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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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All I can think is that your parachute is about to explode. I'll be honest, I do see heating effects on ascent with two-stage rockets, but normally those don't have any solids involved.

Amazingly nothing exploded. It didn't make orbit either, it's not really built for that though. This is just my 'what new and creative ways can I get Jebediah killed this time?'

He didn't die though so on the next launch I just launched straight up. Nice fiery effects on that one but still nothing exploded.

Jeb died of excessive G-forces though, which maxed out at 39.1 Gs. (I modified the DR code a bit to allow smaller parts to survive high G-Forces so the capsule was ok)

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Okay, thanks to your help, as well as trial and error, I believe I've figured out my problem. If I keep the TWR under 2 using throttle, and use forward joystick to stop the pitch up, the rocket doesn't explode. So, now I just need to work out the profile/circularization

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diablos: when I get a sec I'll use asmi's ECLSS framework to add orbital decay. :)

sephirotic: That's weird. Coulda sworn I did set up Titanilaythe's atmosphere, but apparently not. Fixed for next. Note that you only need to specify *either* a body's mass or its surface gravity; RSS will calculate the other, based on radius.

Regarding LAN, meanAnomaly, and AoP: I was unable to find reference data for those, so I didn't configure them for moons; that seems to be because moons' orbits are perturbed sufficiently rapidly by their parent bodies that those values change over time. If you can find that data for moons (I'm using the J2000 epoch BTW) then you can configure them just like the planets' are: by adding the appropriate keys to the Orbit {} block.

Yeah i researched a little about Saturn moon's orbital parameters and they are kinda chaotic with no long-therm stable orbits so it figures.

About Laythe, i deducted as much that mass vs radius would give density and gravity and thus the mod will calculate by itself, but what intrigued me more was the lack of any atmospheric data for Titan. I fix'd it myself and added the following:

atmosphereScaleHeight = 40

maxAtmosphereAltitude = 450

atmosphereMultiplier = 1.4478

(FAR was showing 1.8 ATM when i touched down at Titan, [with hyperedit, obviously] witch was strange since i thought it should had maxed out at 1.44)

Also, Maxaltitude was just to have a cut off, Titan's atmosphere spams noticeable over 1000km i tought 450km was a good arbitrary value to cut it out without subtle decelerations.

I was very excited to try some propelers in Titan's with FAR mod. And this new question also came: Does FAR has compatibility with that famous props mod?

ANyway, I sill need to ACTUALLY get to titan in the first place. Without any mining mods a return trip would be impossible. For now i'm in the final stages of a less audacios mission to Europa. This is what i've already managed to assemble in-orbit with FAR + RSS + RMS:


Also, I've used Planet Factory's planets to create more complete replica of our solar system to anyone possibly interested:

Here is a quick pick on all the orbital and physical parameters needed for doing so and my personal choice of more similar bodies available:

SSTScale = 1
Radius = 696342000
Mass = 1.9891E+30
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 2439700
rotationPeriod = 5067031.68
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 2.11
Mass = 3.3022E+23
semiMajorAxis = 57909100000
eccentricity = 0.20563
inclination = 7.005
meanAnomaly = 174.796
period = 7600530.24
LAN = 48.331
argumentOfPeriapsis = 29.124
SSTScale = 0.99868058647931
Radius = 6051800
rotationPeriod = 20996798.4
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 177.36
atmosphereScaleHeight = 15.9
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 220000
atmosphereMultiplier = 5
GeeASL = 0.905
Mass = 4.8676E+24
semiMajorAxis = 108208000000
eccentricity = 0.0067
inclination = 3.39458
meanAnomaly = 50.115
period = 19414166.4
LAN = 76.678
argumentOfPeriapsis = 55.186
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 6371000
rotationPeriod = 86164.1
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 23.44
atmosphereScaleHeight = 7.5
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 104000
semiMajorAxis = 149598261000
eccentricity = 0.01671123
inclination = 0
meanAnomaly = 357.51716
period = 31558149.7635456
LAN = 348.73936
argumentOfPeriapsis = 114.20783
SSFStart = 78000
SSFEnd = 80000
PQSfadeStart = 80000
PQSfadeEnd = 100000
PQSSecfadeStart = 80000
PQSSecfadeEnd = 100000
PQSdeactivateAltitude = 105000
PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute // doubles
deformity = 1000 // 485
persistence = 0.7 // 0.60000002384185791
frequency = 36 //12 // 24
PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 // floats
deformity = 6000 // 4000
ridgedAddFrequency = 48 // 48
ridgedSubFrequency = 32 // 32
//ridgedAddOctaves = 8 // 6 INT
simplexHeightStart = 400 // 800
simplexHeightEnd = 7000 // 4600

