelerate are Shift and Ctrl respectively. Alt + , and Alt + . only affect time warp.

Edit: Quick google search reveals this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17857404/why-does-alt-gr-have-the-same-keycode-as-ctrl

It seems that Alt Gr = Alt + Ctrl, which is slowing the craft. Don't think there's much you can do about it other than remapping, but maybe someone else knows a way.

Edited by ScottyDoesKnow
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My default keybindings don't use "Alt" or "Alt GR" for any of both options... "left Shift" accelerates engines, "left Ctrl" decceleates engines, and the keys "," ("<" on English keyboard) and "." (">" on English keyboard) decrease and increase the time warp, as shown in this image, which is the same as in the Wiki key binging list. "Alt" and "Alt GR" don't have any default usage for throttle or time warp.


Default key bindings:


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Actually, Alt Gr is CTRL+ALT, at least in the Linux "way of understanding keyboard". It is located right next to the space key (on the right). Maybe some doesn't have it (I have an AZERTY keyboard), but it seems that Unity takes the Alt Gr aas CTRL+ALT, thus decreasing the throttle.

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Actually, Alt Gr is CTRL+ALT, at least in the Linux "way of understanding keyboard". It is located right next to the space key (on the right). Maybe some doesn't have it (I have an AZERTY keyboard), but it seems that Unity takes the Alt Gr aas CTRL+ALT, thus decreasing the throttle.

Guess that's the awnser:

Don't use alt Gr, use alt instead

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Demon, Alt + , and . do physical time warp.

Sokar408, did you have any luck?

Nope haven't found a way around it.

Actually, Alt Gr is CTRL+ALT, at least in the Linux "way of understanding keyboard". It is located right next to the space key (on the right). Maybe some doesn't have it (I have an AZERTY keyboard), but it seems that Unity takes the Alt Gr aas CTRL+ALT, thus decreasing the throttle.

So basically just use the left alt to avoid the problem? (I'll just use macros to make right alt function like left alt)

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