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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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Ok...first I really like using DR and have never had a problem...until now. But this version ain't behaving for me. During reentry parts don't experience FLUX changes so nothing heats up. And sometimes the flux values visually stutter , like its looking for the right numbers. I've played with the games debug thermal settings with no results. The games stock reentry heating is set to 120%. I'm running very few other mods. Everything worked before all the updates. Not 64bit. 1500+ hours played.

Woefully inadequate information.

I need:

log (output_log.txt if Windows / player.log for Linux or Mac) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92229-How-To-Get-Support

ModuleManager.ConfigCache (from your GameData folder)

Also in your GameData folder, you might try deleting ModuleManager.Physics and then run the game, but I'm really just shooting blanks in the absence of the information I need to troubleshoot.

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Ok...first I really like using DR and have never had a problem...until now. But this version ain't behaving for me. During reentry parts don't experience FLUX changes so nothing heats up. And sometimes the flux values visually stutter , like its looking for the right numbers. I've played with the games debug thermal settings with no results. The games stock reentry heating is set to 120%. I'm running very few other mods. Everything worked before all the updates. Not 64bit. 1500+ hours played.

I'm getting the same bug, and my output log is filled with this message


at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Renderer:get_material ()

at ModuleAblator.UpdateColor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ModuleAblator.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DeadlyReentry.ModuleHeatShield.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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I'm getting the same bug, and my output log is filled with this message


at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Renderer:get_material ()

at ModuleAblator.UpdateColor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ModuleAblator.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DeadlyReentry.ModuleHeatShield.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Please read my response to the person you quoted.

I want your entire log file; (output_log.txt or player.log depending on platform. No ksp.log)

And the cache file too.


Just in case:

Make SURE you have the latest. Delete whatever you have and download this: https://github.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/releases/download/7.2.1/DeadlyReentry_7.2.1_The_Melificent_Edition.zip

Install it.


Actually... scratch that... it's probably a version mismatch. I didn't properly restrict DRE by KSP version revision #, only major/minor. (i.e. DRE considers itself compatible as long as the KSP version is 1.0.x and doesn't care what x is equal to)

So if you're still on KSP 1.0.2 then you need to fall back to Deadly Reentry version 7.1.0

OR update to KSP 1.0.4

Edited by Starwaster
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The shielded docking port overheats and explodes when opened. It looks like this is caused by the deadlyreentry.cfg changes

- - - Updated - - -

Yup, the problem was resolved after removing the two animation modules from dockingport1 in deadlyreentry.cfg

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The shielded docking port overheats and explodes when opened. It looks like this is caused by the deadlyreentry.cfg changes

- - - Updated - - -

Yup, the problem was resolved after removing the two animation modules from dockingport1 in deadlyreentry.cfg

wrong solution. Read one page back.

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Still no menu but I wanted to get some of these fixes and changes out there ASAP.

Some key changes:

RSS fallback configs. These go into effect if Real Solar System is detected but Realism Overhaul is NOT. Shields will be configured to be roughly equivalent RO shields. (which means they may not deplete to the extent that stock DRE shields do. Recent discussions on the subject of shields shows that historically, shields didn't deplete to the extent that I have configured stock DRE shields to. In the interest of making things 'dangerous' and/or 'harder' I'll likely leave the shields like that for stock. If demand is high enough I may do the same for RSS shields configured by DRE unless RO is installed)

Versioning: Prior versions of DRE would fail or give warnings when KSP updated. Since about KSP 1.0, this was no longer happening (probably my fault) and I think some recent complaints by some players could be attributed to version mismatching which really makes a difference between KSP 1.0.2 and 1.0.4 (where DRE was implementing skin heating in the former then discontinued it in the latter because it became stock)

Most of the rest is QOL stuff. Full change log below.