PQSMod_VertexRidgedAltitudeCurve // floats
deformity = 1800 //1100 // 750
ridgedAddFrequency = 140 // 25 // 140
//ridgedAddOctaves = 8 // 3 INT
PQSMod_VertexHeightMap // doubles
heightMapDeformity = 7000 // 5000
PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha // doubles
atmosphereDepth = 6000 // 4000
KEYname = KSC
repositionRadial = 158200.0, -220.0, -570000.0
lodvisibleRangeMult = 6
PQSMod_AerialPerspectiveMaterial // floats
atmosphereDepth = 7500 // 5000, scale height in m
//resolution = 8192
//maxHeight = 12000
//oceanColor = 0.1255, 0.22353, 0.35683
SSTScale = 0.9832
Radius = 1737100
rotationPeriod = 2360584.68479999
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 1.5424
GeeASL = 0.1654
semiMajorAxis = 384399000
eccentricity = 0.0549
inclination = 23.435 //5.145 to ecliptic; 23.435 avg to Earth's equator (+-5.145)
period = 2360584.68479999
SSFStart = 170000
SSFEnd = 175000
PQSfadeStart = 170000
PQSfadeEnd = 175000
PQSdeactivateAltitude = 180000
heightMapDeformity = 9500 //7500
PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeight // doubles
deformity = 1200 // 400
persistence = 0.7 //0.5
frequency = 1 // 12
//octaves = 10 // 8 // A DOUBLE
PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeight // floats
deformity = 1200 // 400
frequency = 12 // 12
//octaves = 7 // 6 // INT
KEYvoronoiSeed = 462
deformation = 600 //200
//voronoiFrequency = 100 //50
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 3396200
rotationPeriod = 88642.6848
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 25.19
atmosphereScaleHeight = 11.1
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 154000
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.0069
GeeASL = 0.379
Mass = 6.4185E+23
semiMajorAxis = 227939100000
eccentricity = 0.093315
inclination = 1.85
meanAnomaly = 19.3564
period = 59354294.4
LAN = 49.562
argumentOfPeriapsis = 286.537

// Phobos = Bop (largest mars's moon)
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 11100
tidallyLocked = true
Mass = 10720000000000000
GeeASL = 0.02
semiMajorAxis = 9377200
eccentricity = 0.0151
inclination = 26.04
period = 27553.843872
referenceBody = Duna
//Deimos = Gilly (smaller mars's moon, AKA: Marathon)
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 6200
tidallyLocked = true
Mass = 1480000000000000
semiMajorAxis = 23460000
eccentricity = 0.0002
inclination = 27.58
period = 109074.816
referenceBody = Duna

//4 Vesta = Inacessable

SSTScale = 1
Radius = 287000
rotationPeriod = 19231
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 3
GeeASL = 0.025
Mass = 1.305E+22
semiMajorAxis = 321820000000
eccentricity = 0.08862
inclination = 7.134
meanAnomaly = 307.8
period = 114553440
LAN = 103.91
argumentOfPeriapsis = 149.84
referenceBody = Sun

//Ceres = Ascension
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 487300
rotationPeriod = 32667
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 3
Mass = 1.305E+22
GeeASL = 0.028
semiMajorAxis = 413690604000
eccentricity = 0.0791
inclination = 10.857
meanAnomaly = 113.410
period = 145123488
LAN = 25
argumentOfPeriapsis = 70
referenceBody = Sun

//Jupiter = jool
SSTScale = 0.9999
Radius = 69911000
rotationPeriod = 35730
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 3.13
atmosphereScaleHeight = 27
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 374000
atmosphereMultiplier = 10
Mass = 1.8986E+27
semiMajorAxis = 778547200000
eccentricity = 0.048775
inclination = 1.305
meanAnomaly = 18.818
period = 374335776
LAN = 100.492
argumentOfPeriapsis = 275.066

