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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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Everything that burns up on ascent is classified as succumbing to G-Forces, even though that's not true. I ensure you these parts burn up. The antenna is inside the fairing on the side of the probe core. I put it there to demonstrate that only the antenna starts heating up, but not the parts around it.

Something is wrong with the way DR applies shock wave heating to it. The antenna is long and thin and shouldn't create any shock wave at all.

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I'm enjoying the mod, and so far I've had 3 or 4 successful re-entries, all with the Mk 1 capsule. One question: I've been putting only a top-mounted Real Chute on top of the capsule -- nothing else. Since I also have TAC-LS installed, I'd kinda like to add static solar panels or batteries to the side of the capsule too, but I'm worried they'll burn up on re-entry. Is there a way to ascertain how wide the heat-shielded area is? Is closer to the shield hotter than further away? Can I safely put a couple solar panels anywhere on the side of the capsule? (I'm also using FAR, if that matters.)

Many thanks for adding such an important feature to the game.

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  Mister Spock said:
I'd kinda like to add static solar panels or batteries to the side of the capsule too, but I'm worried they'll burn up on re-entry. Is there a way to ascertain how wide the heat-shielded area is?

With the current Deadly Reentry, I don't think static solar panels and radial-mount batteries can burn up. It seems that all physics-less parts never respond to temperature changes.

That said, the heat shield doesn't protect a region so much as a surface. If you view your capsule from below the heat shield (or rotate it), anything you can see sticking out from the sides face much more heating than anything that's blocked. Usually, even radial parachutes are fine on the Mk 1 capsule unless you reenter backwards.

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  Three_Pounds said:
Everything that burns up on ascent is classified as succumbing to G-Forces, even though that's not true. I ensure you these parts burn up. The antenna is inside the fairing on the side of the probe core. I put it there to demonstrate that only the antenna starts heating up, but not the parts around it.

Something is wrong with the way DR applies shock wave heating to it. The antenna is long and thin and shouldn't create any shock wave at all.

Completely wrong. What burnt up in this picture was the large SRB from the NASA pack with some fins and one of the I Beams, launched on a trajectory that leveled out at about 20 to ensure maximum heating. It burnt up on ascent.


Edit: Also, you mentioned setting PhysicsSignificance to 1. Either you did so improperly (case sensitive) or something undid your change in another config. Setting PhysicsSignificance WILL cause DREC to ignore your part for both reentry heating AND G-Force damage. If you include your logs like I told you to, we can see every single config patch affecting that part and maybe other errors as well like parse errors. How did you make your change? Did you make a separate config file to patch it? If so then let's see your patch, maybe there's a problem with that.

Edited by Starwaster
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Apologies in advance if I've come to the wrong forum. I've been trying to fly the Explorer craft that comes with Space Plane Plus, and the RAPIER engine invariably overheats at around 12-14,000 meters, regardless of whether I climb gradually or steeply. Turbojets also overheat, but not until 18000m or so.

Earlier I read in this thread that there might be some odd interaction between Deadly Re-entry and KSP Interstellar. I'm using Interstellar and Deadly Re-Entry, not to mention FAR and Space Plane Plus, and I'm wondering whether this combination of mods makes for an unduly hot RAPIER engine. Then again, I freely admit that I'm not the best spaceplane pilot, so maybe it's user error? I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks.

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  Mister Spock said:
Apologies in advance if I've come to the wrong forum. I've been trying to fly the Explorer craft that comes with Space Plane Plus, and the RAPIER engine invariably overheats at around 12-14,000 meters, regardless of whether I climb gradually or steeply. Turbojets also overheat, but not until 18000m or so.

Earlier I read in this thread that there might be some odd interaction between Deadly Re-entry and KSP Interstellar. I'm using Interstellar and Deadly Re-Entry, not to mention FAR and Space Plane Plus, and I'm wondering whether this combination of mods makes for an unduly hot RAPIER engine. Then again, I freely admit that I'm not the best spaceplane pilot, so maybe it's user error? I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks.

You will need to use a precooler for airbreathing engines when you are using interstellar. Or alter some configs to reduce heating because of interstellar.

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OK, I changed the rapier.cfg file to rapier.txt, and I no longer have a problem with the RAPIER overheating at higher altitudes. But now, flying the Explorer craft includdd with SpaceplanePlus, I get scary red flames when I exceed Mach 3 around 20,000 meters. I probably shouldn't be going so fast, but I can't seem to keep the nose up at that altitude without that much speed. I pushed a bit harder and the plane exploded from the heat. Again, I'm using FAR, DRE, KSPI, and the plane is entirely built of SP+ parts. At, say, 20,000 meters, what's the maximum "safe" speed for DRE/FAR purposes? Less than Mach 3, I'm guessing? 800 m/s?

If so, maybe the answer is that I need to modify the plane so that it's easier to lift the nose at lower speeds. In its default configuration, the Explorer's center of mass is further forward of the center of lift than is optimal. So I'll go ahead and try fixing that. I'm just wondering what speeds I should be shooting for. With a rocket, it's easy to throttle back and keep going up. (Probably too easy, as I understand that throttling even liquid-fuel engines isn't as easy as stock KSP makes it out to be.) With a spaceplane, I gotta find a way to gain altitude without excessive speed.