Link to latest version: https://github.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/releases/latest



  • Adjusted all DRE shield part cost and mass. (adjusted cost to account for resource problem described in issue #24 and adjusted heat shield masses to saner values)
  • Adjusted cost in Procedural Fairings to account for resource problem described in issue #24. (both stock fairing and PF mod)
  • Fixed shielded docking port overheating and exploding when opened.
  • screen message formatting
  • Corrected flux formatting for displays.
  • Approximating total absorbed heat in joules. (displayed in part context menu for total convective heat when over Mach 1)
  • Removed settings for chute warning messages since DRE no longer implements chute failures.
  • Version revision restriction. From this point on, revision restriction in effect. DRE will not run on anything older than 1.0.4 and will also fail on future updates until an updated version is released.
  • RSS specific tweaks. (modify lossConst / pyrolysisLossFactor to allow shields to survive reentry in RSS)
  • globally changed reentryConductivity to 0.001 (insulation allows 1 W / kW)
  • Implemented depletion threshold for maxTemps/conductivity changes. (amount <= 0.000001)
  • increased depletedConductivity to 20 from 1. (insulation burns up and becomes useless. Fiery plasma sweeps through your craft incinerating all in its path. Hilarity ensues)
  • Space is a tough place where wimps eat flaming plasma death.

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Output log from my save, which has no re-entry heating.


You've got 274 nullref exceptions but they're all in mods other than Deadly Reentry. (clouds, KSPAPIExtensions, Kopernicus, PlanetTools, even Module Manager). I have no idea if they are a factor or not but it looks like a mess.

In your KSP difficulty settings make sure you don't have reentry heating lowered or turned off. (escape, settings, difficulty)

Let me also see your ModuleManager.ConfigCache (in the GameData folder)

Also enable thermal debugging (ALt-F12 -> Physics -> Thermal -> Display Thermal Data In Action Menus)

Then do a Kerbin reentry, and at about 50km altitude right click the part that's facing your trajectory and take a screenshot. Send that too)

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Thanks I'll take a look at it and see what I can find.

That screenshot though, that's something else, (you're at 12km and no parts selected. I need something higher with an exposed part selected so I can see what the fluxes are doing)


Ok nevermind the screenshot I just found a whole mess of smoking guns in the cache file.... a bunch of heating related factors and exponents are zeroed out.

And... lightning is striking very close by so I'm going to have to shut my PC down. Maybe you'll figure out what's doing that before I get back; if not I'll take another look at the log and see if something is munging your physics globals

[B] newtonianDensityExponent = 0[/B]
newtonianConvectionFactorBase = 2
newtonianConvectionFactorTotal = 3
[B] newtonianVelocityExponent = 0[/B]
convectionFactorSplashed = 500
fullConvectionAreaMin = -0.2
fullToCrossSectionLerpStart = 0.8
fullToCrossSectionLerpEnd = 1.5
machConvectionStart = 2
machConvectionEnd = 4
machConvectionExponent = 3
[B] machTemperatureScalar = 0[/B]
[B] machTemperatureVelocityExponent = 0[/B]
[B] turbulentConvectionStart = 0[/B]
[B] turbulentConvectionEnd = 0[/B]
[B] turbulentConvectionMult = 0[/B]
[B] skinSkinConductionFactor = 0[/B]
[B] skinInteralConductionFactor = 0[/B]
[B] shieldedConductionFactor = 0[/B]

Edit #2: Did you delete your physics.cfg file at any point in order for it to be regenerated by KSP? If so, it doesn't restore all settings to their proper values. Replace your physics.cfg with this one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0qrtkf9altzb8r4/Physics.cfg?dl=1

That's a pristine copy, unaltered.

Edited by Starwaster
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Thanks I'll take a look at it and see what I can find.

Edit #2: Did you delete your physics.cfg file at any point in order for it to be regenerated by KSP? If so, it doesn't restore all settings to their proper values. Replace your physics.cfg with this one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0qrtkf9altzb8r4/Physics.cfg?dl=1

That's a pristine copy, unaltered.

I had deleted it, as you suggested it earlier in the thread to a report of a similar bug.

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I had deleted it, as you suggested it earlier in the thread to a report of a similar bug.

I can't think of any time I've recommended deletion of that file. If I have, please point me at that post because it needs to get nuked. Deleting physics.cfg is always a bad move. If for some reason its contents change and it has to be refreshed, manually replacing it with a copy from the download archive is the best way to accomplish that.

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Actually, no, it was me being an idiot. At the top of the last page, you said to delete the ModuleManager.Physics file, but I managed to delete the core Physics.cfg file. I have just checked though, and replacing the Physics.cfg has actually solved the bug, so whatever was going on, its in the Physics file.

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Hey, Starwaster. I might be experiencing a similar issue that MinimumSky is seeing. I don't see any visual re-entry effects upon re-entering Kerbin's atmosphere. I came in from an apoapsis of ~85km with a periapsis of ~30km, with no reentry effects to be seen nor any heating. I have replaced the physics.cfg file in the root KSP directory with the one you linked to above, as well as deleting all of my Module Manager caches, though to no avail. Thus, I shall post my output log as well as my modulemanger.configcache, in the hopes that you will be able to tell me what is up.



