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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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Hi, des someone has settings for the latest FAR version? I have even tested the beta on hard and not even a unit of ablative shield is consumed.

On normal beta settings (multiplier = 20) everything explodes even on liftof


There really aren't any special FAR settings. What shield is it and what temperature is it getting up to at its peak? And what velocity are you hitting the atmosphere with?

Edited by Starwaster
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Is there somewhere I can find an earlier version compatible with 0.90?

I updated to 6.4 and like an idiot didn't keep the old version, I also tried the new beta but it's no good, on any difficulty, regardless of number of aerobraking passes and using delta-v to slow down I can no longer get ships back through the atmosphere, ships that worked perfectly fine in the earlier version I had.

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Is there somewhere I can find an earlier version compatible with 0.90?

I updated to 6.4 and like an idiot didn't keep the old version, I also tried the new beta but it's no good, on any difficulty, regardless of number of aerobraking passes and using delta-v to slow down I can no longer get ships back through the atmosphere, ships that worked perfectly fine in the earlier version I had.

All on the release page....


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im going back to 6.4 as cant get 6.5 to work. everything burns up and heat sheilding dont work.

things i noticed with 6.5

1. prachutes can bburn up when u going jst 300ms at any height and even be burning up when u at 50km.

2. ablative sheilding and the heat sheilds doing nothing.( good example is putting a parachute ontop of the mk1 pod and the chute will burn up at 55km with botht he pods ablative sheilding and a heat sheild. the sheilding does go down but its not effecting the heat any.

only thing left for me to do on the 6.5 is to disable the alternate heating module and see if thats what causing sheilding and abnormal heating to be occuring.

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im going back to 6.4 as cant get 6.5 to work. everything burns up and heat sheilding dont work.

things i noticed with 6.5

1. prachutes can bburn up when u going jst 300ms at any height and even be burning up when u at 50km.

JUST 300 m/s???? Do you have any idea how fast that is? Obviously not. Capsules returning from space (in real life) have to be going much slower before they deploy. And you were probably going a bit faster than just 300.

(but let's say you were. That would be 984 feet EVERY SECOND)

You've been spoiled by KSP pseudo-physics. This isn't Semi-Deadly Reentry or Quasi-Deadly Reentry or the diet Coke of Deadly Reentries (just one calorie, not Deadly enough)

2. ablative sheilding and the heat sheilds doing nothing.( good example is putting a parachute ontop of the mk1 pod and the chute will burn up at 55km with botht he pods ablative sheilding and a heat sheild. the sheilding does go down but its not effecting the heat any.

only thing left for me to do on the 6.5 is to disable the alternate heating module and see if thats what causing sheilding and abnormal heating to be occuring.

Or you could modify your reentry sequence because you're doing it wrong.

I've burned up a few times testing this new version and 90% of the time it was all my fault. That's not to say there's no room for some tweaking of a few values, but even with that, it's still pretty easy put my capsule on the ground with Kerbals in one piece.

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so what u saying starwaster a capsule with 2 heat sheilds on it doing aerobraking to slow down should be burning up at 40-50km with a whole 2 points or so of ablative sheilding used and the chute on the capsule top that should be sheilded due to 2 heat sheilds on bottom of the capsuel should burn up at 55km wthere there air bearly is yet?

i understand what u saying starwaster. my first thought is im doing somoething wrong but no matter what profile for reentry i tried they never can get below 40km. i even tried a long aero break where bearly dip into at 55km to slow down and still burn up on second pass of slowing down.

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There really aren't any special FAR settings. What shield is it and what temperature is it getting up to at its peak? And what velocity are you hitting the atmosphere with?

Hi Starwaster!

I am using FAR v0.14.6 and DRE 6.5 with Hard settings

When dropping a mk1 Pod from a 600Km Ap and about 25Km Pe hitting atmosphere about 2500ish m/s not a single unit of ablatieve shield is consumed nor exposed parts like landing gear explodes.

I tried changing some of the paramters inflight

when multiplier is set to 2 only about 2 units are consumed

and when temperatureExponent is set to 3 and multiplier back to 1, external parts do burn and explode but the shield is not consumed.

also these in flight tunning is kind of hard because somehow the window doesnt allow me to input the decimal point

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I've been testing the 6.5 beta using Linux 64bit KSP, Module Manager 2.5.8, and no other mods. What I'm seeing seems odd.