//pol = IO
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1821300
tidallyLocked = true
Mass = 8.9319E+22
semiMajorAxis = 421800000
eccentricity = 0.0041
inclination = 2.21
period = 152853.5047104
referenceBody = Jool

//Eeloo = europa
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1560800
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0.1
Mass = 4.7998E+22
semiMajorAxis = 671100000
eccentricity = 0.009
inclination = 0.47
period = 306822.0384
referenceBody = Jool

//Ganymede = Tylo
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 2634100
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0.2
Mass = 1.4819E+23
semiMajorAxis = 1070400000
eccentricity = 0.0013
inclination = 0.2
period = 618153.375744
referenceBody = Jool

//Callisto = Ike
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 2410300
tidallyLocked = true
Mass = 1.075938E+23
semiMajorAxis = 1882700000
eccentricity = 0.0074
inclination = 0.192
period = 1441931.18976
referenceBody = Jool

//Saturn = Sentar (Will only load with Planet Factory nov7+)
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 60268000
rotationPeriod = 38052
tidallyLocked = false
atmosphereScaleHeight = 59.5
Mass = 5.6846E+26
semiMajorAxis = 1433449370000
eccentricity = 0.055723219
inclination = 2.485
meanAnomaly = 320.34675
period = 929596608
LAN = 113.642811
argumentOfPeriapsis = 336.013862

//Mimas = Thud
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 202000
rotationPeriod = 81389
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
GeeASL = 0.0648
Mass = 1.080E+20
semiMajorAxis = 185520000
eccentricity = 0.0196
inclination = 1.574
meanAnomaly = 90
period = 81389
LAN = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 179
referenceBody = Sentar

//Enceladus = Vall
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 252100
rotationPeriod = 118386
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
GeeASL = 0.011
Mass = 1.080E+20
semiMajorAxis = 237948000
eccentricity = 0.004
inclination = 0.019
period = 118386
LAN = 0
referenceBody = Sentar

//Tethys = Dres (mid sized Saturn Moon)
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1076000
rotationPeriod = 163106
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
GeeASL = 0.0147
Mass = 6.174E+20
semiMajorAxis = 294619000
eccentricity = 0
inclination = 1.12
meanAnomaly = 43
period = 163106
LAN = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 50
referenceBody = Sentar

//Titan = Erin
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 2576000
tidallyLocked = true
Mass = 1.3452E+23
GeeASL = 0.14
atmosphereScaleHeight = 40
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 450
atmosphereMultiplier = 1.4478
semiMajorAxis = 1221870000
eccentricity = 0.0288
inclination = 0.34854
period = 1377648
referenceBody = Sentar
//Iapetus = Skelton
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1492000
rotationPeriod = 6853334.4
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
atmosphereScaleHeight = 0.1
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 0.1
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.1
GeeASL = 0.023
Mass = 1.8056E+21
semiMajorAxis = 3560820000
eccentricity = 0.028612
inclination = 15.47
meanAnomaly = 90
period = 6853334.4
LAN = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 179
referenceBody = Sentar

//uranus = Ringle

SSTScale = 1
Radius = 25559000
rotationPeriod = 62063.712
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 97.77
atmosphereScaleHeight = 27.7
GeeASL = 0.886
Mass = 8.681E+25
semiMajorAxis = 2876679082000
eccentricity = 0.04440558
inclination = 0.772556
meanAnomaly = 142.955717
period = 2661041808
LAN = 73.989821
argumentOfPeriapsis = 96.541318
referenceBody = Sun

//Puck = Pock (uranus 7th largest moon)

Radius = 83000
rotationPeriod = 65822
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
GeeASL = 0.023
Mass = 1.8056E+21
semiMajorAxis = 86004000
eccentricity = 0.028612
inclination = 0.31921
meanAnomaly = 0
period = 65822
LAN = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
referenceBody = Ringle

//Titania = Ablate (largest Uranus moon)
Radius = 788400
rotationPeriod = 752218
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
GeeASL = 0.038
Mass = 3.527E+21
semiMajorAxis = 435910000
eccentricity = 0.001
inclination = 0.340
meanAnomaly = 0
period = 752218
LAN = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
referenceBody = Ringle