P.S. Earlier I had been experiencing extreme heating during ascent (so much so that my rocket would blow up at or around 30km), so I deleted my modulemanager cache files as well as the physics.cfg file. Although, at that point, I had not been to your thread yet to see the link to the physics.cfg file that you alluded to. Since then, I have replaced the physics.cfg with the file that you linked to in the above post.

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Hey, Starwaster. I might be experiencing a similar issue that MinimumSky is seeing. I don't see any visual re-entry effects upon re-entering Kerbin's atmosphere. I came in from an apoapsis of ~85km with a periapsis of ~30km, with no reentry effects to be seen nor any heating. I have replaced the physics.cfg file in the root KSP directory with the one you linked to above, as well as deleting all of my Module Manager caches, though to no avail. Thus, I shall post my output log as well as my modulemanger.configcache, in the hopes that you will be able to tell me what is up.



P.S. Earlier I had been experiencing extreme heating during ascent (so much so that my rocket would blow up at or around 30km), so I deleted my modulemanager cache files as well as the physics.cfg file. Although, at that point, I had not been to your thread yet to see the link to the physics.cfg file that you alluded to. Since then, I have replaced the physics.cfg with the file that you linked to in the above post.

The cache shows every sign of the physics.cfg file having been rebuilt rather than being copied over. (aeroFXScalar = 0, newtonianDensityExponent = 0, etc)

Go doublecheck your D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program(1.0.4 Modded) folder. Delete physics - copy.cfg if it exists, or any variation thereof. Then copy in the file that you downloaded from my link. Copy it over the existing file. (or, just this once you can delete the physics.cfg and then copy the fresh one in... that's the only time it's ok to delete)

In the next update of Deadly Reentry, I'm just going to have to take any of those settings that get zeroed out in rebuilding the physics file and set them myself in DeadlyReentry.cfg so that they'll be sure to be set to appropriate values.

That will prevent this problem going forward.

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Go doublecheck your D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program(1.0.4 Modded) folder. Delete physics.cfg. Delete physics - copy.cfg if it exists, or any variation thereof. Then copy in the file that you downloaded from my link.

Alrighty, done and done. I've since reinstalled KSP and my mods, and not only am I experiencing drastic heating on ascent, but upon undergoing reentry, the entry effects and shielding deterioration begin at 65km! Needless to say, the heat shield burns away and I blow up shortly thereafter. I've never seen that before. But, I will try out what you directed, and see what happens. Thank you, Starwaster.

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Alrighty, done and done. I've since reinstalled KSP and my mods, and not only am I experiencing drastic heating on ascent, but upon undergoing reentry, the entry effects and shielding deterioration begin at 65km! Needless to say, the heat shield burns away and I blow up shortly thereafter. I've never seen that before. But, I will try out what you directed, and see what happens. Thank you, Starwaster.

Hopefully the blowing up is just a matter of modifying your reentry profile. For returns from LKO, Munar and Minmus returns, setting your Kerbin periapsis to 20-25 should work well for you.

(EXCEPT for spaceplanes. You want to be roughly halfway around the planet from KSC and set it to something like 45-50...ish. If heat gauges are on, your ship will light up like a christmas tree except all the lights are red. That's.... ok. Try not to panic)

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Hopefully the blowing up is just a matter of modifying your reentry profile. For returns from LKO, Munar and Minmus returns, setting your Kerbin periapsis to 20-25 should work well for you.

Actually, my reentry profile was identical to what I used earlier (85km apoapsis 30km periapsis, coming from Kerbin 85km orbit). And I deleted and replaced the physics.cfg file, but no dice; I still overheat at or around 30km. I think the only reason why I entered space around Kerbin earlier was I kept having to adjust my TWR and get the heck out of Kerbin as quickly as possible, launching at quite a steep ascent profile (my gravity turn was the usual gradual gravity turn up until after 10km, where I held my rocket fairly steady at the aforementioned steep-ish angle). So, I'm not sure what's up with my install, aside from a theory that FAR and DRE are interacting strangely.