Using a Mk 1 Pod with only a parachute attached, I tried to deorbit from a 110km circular orbit above Kerbin. I tried a periapsis at 0, 5k, 10k, 20k 30k, and 40k. On normal my Pod exploded at 20k and above. At 10k it had 0 ablation left. At 5k it had about 4 left, and at 0k it had about 9 left. On Hard difficulty, it always survived with just a few ablation units used up.

I then tried the same set of tests using a Mk 1-2 Pod with heat shield, a docking port and parachutes. On normal difficulty the ablation shield was used up quickly and the pod exploded on every reentry. I had to go to a suborbial trajectory (1600m/s when hitting the atmosphere) before it would survive. On Hard difficulty, it again always survived.

On every test I make sure alternate density is turned off and the alternate heating model turned on.

So is it simply that Normal and Hard difficulty are reversed? Or am I doing something wrong?

Here is my custom.cfg if it helps. I can also generate logs if you want but not tonight because I'm tired of doing reentries.

@shockwaveExponent = 1
@shockwaveMultiplier = 1
@heatMultiplier = 25
@startThermal = 750
@fullThermal = 1150
@afxDensityExponent = 0.9
@temperatureExponent = 1
@densityExponent = 0.9
@gToleranceMult = 6
@parachuteTempMult = 0.5
@crewGKillChance = 0.01
@crewGClamp = 10
@crewGPower = 4
@crewGMin = 10
@crewGWarn = 450000
@crewGLimit = 900000
@legacyAero = False
@dissipationCap = True
@useAlternateDensity = False
@useAlternateHeatModel = True
@shockwaveExponent = 1
@shockwaveMultiplier = 1
@heatMultiplier = 20
@startThermal = 750
@fullThermal = 1150
@afxDensityExponent = 0.8
@temperatureExponent = 1
@densityExponent = 0.8
@gToleranceMult = 6
@parachuteTempMult = 0.25
@crewGKillChance = 0.01
@crewGClamp = 30
@crewGPower = 4
@crewGMin = 5
@crewGWarn = 450000
@crewGLimit = 900000
@legacyAero = False
@dissipationCap = True
@useAlternateDensity = False
@useAlternateHeatModel = True
@shockwaveExponent = 1
@shockwaveMultiplier = 1
@heatMultiplier = 1
@startThermal = 750
@fullThermal = 3000
@afxDensityExponent = 0.6
@temperatureExponent = 1.55
@densityExponent = 0.6
@gToleranceMult = 6
@parachuteTempMult = 0.25
@crewGKillChance = 0.01
@crewGClamp = 30
@crewGPower = 4
@crewGMin = 5
@crewGWarn = 225000
@crewGLimit = 450000
@legacyAero = False
@dissipationCap = True
@useAlternateDensity = False
@useAlternateHeatModel = True

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I've been testing the 6.5 beta using Linux 64bit KSP, Module Manager 2.5.8, and no other mods. What I'm seeing seems odd.

Using a Mk 1 Pod with only a parachute attached, I tried to deorbit from a 110km circular orbit above Kerbin. I tried a periapsis at 0, 5k, 10k, 20k 30k, and 40k. On normal my Pod exploded at 20k and above. At 10k it had 0 ablation left. At 5k it had about 4 left, and at 0k it had about 9 left. On Hard difficulty, it always survived with just a few ablation units used up.

I then tried the same set of tests using a Mk 1-2 Pod with heat shield, a docking port and parachutes. On normal difficulty the ablation shield was used up quickly and the pod exploded on every reentry. I had to go to a suborbial trajectory (1600m/s when hitting the atmosphere) before it would survive. On Hard difficulty, it again always survived.

On every test I make sure alternate density is turned off and the alternate heating model turned on.

So is it simply that Normal and Hard difficulty are reversed? Or am I doing something wrong?

Here is my custom.cfg if it helps. I can also generate logs if you want but not tonight because I'm tired of doing reentries.

Heat multipliers are too high. In the debug menu they just say 'Multiplier'. I usually keep them at 1 for the new heating model but I have set them as high as 5.

