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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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  Tyren said:
hello starwaster,

i wondered for a long time now if it is able to define the distance between the re-entry shock cone further away from the craft itself, look at that pic:


The air right in front of the space craft is already in the same state as the craft itself in terms of speed and direction, so it cools sort of down: the shock cone begins in front of that "air pillow" and there it happens to get hot :)

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in ksp terms one has to keep the actual reentry effects + a 2nd layer way in front of the craft to simulate the drag of the two atmosphere masses...

If you're talking about just the reentry FX then no, there's no way of doing that right now that I know of.

  jab136 said:
Bug report: I just reentered from an extremely low orbit (ap was just over 70 km on the initial reentry trajectory) and my heat shield never got over 10c. I took this pic

Edit: also previously, I was having the mystery goo experiments attached to the top of the lower service bay overheat, when the bay was closed, and nothing else on the craft was even remotely hot enough to break anything

Edit 2: also, forgot to mention, the ablative material was set at 50 in the VAB, nothing ablated during reentry


Is that the Oblivion shield? Replace your DeadlyReentry.cfg file with the dev version: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/Dev/DeadlyReentry/DeadlyReentry.cfg

  Naten said:
I'm sorry for the loss of your cat. ;_;

if it makes you feel any better, I love the mod...

Thank you!

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So, I had this installed with FAR, and had my Mk.1 pod do a Muner free return flyby. On return, had the pod blow all of it's 100 ablative shielding even before it got below 2000km/s... is something wrong or I'm doing it wrong?

Jeb didn't die for some reason though, the pod miraculously survived a full reentry without the ablative shielding, which is odd.

Edited by ebigunso
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  ebigunso said:
So, I had this installed with FAR, and had my Mk.1 pod do a Muner free return flyby. On return, had the pod blow all of it's 100 ablative shielding even before it got below 2000km/s... is something wrong or I'm doing it wrong?

Jeb didn't die for some reason though, the pod miraculously survived a full reentry without the ablative shielding, which is odd.

I think your angle of reentry might have been too steep, thats especially bad with FAR since it makes the atmosphere thinner than even the new stock atmosphere so it will take longer to slow you down, but its fine with the mk1 pod because the pod itself has its own built in heat shield.

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  ebigunso said:
So, I had this installed with FAR, and had my Mk.1 pod do a Muner free return flyby. On return, had the pod blow all of it's 100 ablative shielding even before it got below 2000km/s... is something wrong or I'm doing it wrong?

Jeb didn't die for some reason though, the pod miraculously survived a full reentry without the ablative shielding, which is odd.

IIRC, the Mk1 pod is no longer intended to survive reentry from a munar return, only LKO. This is so that it is more inline with the capabilities of the Mercury capsule which it is based on.

Edit: Just noticed you said the pod didn't explode. I'm not sure what's up with that.

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  ebigunso said:
So, I had this installed with FAR, and had my Mk.1 pod do a Muner free return flyby. On return, had the pod blow all of it's 100 ablative shielding even before it got below 2000km/s... is something wrong or I'm doing it wrong?

Jeb didn't die for some reason though, the pod miraculously survived a full reentry without the ablative shielding, which is odd.

How high was your periapsis? If you have a shallow reentry, you spend a longer time being heated, so you burn more ablative. A lower periapsis is good, so long as the G-forces from deceleration don't kill your crew.

Once the ablator is gone, the pod may keep heating up, but it might not get hot enough to kill your Kerbal.

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  yardpup01 said:
IIRC, the Mk1 pod is no longer intended to survive reentry from a munar return, only LKO. This is so that it is more inline with the capabilities of the Mercury capsule which it is based on.

Edit: Just noticed you said the pod didn't explode. I'm not sure what's up with that.

hmm interesting. So that means I must use a bigger heat shield with more ablator? I'd also like to know which capsule was historically built for lunar return capabilities.

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  ebigunso said:
hmm interesting. So that means I must use a bigger heat shield with more ablator? I'd also like to know which capsule was historically built for lunar return capabilities.

Apollo for sure, but there were also proposals to use Gemini for lunar missions so either it was already capable of a lunar return / reentry or would have been modified to be able to survive one. (probably the latter)

But anyway, re: the Mk1. It's not impossible to survive a munar reentry but there's not much margine for error.

With its heat shield intact it can survive hull temperatures of 1600. When the shield depletes that drops to 1200. (so... assume it's made of beryllium copper alloy or something)

You say you still hadn't dropped below 2km/s so it becomes a question of how long did it take you to drop at least 800 m/s worth of velocity? Once you drop below 1.2 km/s then you're probably ok.

One thing I did with DRE is that I made the radiative factor equal the convective factor. That may have been a mistake to do but it seemed necessary in order to make space planes (with passive shielding only) survivable and feasible.

If you want to try making things more challenging, instead of looking for anything to crank up, you might want to lower Radiation Factor. Default was 1 but that might be too low with this last version where I had to cut Convection Factor to 10 down from 40. Maybe try setting radiation to 2 or 3.