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Actually, my reentry profile was identical to what I used earlier (85km apoapsis 30km periapsis, coming from Kerbin 85km orbit). And I deleted and replaced the physics.cfg file, but no dice; I still overheat at or around 30km. I think the only reason why I entered space around Kerbin earlier was I kept having to adjust my TWR and get the heck out of Kerbin as quickly as possible, launching at quite a steep ascent profile (my gravity turn was the usual gradual gravity turn up until after 10km, where I held my rocket fairly steady at the aforementioned steep-ish angle). So, I'm not sure what's up with my install, aside from a theory that FAR and DRE are interacting strangely.

FAR is probably imposing less drag on you at high speeds in the upper atmosphere than stock aero is. Drag is based on the square of velocity in either case but supersonic convection heating is based on the cube. So you've got a lot of incoming heat but not enough drag to slow you down. Try setting to Pe 20

Edit: Also, what is your KSP reentry difficulty set to? (in-game, press escape, click difficulty options. Look at the bottom of the menu)

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Also, what is your KSP reentry difficulty set to? (in-game, press escape, click difficulty options. Look at the bottom of the menu)

Reentry difficulty is set to 100%. And I'll try setting Pe to 20 and see what that does. I'll get back to you shortly.

Umm... I'd hate to sound ignorant, but where do you go to set "Pe" values?

Oh wait... do you mean Pe as in Periapsis? Because, if so, I actually need to be able to enter space in order to worry about reentry. And right now, launching a rocket into space is proving rather impossible.

Well, I removed DRE to see if that improved anything, and it has. I no longer overheat during ascent, and I can reenter the atmosphere from orbit and survive. Although DRE was very much sorely needed as I cringed when I was able to make it back to the surface without a heat shield (I used the Mk1 Command Pod without a heat shield, since I forgot that it doesn't have one built in (or maybe it does but it doesn't display ablator in the pod's context menu)). So, to sum it all up, I might have been able to ascend into space and reenter just fine, but surviving without a heat shield made it all feel too easy.

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Reentry difficulty is set to 100%. And I'll try setting Pe to 20 and see what that does. I'll get back to you shortly.

Umm... I'd hate to sound ignorant, but where do you go to set "Pe" values?

Oh wait... do you mean Pe as in Periapsis? Because, if so, I actually need to be able to enter space in order to worry about reentry. And right now, launching a rocket into space is proving rather impossible.

Well, I removed DRE to see if that improved anything, and it has. I no longer overheat during ascent, and I can reenter the atmosphere from orbit and survive. Although DRE was very much sorely needed as I cringed when I was able to make it back to the surface without a heat shield (I used the Mk1 Command Pod without a heat shield, since I forgot that it doesn't have one built in (or maybe it does but it doesn't display ablator in the pod's context menu)). So, to sum it all up, I might have been able to ascend into space and reenter just fine, but surviving without a heat shield made it all feel too easy.

Then maybe you need to do something about your ascent profile; perhaps you're going too fast too soon. Your starting TWR should be 1.25-1.6 if you want to go shallow ascent. Use fairings too. Fairings in DRE can have ablative shielding assigned to them now.

If all else fails turn the difficulty slider down.

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I launch with a TWR of 1.5-1.6, performing a gradual turn starting at 500m, and dipping at 10 degree intervals ever 1000m until I hit 10km, where I continue to slowly turn until I hit about 20-25 degrees on the navball. By 10km, I am traveling at 350-400m/s. Plus, I don't need to use fairings (well, you can't use them in the early game) if the top of the craft contains a Mk1 Command Pod with a parachute, do I?

Well, with DRE, I am able to leave Kerbin but I have to take a much steeper climb than I am used to (incline the craft about 50 degrees until I am in space, rather than the usual 20 or 10 degrees by the time I am out of the atmosphere).

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Out of curiosity, which heat shields are you using? The stock ones, the ones from DRE, or the ablative shielding applied by DRE to the Mk 1 command pod? Or something entirely different?

(Starwaster--not trying to butt in, but I am wondering if he made the same mistake I did)

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Well, with DRE, I am able to leave Kerbin but I have to take a much steeper climb than I am used to (incline the craft about 50 degrees until I am in space, rather than the usual 20 or 10 degrees by the time I am out of the atmosphere).

I'm not precisely sure which problem you are describing, but if it's "going near orbital speeds while still in the upper atmosphere" leading to lots of heat? Then that might be DRE. I haven't tried a launch profile that aggressive with the current DRE, but I've burnt a ship with previous versions by making my turn too low.

And before you ask, yes, that would be realistic.

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