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Is there any difference with easy mode in 6.4 or is it not implemented?

because as far as I can tell the only difference is that the (undeployed) parachutes burn off faster and I lose all the rcs ports on the spaceplanes quicker.

I'm guessing from your recent replies that this is supposed to be this way.

I've tried had plenty of advice and tried every sort of reentry there is and it's become obvious that this mod is geared towards a level of realism that doesn't interest me, while that's absolutely fine, obviously it's your mod, I do find it a shame because more casual players like me are now excluded.

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Is there any difference with easy mode in 6.4 or is it not implemented?

because as far as I can tell the only difference is that the (undeployed) parachutes burn off faster and I lose all the rcs ports on the spaceplanes quicker.

I'm guessing from your recent replies that this is supposed to be this way.

I've tried had plenty of advice and tried every sort of reentry there is and it's become obvious that this mod is geared towards a level of realism that doesn't interest me, while that's absolutely fine, obviously it's your mod, I do find it a shame because more casual players like me are now excluded.

Heat multipliers are too high. In the debug menu they just say 'Multiplier'. I usually keep them at 1 for the new heating model but I have set them as high as 5.

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Regarding the parachute warning, I had a thought while I was playing today. (I'm still using the older version rather than the beta.)

Rather than (or maybe as well as) a toggle to simply turn it on and off, maybe it could by not show if the only parachutes on the craft are in the abort group, but otherwise show?

My thinking goes like this: my big problem with the parachute warning is when flying spaceplanes. When I'm flying a spaceplane, I don't give a flip that parachute deployment is unsafe - I'm not going to deploy parachutes unless something goes horribly wrong. (Probably not even then.) In this case, the warning is just getting in the way and messing up visuals.

However, when I actually do plan to use parachutes, it can be useful. Sure, on Kerbin where I have lots of practice, I don't need it, but I haven't ever tried a parachute anywhere else, and I could definitely see the attraction in having a handy dandy warning to tell me when it's safe to open my chutes on e.g. Duna (whose atmospheric composition is quite different), since I have no real idea based on my Kerbin experiences.

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And by the way MartGonzo, before you ever even THINK of telling me what you think this mod is 'obviously' geared towards,

on any given day, this thread is liable to have half of its posters complaining that reentry is not hot enough and the other half that it's too hot. On stock Kerbin with stock aerodynamics!

If you think you can do better, then fork the mod and name it 'MartGonzo's Deadly Reentry' (or Lukewarm Reentry, whatever) and then you get to do the balancing act.

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Regarding DeadlyReentries RealChute behavior:

Would it be possible to disallow chute deployment when the speed is too high?

And to also only deploy when the speed is safe when the chute is armed?

That would be a great addition!

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Heat multipliers are too high. In the debug menu they just say 'Multiplier'. I usually keep them at 1 for the new heating model but I have set them as high as 5.

That might as well be in Japanese, I'm not a programmer.

I read the first post, it said read the first post for how to change the settings then didn't go on to bother saying how or what file

just some mention of the debug menu with no instructions on how to access it other than the toolbar and I checked there is no option to access from there so I'm assuming that's only in the latest beta?

I looked in the folder and there are about 20 cfg files in there and I have no idea which if any I'm supposed to modify or how, that's what I thought the easy button was for.

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That might as well be in Japanese, I'm not a programmer.

I read the first post, it said read the first post for how to change the settings then didn't go on to bother saying how or what file

just some mention of the debug menu with no instructions on how to access it other than the toolbar and I checked there is no option to access from there so I'm assuming that's only in the latest beta?

I looked in the folder and there are about 20 cfg files in there and I have no idea which if any I'm supposed to modify or how, that's what I thought the easy button was for.

I think Starwaster accidently post the wrong answer to your post, it was for another person with a custom .cfg file a few post above you.

I don't know what your craft is like, or how you use it for re-entry, so I don't know what the problem is. I also use v6.4.0 and easy mod is really easy. I can even use my engine instead of a heatshield (due to high heat tolerance) or spin my craft vertically so each end of craft only get heated a little before being cooled, due to easy mode heating is slow.

Bur in your case, it could be something wrong in the process of downloading and something got corrupted, or perhaps there were not sufficient protection on some parts, or simply the craft was flew in a way it was not meant to be. Hard to pinpoint your problem right now without knowing the process.