//Neptune = laythe
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 24764000
rotationPeriod = 31751136
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 28.32
atmosphereScaleHeight = 19.7
GeeASL = 1.14g
Mass = 1.0243+10E+26
semiMajorAxis = 4553946490000
eccentricity = 0.011214269
inclination = 1.767975
meanAnomaly = 267.767281
period = 5200418592
LAN = 225
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
referenceBody = Sun

//Minmus = Triton

SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1353400
rotationPeriod = 507773
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0.772556
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 30
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.07
GeeASL = 0.08
Mass = 2.14E+22
semiMajorAxis = 354759000
eccentricity = 0
inclination = 129.608
meanAnomaly = 156.885
period = 507773
LAN = 73.989821
argumentOfPeriapsis = 96.541318
referenceBody = Laythe

//pluto = not much point without a nice replica of a bi-planetary system with charon

Anyway, thanks a lot for the reply

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Here's what I ended up using, based on some googling: it tries to get the fallloff approximately right by messing with the exponent too. Just a holdover until we get a pressureCurve.

  atmosphereScaleHeight = 30
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 245000
atmosphereMultiplier = 1.5
staticPressureASL = 2

Note that max Atmosphere altitude is just for show; what actually cuts the atmosphere off is when (staticPressureASL * e) ^ (-alt_in_km / atmosphereScaleHeight) < 0.000001

Regarding orbital params: asmi pointed out I can just borrow the ones Orbiter uses for J2000 for the moons. So that'll be in the next release too.

Your config looks cool! I'm very leery of depending on PlanetFactory, though, given all its issues, but for those who have it, that's a cool config!

I believe FAR does support Firespitter, although there are some issues with combined wing/control surface parts. But check the FAR thread and post there, and I'm sure the kind folks who use them both will explain.

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Is atmosphereMultiplier meant to simulate atmospheric pressure at sea level, or atmospheric density? They are pretty different for some planets because of different molecular compositions and temperatures. For example, Titan's atmospheric pressure is 1.5 times Earth's, but its atmospheric density is 4.5 times Earth's (at "sea level"). I'm not sure which one FAR and other mods use for calculations. Deceleration on re-entry seems like it should use density instead of pressure.

Other planets' atmospheric density as multiples of Earth's: Venus 55, Mars 0.016, Jupiter 0.13, Saturn 0.16, Titan 4.5, Uranus 0.34, Neptune 0.37 (gas giants at 1 atmosphere of pressure).

Also, what's SSTScale in the config file?

Very nice sephirotic, I had no idea you could use RSS's config file on Planet Factory planets.

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Pressure. KSP just calculates density as a linear function of pressure. :(

So even if you check atmosphere density, you just get a multiple of pressure.

Ferram is about to add support for different-composition atmospheres, though, so we may not have to worry about density on this end, other than specifying per-body atmo compositions.

SSTScale is for scaling the models that show up in map view or when in orbit (the scaled space mesh; we're scaling the scaled space transform). Because I haven't regenerated them yet (although ZRM kindly told me about an easier way than I was planning) they don't match perfectly, so sometimes you have to scale them a bit differently than just (newRadius/oldRadius).

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Does pressure actually enter directly into any equations or in-game effects in any way? If it's all based on density (as just a constant 1.225 times pressure) then we can just make atmosphereMultiplier based on density instead of pressure. Is there anything wrong with that?

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Pressure. KSP just calculates density as a linear function of pressure. :(

So even if you check atmosphere density, you just get a multiple of pressure.

Ferram is about to add support for different-composition atmospheres, though, so we may not have to worry about density on this end, other than specifying per-body atmo compositions.

SSTScale is for scaling the models that show up in map view or when in orbit (the scaled space mesh; we're scaling the scaled space transform). Because I haven't regenerated them yet (although ZRM kindly told me about an easier way than I was planning) they don't match perfectly, so sometimes you have to scale them a bit differently than just (newRadius/oldRadius).

Is that why my ship kept 'crashing' when it was in a stable orbit around 'Pluto' when I exited to Space Center?

And why my favorite valley landing site mysteriously vanishes during final descent? Will I ever see it again?

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I know you asked for some screens, so I took some of the probe + launcher I built for my mission to Jool with around tech-4 parts. Since I needed to put on a ton of solar panels, my payload came in at just under 22 tons. At tech-4, my most powerful motor was ~950kN. My second most powerful was ~450kN. :huh:

But I got her up in 3 stages :cool:


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P.S. Sorry it's a little dark. Fullscreen it to see details.