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  Tellion said:
What would be needed to effectively use DRE with rescaled systems, things like 64k and 10xKerbol? Oh, and thanks once more for the help with NFE, it is quite playable now!

Heating is fine in RSS/RO, but RO's interaction with aerofx means you'll see serious flames and hear horrible whooshing noises at much slower speeds than you should. It's purely a cosmetic issue, but scary if you don't know what's going on.

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The Mk I pod is fine as is, it cant handle a direct reentry from Mün without doing some athmosphere hops, thats what the Mk I-II pod is for (the apollo pendant). There is no stock pendant to gemini yet, but K2 is capable of doing a 20 apoapse reentry and imho it is quite close to a kerbalized gemini pod.

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120% heating setting, that is.

- - - Updated - - -

Ah and domt forget the sovjet attempts, soyuz should do, too.

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Quick clarification...

for latest update.. 7.1.0??

"* Heat shield decoupler: texts fixed. Unused decouplers removed. 0.625m decoupler added."

Unused decouplers ... are these the UP series decouplers that I use all the time because they look better and and are cheaper than the stock ones?

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  Mars Mullo said:
Quick clarification...

for latest update.. 7.1.0??

"* Heat shield decoupler: texts fixed. Unused decouplers removed. 0.625m decoupler added."

Unused decouplers ... are these the UP series decouplers that I use all the time because they look better and and are cheaper than the stock ones?

I have no idea, only you can answer that. I'm not sure what you would have used them for though because they were odd sizes that didn't fit any of Deadly Reentry's heat shields and they weren't in any of the standard sizes nor did they fit any other part that I've ever come across.

The only time they were ever commented on was in confusion by people who had no idea what to do with these odd sized decouplers.

So, I don't know. You tell me: Are you finding that any decouplers that you used are missing from this last update?

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I noticed that the included decoupler settings (like the white and grey decouplers) have serious limitations with TweakScale. Would it make sense to remove the size limits so I could use those with 4-meter and larger heat shields?

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  jrandom said:
I noticed that the included decoupler settings (like the white and grey decouplers) have serious limitations with TweakScale. Would it make sense to remove the size limits so I could use those with 4-meter and larger heat shields?

I'm not sure what you mean.

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Hi! I recently switched from the 0.90 game to 1.0.2 and I just noticed that the inflatable 6.25 heat shield is missing. No mention of it is present in the changelog so... can you confirm it? Is it related with some bugs? Is it definitive? It was handy... in any case thanks for the porting to 1.0.x!

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  Basilicofresco said:
Hi! I recently switched from the 0.90 game to 1.0.2 and I just noticed that the inflatable 6.25 heat shield is missing. No mention of it is present in the changelog so... can you confirm it? Is it related with some bugs? Is it definitive? It was handy... in any case thanks for the porting to 1.0.x!

The inflatable was (and has been for quite some time) broken in various ways. The first (obvious) way in which it was broken was that if it were ever deployed and retracted (even in the VAB) forever after it would load into the game in a deployed state. When the craft was launched, the shield would be deployed for example.

The other, not so obvious way, was that KSP 1.0 was not recognizing that the shield had expanded. Therefore it would not update its drag cubes or recalculate its radiative area. FAR likewise has never recognized that the shield was open and adjust its drag. My ability to workaround these issues has been compromised more and more with each KSP update and I am no longer willing to support it. Attempts to recruit others to fix the problem (linked to its animation) have not been successful.

  Tyren said:
All useful decouplers there. .625, 1'25, 2.5... the odd ones were 3 and 4m iirc?

Yeah i wondered about the missing inflating HS, too.

There's a 3.75m..... dunno about the 4m. I had no idea it was that big. Only that it fit nothing, nor did the other one that I removed.

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  jrandom said:
Heating is fine in RSS/RO, but RO's interaction with aerofx means you'll see serious flames and hear horrible whooshing noises at much slower speeds than you should. It's purely a cosmetic issue, but scary if you don't know what's going on.

Well, that is nice to hear, although playing 64K it does not exactly help me... It is not the out-of-place fx that bother me, it's everything burning up on reentry. The reason I posted was to find out what values I have to muck around with to use DRE with 64K or with rescales in general. Just increasing the amount of abaltive shielding by some factor seems like a bit brutish imho.

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  Starwaster said:
I don't know why that is. There are no tweak scale limitations imposed by Deadly Reentry.

Then it's not your problem to solve! :) I'll go grepping through the configs and see if I can find out what's going on. Which I should have done in the first place.

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I've recently been having problems with JDiminishingRTGs overheating and exploding. Unlike stock RTGs, they generate heat internally. A bit of testing showed that a stock+JDiminishingRTG game doesn't overheat them, but add DRE into the mix and they go boom - convective flux and radiative flux are about 1/5 of the values seen without DRE, and while the part heats up the skin temperature stays relatively low. (This seems a bit odd - I can well believe that the skin of the module can get hot and only gradually leak into the inside, but surely if the whole mass of the module is red-hot the skin will itself heat rapidly?)

I have no idea which of these two mods is doing something odd, or if my own understanding is at fault, but it seemed worth mentioning it here.

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