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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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Seems the shuttle cargo bays are not protected from ascent heat shock. Lost solar panels on a solar panel truss module I was launching the the ISS with a KSO shuttle. Might have to add abatement to the cargo bays? But how?

I assume you mean ablative shielding.

And that's not going to help you. Is it your cargo bay that burned up? If the answer is no, then a heat shield won't save you. Besides, that part is already shielded.

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I assume you mean ablative shielding.

And that's not going to help you. Is it your cargo bay that burned up? If the answer is no, then a heat shield won't save you. Besides, that part is already shielded.

hmmm, maybe it was a fluke. I have a few questions about the debugging options

1. what is the "alternate density calc?

2. shockwave multiplier

3. shockwave exponent

4. temp exp

5. multiplier

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Seems the shuttle cargo bays are not protected from ascent heat shock. Lost solar panels on a solar panel truss module I was launching the the ISS with a KSO shuttle. Might have to add abatement to the cargo bays? But how?
Were the solar panels extended? If so, did they burn up or did they simply break. If they broke, it's an issue in FAR that fairings and cargo bays won't protect extended solar panels from breaking. Maybe the same issue arises in a stock+DRE configuration.
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Were the solar panels extended? If so, did they burn up or did they simply break. If they broke, it's an issue in FAR that fairings and cargo bays won't protect extended solar panels from breaking. Maybe the same issue arises in a stock+DRE configuration.

No. Solar panel breakage and DRE burning things up are totally different. DRE adds heat to parts in its own code and stock KSP destroys that part if its temperature exceeds its max temp.

Stock ksp Solar panels have their own code that destroys them if too fast in an atmosphere. That code doesn't check to see if a third party mod has declared it shielded.

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I imagine this has already been answered somewhere but is there a trick to using the inflatable shield without it flipping the craft it's attached to? Eve with maxed lead ballast and a tweaked SAS I'm unable to keep the pod pointing retrograde.

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I imagine this has already been answered somewhere but is there a trick to using the inflatable shield without it flipping the craft it's attached to? Eve with maxed lead ballast and a tweaked SAS I'm unable to keep the pod pointing retrograde.

The inflatable has long been problematic in that regard. Previous patches to fix it seem to be less effective with each KSP or Unity update :(

I'll take (another) a look at it this evening and see if I can tweak it some more.

If you use B9, the air brakes can help stabilize it. Or maybe fins.

If you're comfortable editing it's part config, try taking out the CoMOffset line.

@lextacy try searching a few pages back. I explained those previously and it would be too tedious right now as I'm typing on an iPhone.

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Seems the shuttle cargo bays are not protected from ascent heat shock.

It would appear for me also, that items inside the stock Squad cargo bay are not protected. I had the same issue where I kept losing batteries and science parts that i had inside the bay. I had to use some structural parts and fit some of the circular heat shields or wing parts inside the bay to protect my parts.

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Were the solar panels extended? If so, did they burn up or did they simply break. If they broke, it's an issue in FAR that fairings and cargo bays won't protect extended solar panels from breaking. Maybe the same issue arises in a stock+DRE configuration.

found out there was a loose KAS plug flying around inside bay, you know the winch? Yea sometimes the plug comes loose on its own and wreaks havok

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found out there was a loose KAS plug flying around inside bay, you know the winch? Yea sometimes the plug comes loose on its own and wreaks havok

O Rly? :0.0:

btw did you notice on the first post linked to some 3rd party heat shields including a deployable similar to the DRE inflatable? But better.

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Starwaster, DRE doesn't seem to be working right on Hard.

I changed the settings as per your earlier post and set up a flight path with an Ap of 400km and a Pe of 25km but after blasting through reentry I still had a full heatshield left.

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Starwaster, DRE doesn't seem to be working right on Hard.

I changed the settings as per your earlier post and set up a flight path with an Ap of 400km and a Pe of 25km but after blasting through reentry I still had a full heatshield left.

I don't have enough to go on from your post. Are you sure you changed the settings as I stipulated? Did you save your changes? If so, please include the contents of your custom.cfg so that I can analyze it.

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I don't have enough to go on from your post. Are you sure you changed the settings as I stipulated? Did you save your changes? If so, please include the contents of your custom.cfg so that I can analyze it.

Exactly as you wrote them. I edited the custom.cfg rather than using the in game menu so I know it was definitely saved.

The highest temp my heat shield hit was 861°c and it suffered no ablation.

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Exactly as you wrote them. I edited the custom.cfg rather than using the in game menu so I know it was definitely saved.