Edited by Sternface
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It looks kind of ominous with all those panels... like some kind of... space kraken...

lol, right? That's my 'workaround' to my solar panel woes.

Speaking of ominous, check out this screen I took of my LGM-30 Minuteman III replica:



I''ll have to remake it for RSS. I'll edit this out for a slideshow when I do :)

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With kerbal joint reinforcement - yes. Also add some of the heavy struts from KW rocketry. Connect top to the bottom tank directly, then add some struts between the decoupler and tanks as well. The interstages might look ugly but don't wobble if constructed correctly.

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I really love this mod!

I have built a vostok-like R-7 rocket with 2.5 conic fuel tanks from KW rocketry and using kerosene+LOX fuel and I was surprised that the start mass of my rocket was 234 tons. The start mass of the original Vostok rocket is about 280 tons. I think it's quite accurate assuming that we start from the equator.

Is anyone planning to move the KSC off the equator? Is it even possible?

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I used sephirotic's brilliant suggestion to include the Planet Factory planets, plus City Lights and Clouds and Universe Replacer:

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I used some slightly different settings:

// Note, bodies below MUST be in precedence order. Parents before children.
// So Sun, then the planets, then the moons.
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 696342000
Mass = 1.9891E+30

// Mercury = Moho
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 2439700
rotationPeriod = 5067031.68
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 2.11
Mass = 3.3022E+23
semiMajorAxis = 57909100000
eccentricity = 0.20563
inclination = 7.005
meanAnomaly = 174.796
period = 7600530.24
LAN = 48.331
argumentOfPeriapsis = 29.124

// Venus = Eve
SSTScale = 0.99868058647931
Radius = 6051800
rotationPeriod = 20996798.4
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 177.36
atmosphereScaleHeight = 15.9
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 220000
atmosphereMultiplier = 55
GeeASL = 0.905
Mass = 4.8676E+24
semiMajorAxis = 108208000000
eccentricity = 0.0067
inclination = 3.39458
meanAnomaly = 50.115
period = 19414166.4
LAN = 76.678
argumentOfPeriapsis = 55.186

// Earth = Kerbin
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 6371000
rotationPeriod = 86164.1
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 23.44
atmosphereScaleHeight = 7.5
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 104000
semiMajorAxis = 149598261000
eccentricity = 0.01671123
inclination = 0
meanAnomaly = 357.51716
period = 31558149.7635456
LAN = 348.73936
argumentOfPeriapsis = 114.20783
SSFStart = 78000
SSFEnd = 80000
PQSfadeStart = 80000
PQSfadeEnd = 100000
PQSSecfadeStart = 80000
PQSSecfadeEnd = 100000
PQSdeactivateAltitude = 105000
PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute // doubles
deformity = 1000 // 485
persistence = 0.7 // 0.60000002384185791
frequency = 36 //12 // 24
PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 // floats
deformity = 6000 // 4000
ridgedAddFrequency = 48 // 48
ridgedSubFrequency = 32 // 32
//ridgedAddOctaves = 8 // 6 INT
simplexHeightStart = 400 // 800
simplexHeightEnd = 7000 // 4600

PQSMod_VertexRidgedAltitudeCurve // floats
deformity = 1800 //1100 // 750
ridgedAddFrequency = 140 // 25 // 140
//ridgedAddOctaves = 8 // 3 INT
PQSMod_VertexHeightMap // doubles
heightMapDeformity = 7000 // 5000
PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha // doubles
atmosphereDepth = 6000 // 4000
KEYname = KSC
repositionRadial = 158200.0, -220.0, -570000.0
lodvisibleRangeMult = 6
PQSMod_AerialPerspectiveMaterial // floats
atmosphereDepth = 7500 // 5000, scale height in m
//resolution = 8192
//maxHeight = 12000
//oceanColor = 0.1255, 0.22353, 0.35683