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Hmm, I modified my aircraft to make it easier to lift the nose at supersonic speeds, but I'm still burning up at around 20,000 meters. Is there a chart somewhere listing "speed limits" for DRE at various altitudes? Or a rule of thumb?

Ironically, I've had no trouble at all re-entering with Deadly Re-entry. It's leaving that gives me fits. :)

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  Mister Spock said:
Is there a chart somewhere listing "speed limits" for DRE at various altitudes?

How much each part heats up will depend on not just speed and atmospheric density, but also the part and it's orientation. Kerbal Flight Data will show you the temperature of the hottest part and will change color as an excessive heat warning.

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  Master Tao said:
How much each part heats up will depend on not just speed and atmospheric density, but also the part and it's orientation. Kerbal Flight Data will show you the temperature of the hottest part and will change color as an excessive heat warning.

Orientation only matters for parts with ModuleHeatShield that define direction as something other than 0,0,0 (universal)

Also there's no heating for skin friction. That is, if a ray traced from the center of a part along the part's velocity vector collides with anything at all, it will be ignored by Deadly Reentry for heating purposes. There has to be a clear path in front of it.

(which, btw includes parts not attached to the craft. I.e. if something breaks off or is jettisoned and is directly in front of a part on the craft then it is shielded :))

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Hello guys and thanks Nathankell for this great mod.

The link to download the file "RO_DRE.cfg" which make Deadly Reentry harder is break :


2. Playing on Stock Kerbin, want "harder" / hotter reentry (i.e. faking an 8km/sec reentry): set the shockwave exponent and multiplier to taste; I suggest exponent 1.12 to start. You will need heat shields built for RSS. Place this file in your DeadlyReentry folder.


It is possible to fix it ? Or maybe somebody who has the file could upload it :)

Thanks !

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  Manollo said:
Hello guys and thanks Nathankell for this great mod.

The link to download the file "RO_DRE.cfg" which make Deadly Reentry harder is break :


2. Playing on Stock Kerbin, want "harder" / hotter reentry (i.e. faking an 8km/sec reentry): set the shockwave exponent and multiplier to taste; I suggest exponent 1.12 to start. You will need heat shields built for RSS. Place this file in your DeadlyReentry folder.


It is possible to fix it ? Or maybe somebody who has the file could upload it :)

Thanks !

Try this https://github.com/NathanKell/RealismOverhaul/blob/master/RealismOverhaul/RO_DeadlyReEntry.cfg

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Okay, I have the latest version, but when I hit Alt + D + R nothing happens. I know it's working because stuff burns up correctly on reentry. Any initial thoughts? Is it a MM or toolbar problem, maybe?

Tried in both 32 and 64 bit and I'm running 24.2.

I'm at work so if there is any other info you need, let me know and I will start up KSP when I get home.

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  Wren said:
Okay, I have the latest version, but when I hit Alt + D + R nothing happens. I know it's working because stuff burns up correctly on reentry. Any initial thoughts? Is it a MM or toolbar problem, maybe?

Tried in both 32 and 64 bit and I'm running 24.2.

I'm at work so if there is any other info you need, let me know and I will start up KSP when I get home.

nope. Doesn't depend on mm for debug menu. Doesn't need toolbar either. Make sure it's simultaneously. Try other alt.

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I was reading about Sumghai's service module system (https://github.com/sumghai/SDHI_ServiceModuleSystem/wiki/How-to-assemble-&-configure-a-complete-SDHI-CSM-stack) and ran across this in the documentation....

This decoupler was deliberately designed not to be staged, to prevent accidentally leaving a command pod in orbit without a means to retro-burn.

... and thought, "What a great idea!"

Is there a line that could be typed up in a modulemanager config that would cause the same functionality in the decouplers for Deadly Reeentry? This is the part of the existing cfg that needs changing.... I think.

name = ModuleDecouple
ejectionForce = 40
//explosiveNodeID = bottom
isOmniDecoupler = true
staged = true

Edited by LawnDartLeo
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  Master Tao said:
How much each part heats up will depend on not just speed and atmospheric density, but also the part and it's orientation. Kerbal Flight Data will show you the temperature of the hottest part and will change color as an excessive heat warning.

Thanks for the link. That looks like a very nice mod. But hmm, yet another mod to install! I'm already pushing it; I have 30 mods, running 32-bit and OpenGL. But maybe that Flight Data mod has a small footprint.

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  Mister Spock said:
I'm already pushing it; I have 30 mods

30? Pshh!

But on topic, NanoGauges has similiar fearture but only for heatshields. Displays ablative shielding and heat on a gauge, pretty nice if you don't want to clutter screen with whole resource bar and right click menu open.

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  LawnDartLeo said:
MM andf NP++ are thoroughly beating me over the head right now, Taki. Reading the wiki and it's all rather arcane to me. I'm trying tho.

It's easy-peasy. I can help you part of the way but you're going to have to do some of the work yourself because I don't know all the part names of all the parts you want to change. You're going to have to start opening up the config files for them and get the value for the part name. (name = ...)

Below is the bit of code you need for each part. Substitute PART-NAME-HERE with the actual part name which you have to research for yourself.

@ means it's modifying an existing item

% means it's modifying it if it exists. If it doesn't exist then it adds it.

%staged = false

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Has anyone updated the .cfg for the upcoming B9 5.0 release yet? A fair bit looks to have changed, esp. regarding engines...

It's not released yet, but when it hits there's going to be some demand for an update here too :)

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