The highest temp my heat shield hit was 861°c and it suffered no ablation.

Still don't have enough to go on. It is working because it works for me and others. If it's not working for you then it's because something is wrong on your end and you still aren't giving me enough to go by to determine what that is. I need the contents of that file and your output_log.txt or it will not be possible to assist you.

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Still don't have enough to go on. It is working because it works for me and others. If it's not working for you then it's because something is wrong on your end and you still aren't giving me enough to go by to determine what that is. I need the contents of that file and your output_log.txt or it will not be possible to assist you.

Nevermind, looks as though I'd inadvertently changed the wrong parameter. Deleted my custom config and tried again and it's working now.

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Is there any way to get rid of the warning about unsafe chute deployment? It looks really out of place, and I know when it's unsafe to deploy chutes.

Quick answer: not at this point.

Dev's response on this issue from two pages back:

A way to disable (i.e. opt-out of) the message, maybe.

Removing the message in favor of trusting people to read the changelog | readme | first post | search through thread isn't going to happen because people don't do those things, certainly not in sufficient numbers.

Historically and statistically, that's just not true. People don't do those things.

I should add, he was speaking in response to other folks asking for this feature, which has been a topic of conversation on the last several pages. Sometimes, spending five minutes looking can get you the answer faster AND gets you less people being annoyed at you for not looking before asking.

Edited by Gryphon
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I should add, he was speaking in response to other folks asking for this feature, which has been a topic of conversation on the last several pages. Sometimes, spending five minutes looking can get you the answer faster AND gets you less people being annoyed at you for not looking before asking.

Well actually I was speaking fairly broadly. Not just for that feature or even for this thread, or even in other threads where I contribute.

Or other games... (SWTOR Online)

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In an attempt to resolve this undying question on the parachute warning text, could the DRE toolbar icon be made to turn 'RED' during unsafe parachute operation time periods? Text could be removed and complaints about 'I did not know I was too high/fast/hot...etc would be addressed.

Actually an icon color indicator for re-entry angle too steep/shallow or will exceed an average safe re-entry temp would be useful to math challenged players like myself.

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The question is resolved though and even quoted several posts ago. Opt out yes. Text removal no. Not happening. I'm at a loss as to how that can possibly be made more clear, barring flashing neon.

Edit: Actually maybe I can make it clearer: An option for disabling text IS in, courtesy of Taniwha and already accepted and merged.

Edited by Starwaster
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My only complaint about this mod is the very low G tolerances. In real life, the duration of the accelerating is more important than intensity -according to Wikipedia, "a hard slap to the face may briefly impose hundreds of Gs locally but not produce any real damage" With your mod, 2 seconds of 15Gs is automatically fatal ; I will not forget Scott Manleys Kerbonauts dying from split second acceleration exposure.

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My only complaint about this mod is the very low G tolerances. In real life, the duration of the accelerating is more important than intensity -according to Wikipedia, "a hard slap to the face may briefly impose hundreds of Gs locally but not produce any real damage" With your mod, 2 seconds of 15Gs is automatically fatal ; I will not forget Scott Manleys Kerbonauts dying from split second acceleration exposure.

The same is true of the mod. When maximum g-force is reached, the game begins a running total of how much g-forces have been experienced. On the default setting ('Normal' in the difficulty menu) when it reaches 450000 a warning message is displayed to the player. At 900000, fatalities are incurred. The 'damage' is taken every FixedUpdate, so every 1/20th of a second. Odds of death after lethal limits are reached is 1% every FixedUpdate.

If you open the debug menu you can change the values for the warnings and absolute limits.

However, all that said: Your Kerbals are not dying because the mod is too harsh on them. They're dying because you're imposing harsh conditions on them. Instead of monkeying with the settings you should be modifying your launch or reentry procedures (or both, whichever is killing them I dont know) until your Kerbals survive.

Mine aren't dying unless I deliberately expose them to reentries that are too steep or launches aboard vehicles with excessive TWR. It's really not that hard

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How do I remove that DAMN red warning text for parachutes its Realy annoying, yes I KNOW ITS NOT SAFE TO OPEN THEM going 400m/s + . I don't need telling ALL the TIME. im all for the warning but please could it be just a little marker in a corner,

Forcing me to Have a warning just because some people are stupid or ignorant doesn't mean Every body else is too.

At Least Make it disappear when I press F2 I was trying to talk some kool pics and all that is left on the screen is a massive bloody warning.

Love the mod Hate the stupid(for stupid people) warning.

Edited by joebopie
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