// Moon = Mun
SSTScale = 0.9832
Radius = 1737100
rotationPeriod = 2360584.68479999
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 1.5424
GeeASL = 0.1654
semiMajorAxis = 384399000
eccentricity = 0.0549
inclination = 5.145 //5.145 to ecliptic; 23.435 avg to Earth's equator (+-5.145)
period = 2360584.68479999
SSFStart = 170000
SSFEnd = 175000
PQSfadeStart = 170000
PQSfadeEnd = 175000
PQSdeactivateAltitude = 180000
heightMapDeformity = 9500 //7500
PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeight // doubles
deformity = 1200 // 400
persistence = 0.7 //0.5
frequency = 1 // 12
//octaves = 10 // 8 // A DOUBLE
PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeight // floats
deformity = 1200 // 400
frequency = 12 // 12
//octaves = 7 // 6 // INT
KEYvoronoiSeed = 462
deformation = 600 //200
//voronoiFrequency = 100 //50

// Mars = Duna
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 3396200
rotationPeriod = 88642.6848
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 25.19
atmosphereScaleHeight = 11.1
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 154000
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.02
GeeASL = 0.379
Mass = 6.4185E+23
semiMajorAxis = 227939100000
eccentricity = 0.093315
inclination = 1.85
meanAnomaly = 19.3564
period = 59354294.4
LAN = 49.562
argumentOfPeriapsis = 286.537

// Phobos = Bop
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 6100
tidallyLocked = true
Mass = 10720000000000000
semiMajorAxis = 9377200
eccentricity = 0.0151
inclination = 26.04
period = 27553.843872
LAN = 0
referenceBody = Duna

// Deimos = Gilly
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 4200
rotationPeriod = 109074.816
tidallyLocked = false
Mass = 1480000000000000
semiMajorAxis = 23460000
eccentricity = 0.0002
inclination = 27.58
period = 109074.816
LAN = 0
referenceBody = Duna

// Vesta = Inaccessable
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 223200
rotationPeriod = 19233
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 3
Mass = 2.591E+20
semiMajorAxis = 353268000000
eccentricity = 0.08862
inclination = 7.134
meanAnomaly = 307.8
period = 114553440
LAN = 103.91
argumentOfPeriapsis = 149.84
referenceBody = Sun

// Ceres = Minmus
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 487300
rotationPeriod = 32668
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 3
Mass = 9.43E+20
semiMajorAxis = 413690604000
eccentricity = 0.079138
inclination = 10.587
meanAnomaly = 113.410
period = 145123488
LAN = 80.3932
argumentOfPeriapsis = 72.5898
referenceBody = Sun

// Jupiter = Jool
SSTScale = 0.9999
Radius = 69911000
rotationPeriod = 35730
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 3.13
atmosphereScaleHeight = 27
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 374000
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.13
Mass = 1.8986E+27
semiMajorAxis = 778547200000
eccentricity = 0.048775
inclination = 1.305
meanAnomaly = 18.818
period = 374335776
LAN = 100.492
argumentOfPeriapsis = 275.066

// Io = Pol
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1821300
tidallyLocked = true
Mass = 8.9319E+22
semiMajorAxis = 421800000
eccentricity = 0.0041
inclination = 2.21
period = 152853.5047104
referenceBody = Jool

// Europa = Eeloo
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1560800
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0.1
Mass = 4.7998E+22
semiMajorAxis = 671100000
eccentricity = 0.009
inclination = 0.47
period = 306822.0384
referenceBody = Jool

// Ganymede = Tylo
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 2634100
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0.2
Mass = 1.4819E+23
semiMajorAxis = 1070400000
eccentricity = 0.0013
inclination = 0.2
period = 618153.375744
referenceBody = Jool

// Callisto = Ike
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 2410300
tidallyLocked = true
Mass = 1.075938E+23
semiMajorAxis = 1882700000
eccentricity = 0.0074
inclination = 0.192
period = 1441931.18976
referenceBody = Jool

// Saturn = Sentar
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 60268000
rotationPeriod = 38052
tidallyLocked = false
atmosphereScaleHeight = 59.5
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 800000
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.16
Mass = 5.6846E+26
semiMajorAxis = 1433449370000
eccentricity = 0.055723219
inclination = 2.485
meanAnomaly = 320.34675
period = 929596608
LAN = 113.642811
argumentOfPeriapsis = 336.013862

// Mimas =

// Enceladus = Vall
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 252100
rotationPeriod = 118386
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
Mass = 1.080E+20
semiMajorAxis = 237948000
eccentricity = 0.0047
inclination = 0.019
period = 118386
LAN = 0
referenceBody = Sentar