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I think Starwaster accidently post the wrong answer to your post, it was for another person with a custom .cfg file a few post above you.

I don't know what your craft is like, or how you use it for re-entry, so I don't know what the problem is. I also use v6.4.0 and easy mod is really easy. I can even use my engine instead of a heatshield (due to high heat tolerance) or spin my craft vertically so each end of craft only get heated a little before being cooled, due to easy mode heating is slow.

Bur in your case, it could be something wrong in the process of downloading and something got corrupted, or perhaps there were not sufficient protection on some parts, or simply the craft was flew in a way it was not meant to be. Hard to pinpoint your problem right now without knowing the process.

No, actually that was for him as well because of apparent issue with the beta. The heat multiplier for Easy (and I think Default as well) was set to 20 and is way too high.

He'd also previously posted a page or two back but then immediately deleted that one.

No I doubt download corruption is an issue.

And I don't advocate editing of config files Mart. You probably shouldn't be looking at them and the ability to understand or edit them will never be a prerequisite for getting help here. There is a debug menu. It's always been a part of DRE but is only viewable in the Flight scene. (that's why it doesn't appear at the Space Center)

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I don't know if this is issue belongs to FAR, Procedural Fairings or DeadlyReentry so please tell me if I should ask it in another thread.

When I load a previously saved ship and start it, my procedural fairings have two info fields for "Temperature" and "Ambient" on right-click.

I also have the feeling that those fairings heat up faster.

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I don't know if this is issue belongs to FAR, Procedural Fairings or DeadlyReentry so please tell me if I should ask it in another thread.

When I load a previously saved ship and start it, my procedural fairings have two info fields for "Temperature" and "Ambient" on right-click.

I also have the feeling that those fairings heat up faster.

Temperature + ambient is a DRE thing. DRE should have added a heat shield module for procedural fairing part.

On an unrelated note:

@Starwaster: Do you think the stock SP-L 1x6 and SP-W 2x3 solar panels should have heatshield for them? They are the ones with a box that they can retract inside when needed. While I can add the heatshield module by myself using the module sample you posted a few pages back, I just wonder if there was a reason you haven't already done it, since they are one of the stock stuff with protective shroud.

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Not sure if this was mentioned (might have missed it, I'm kinda tired, and only looked at the last few pages), but the configs in beta check for the presence of the RSS plugin, but that's not only used for RO, but also for thinks like Kopernicus mods. The results are explodey.

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Regarding the parachute warning, I had a thought while I was playing today. (I'm still using the older version rather than the beta.)

Rather than (or maybe as well as) a toggle to simply turn it on and off, maybe it could by not show if the only parachutes on the craft are in the abort group, but otherwise show?

I disagree about the abort action. I want to know if I can't safely abort, provided I have parachutes in that action.

Maybe it could detect when launching? For example, during a launch I don't have the parachutes anywhere near my current staging (usually all at the last stage). I think the warning should only show if the next press or two of the spacebar would activate parachutes, or if in the abort action.

Edited by Phoenix84
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I don't know if this is issue belongs to FAR, Procedural Fairings or DeadlyReentry so please tell me if I should ask it in another thread.

When I load a previously saved ship and start it, my procedural fairings have two info fields for "Temperature" and "Ambient" on right-click.

I also have the feeling that those fairings heat up faster.

Are the fairings exploding for you?

@Starwaster: Do you think the stock SP-L 1x6 and SP-W 2x3 solar panels should have heatshield for them? They are the ones with a box that they can retract inside when needed. While I can add the heatshield module by myself using the module sample you posted a few pages back, I just wonder if there was a reason you haven't already done it, since they are one of the stock stuff with protective shroud.

I've thought about it and I'll probably do it. It won't be very strong or tough shielding, probably the equivalent of the shuttle's blanket insulation.

Not sure if this was mentioned (might have missed it, I'm kinda tired, and only looked at the last few pages), but the configs in beta check for the presence of the RSS plugin, but that's not only used for RO, but also for thinks like Kopernicus mods. The results are explodey.

The RSS config for DRE only makes heat shields last longer in RSS than they do in stock (for the beta's alternate heating model)

It's not possible that the config itself is doing anything that makes things 'explodier'.

Need to know more about the situation or I can't say more about it.

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