// Tethys =

// Dione =

// Rhea =

// Titan = Erin
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 2576000
rotationPeriod = 1377648
tidallyLocked = true
atmosphereScaleHeight = 40
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 520000
atmosphereMultiplier = 4.5
Mass = 1.3452E+23
semiMajorAxis = 1221870000
eccentricity = 0.0288
inclination = 0.34854
period = 1377648
referenceBody = Sentar

// Iapetus = Ringle
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1492000
rotationPeriod = 6853334.4
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
Mass = 1.8056E+21
semiMajorAxis = 3560820000
eccentricity = 0.028612
inclination = 15.47
meanAnomaly = 90
period = 6853334.4
LAN = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 179
referenceBody = Sentar

// Uranus = Skelton
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 25559000
rotationPeriod = 62063.712
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 97.77
atmosphereScaleHeight = 27.7
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 390000
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.34
Mass = 8.681E+25
semiMajorAxis = 2876679082000
eccentricity = 0.04440558
inclination = 0.772556
meanAnomaly = 142.955717
period = 2661041808
LAN = 73.989821
argumentOfPeriapsis = 96.541318
referenceBody = Sun

// Puck =

// Miranda = Ablate
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 235800
rotationPeriod = 122125
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
Mass = 6.59E+19
semiMajorAxis = 129390000
eccentricity = 0.0013
inclination = 93.5
meanAnomaly = 90
period = 122125
LAN = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 179
referenceBody = Skelton

// Ariel =

// Umbriel =

// Titania = Thud
Radius = 788400
rotationPeriod = 752218
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
Mass = 3.527E+21
semiMajorAxis = 435910000
eccentricity = 0.0011
inclination = 97.4
meanAnomaly = 0
period = 752218
LAN = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
referenceBody = Skelton

// Oberon =

// Neptune = Laythe
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 24764000
rotationPeriod = 58000.3
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 28.32
atmosphereScaleHeight = 19.7
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 260000
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.37
Mass = 1.0243E+26
semiMajorAxis = 4553946490000
eccentricity = 0.011214269
inclination = 1.767975
meanAnomaly = 267.767281
period = 5200418592
LAN = 131.794310
argumentOfPeriapsis = 265.646853
referenceBody = Sun

// Triton = Ascension
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1353400
rotationPeriod = 507760
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
Mass = 2.14E+22
semiMajorAxis = 354759000
eccentricity = 0.000016
inclination = 129.812
meanAnomaly = 156.885
period = 507760
LAN = 73.989821
argumentOfPeriapsis = 96.541318
referenceBody = Laythe

// Pluto = Dres
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1153000
rotationPeriod = 551856.672
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 119.591
Mass = 1.305E+22
semiMajorAxis = 5874000000000
eccentricity = 0.244671664
inclination = 17.151394
meanAnomaly = 14.86012204
period = 7816176000
LAN = 110.28683
argumentOfPeriapsis = 113.76349
referenceBody = Sun

// Charon = Pock
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 603500
rotationPeriod = 551856.672
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 119.591
Mass = 1.52E+21
semiMajorAxis = 17536000
eccentricity = 0.00
inclination = 112.783
meanAnomaly = 0
period = 551856.672
LAN = 223
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
referenceBody = Dres


I couldn't find the J2000 mean anomalies of Ceres and Vesta but I imagine they're around somewhere. Also the J2000 mean anomalies, LAN and ArP of most of the moons are hard to find.

All the real planets with atmospheres are replaced by KSP planets with atmospheres, so you can use aerocapture/aerobraking anywhere you could in reality. I got a lot of textures from here.

It's too bad the Universe Replacer mod doesn't work with Planet Factory. Also, adding bump maps to planets seems to mess up their lighting (the planet day/night sides are at 90 degrees to the Sun). There seems to be a bug where if you look at a planet with clouds from far away, you see flickering black specks in its atmosphere. I'm not sure if that's because the cloud textures are too low resolution (1024x512) or something else.

Edited by metaphor
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Here is a pictorial record of my attempt to launch an old reliable lifter in RSS+FAR+DR. To be honest, I didn't expect much here. I felt for sure that FAR would take one look at it, laugh hysterically and then contemptuously backhand it into a pile of 'Unplanned Disassembly'. To say nothing of launching it on an RSS-sized Kerbin.

So in that regard, it exceeded my expectations. Unfortunately it was a little short on DV and the ascent profile possibly a little too cautious for the amount of DV. Also, towards the end of its flight it experienced some strange torque and bending of the craft. Maybe because I only strutted the lifter and not the payload (a space station), which was fine as long as it was contained within its PF shell. As soon as the shell was jettisoned the station began pitching wildly and the attached crew pod threatened to snap off. I suspect also that maybe I shouldn't have had so many FAR controls enabled once it left orbit? Maybe some conflict there with MJ's SmartASS? Ah well, it's back to the drawing board.

Oh, and to give an idea as to scale, those are 3.75m tanks and engines on the side.

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Part of the reason that things feel apart when you jettisoned the fairing is that procedural fairings autostruts the fairing bases and walls to each other, so basically the fairing was carrying the majority of the load. Ultimately, for what you're trying to launch here it would make more sense to keep the payload in the fairing until you're raising the periapsis from ~30km up to 250km, which you use a much weaker orbital engine for.

The main reason it seems to have been successful is the very low TWR at launch (it looks like it's around ~1.2, based on the g-Force meter) and the fact that you took such a steep ascent, which meant that you minimized Max Q as much as possible, so... good work I guess? Honestly, if you just flip the station around the other way it will be vastly better aerodynamic-wise, even though something that wide for how tall it is is kind of... bad. Honestly, FAR should backhand it into pieces, but Kerbals are very good structural engineers; their stuff holds together through things that real life rockets can't handle, though it fails more spectacularly.

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Part of the reason that things feel apart when you jettisoned the fairing is that procedural fairings autostruts the fairing bases and walls to each other, so basically the fairing was carrying the majority of the load. Ultimately, for what you're trying to launch here it would make more sense to keep the payload in the fairing until you're raising the periapsis from ~30km up to 250km, which you use a much weaker orbital engine for.

The main reason it seems to have been successful is the very low TWR at launch (it looks like it's around ~1.2, based on the g-Force meter) and the fact that you took such a steep ascent, which meant that you minimized Max Q as much as possible, so... good work I guess? Honestly, if you just flip the station around the other way it will be vastly better aerodynamic-wise, even though something that wide for how tall it is is kind of... bad. Honestly, FAR should backhand it into pieces, but Kerbals are very good structural engineers; their stuff holds together through things that real life rockets can't handle, though it fails more spectacularly.

Yes, the autostrutting is why this design evolved. As long as the four engines are properly strutted to each other it's pretty stable. If not, they tend to flop around and spray rocket exhaust about the landscape at bad angles until an incident occurs.

On stock-sized Kerbin I typically filled those tanks with LH2/LOX, Put throttle limits into place and let it and it was pretty sufficient to get it into orbit.

That won't work here of course; not enough DV.

But anyway, FAR will actually properly detect the shape if I invert it? (I see what you're getting at, it's not so blunt at the tail end because it doesn't have the Hab sitting up top)

Also, let me bounce the ascent profile off of you. Shape was 100% because I wasn't sure how much I could get away with so I didn't want to treat it like I would a traditionally designed rocket. I forget exactly what altitude I started it at, maybe 10k...ish?

I suddenly experiencing explosions on switch to another vessel. Never had this problem before O.o

Well, what does Mission Report say? If the explosion doesn't destroy the ship outright, you can access it by pressing F3. It will tell you about structural failures and part overheating. I've heard about that sort of thing happening with Deadly Re-entry, but I think that was awhile ago - older versions. Debug log or output_log.txt might tell you something too.

Edited by Starwaster
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Haven't changed DRE since the last update. Yesterday everything was fine. Today was sending a probe to Mars, while orienting the satellites got dem explozionsz. Was hurry to perform the rage-quit manoeuvre though.

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@StarWaster: FAR should detect the orientation of the shape; if nothing else it will put the higher drag part near the bottom which is less bad than what you had going on.

I admit to not knowing anything about MechJeb ascent profiles, especially since I run mine based on velocity targets rather than altitude targets until I'm already above the atmosphere and at about 4 km/s. Odds are that starting at 10 km is too high; try instead around ~1 km and see if that helps.

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