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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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Thats a little harsh man. Politely asking for config files is not a sin, especially since there is a good chance that someone already has one.

Regarding a resized Kerbol system, there are a number of players that wish to retain the "Kerbal" feel in Kerbal Space program while taking advantage of the extra challenge a mod like RSS provides. Its only natural. On the other hand, NathanKell wants to reproduce both the Solar System and a more realistic space program, so just resizing the squad system is not enough.

The goal (and the beauty) of this mod is that I can read something in Wikipedia about our Solar system, and then reproduce it inside the game. Need some info for dV needed for Mars? Go read that and you are spot on.

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Thats a little harsh man. Politely asking for config files is not a sin, especially since there is a good chance that someone already has one.

Thanks for being understanding. It doesn't seem like anyone has such a config file, however, so I'll just have to make it myself the next time I have enough free time to play KSP. If/when I make it, I might post it here (or would another thread be better suited for it?) for the benefit of those who want to retain the "Kerbal" feel.

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Thanks for being understanding. It doesn't seem like anyone has such a config file, however, so I'll just have to make it myself the next time I have enough free time to play KSP. If/when I make it, I might post it here (or would another thread be better suited for it?) for the benefit of those who want to retain the "Kerbal" feel.

This is what I've been using, default Kerbal planet positions with increased scale: http://speedy.sh/YkZyb/RealSolarSystem.cfg

I did not make it though.

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Finished my Cassini-Huygens mission analogue. It's amazing how large of a rocket you need for such a small payload to Saturn.

Nice. Where can I get the RSS configs and textures pack you used?

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Note that although using ksp distances will reduce the delta-v to the mun/etc, the delta-vs to the planets will increase massively. Also, the mun would be very close to kerbin, there would be only 4200km between the muns surface and kerbins surface. The mun might not even have a SOI...

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Yeah, but that's just a config file. I don't want to spend half a day figuring out how to pick and install Celestia textures. Could this be made into a single, zipped package?

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Emm, sorry for stupid question, but the planet surface cannot be shined by lights - is it normal for this version?

And if there is a way to remove graphical glitches on surface (when viewing landed vessels)?

Edited by MaxP
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Yeah, but that's just a config file. I don't want to spend half a day figuring out how to pick and install Celestia textures. Could this be made into a single, zipped package?

Here you go. Unzip to your KSP folder.

Mods needed: RealSolarSystem, PlanetFactory, UniverseReplacer, Clouds and City Lights. No guarantees of working if these mods get updated substantially.

It's my first time making a file like this so I'm not sure if I got it right.

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I seem to have a bug somewhere..

As soon as i press esc on the launchpad, i can not revert for some reason.

When i press esc to go ingame again, the rocket blows up and parts get transported up to 250km.

They then fall down to about 100km, just to get teleported back to 250km.

This causes it too loop infinitly..

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I'm trying to land a probe on rescaled Duna, but neither the drag or full sized stock parachutes deploy at all before i slam into the surface. I'm not sure if it's a Ferram issue or a problem with the atmosphere/surface scaling in this mod. Has anyone else encountered this problem?

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I'm trying to land a probe on rescaled Duna, but neither the drag or full sized stock parachutes deploy at all before i slam into the surface. I'm not sure if it's a Ferram issue or a problem with the atmosphere/surface scaling in this mod. Has anyone else encountered this problem?

Scaling issue, try the RealChutes mod.

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Scaling issue, try the RealChutes mod.

If anyone's interested I have an RC config for a pair of chutes that more closely mimic Mars Curiosity chute.

At least in regards to altitude deployment. Sort of. Duunnno what drag should be so mostly I didn't do anything with that.

Edited by Starwaster
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I don't have information on your exact question, especially since what matters in real life is cost rather than performance. I can tell you that most RL (liquid fuel!) rockets have approximately 1.2TWR sea level at launch. Probably much more than that and you could get away with a smaller engine. Fuel is cheap; costs almost nothing to add another ton of fuel. So you might as well launch with the minimum TWR below which you suffer more loss in dV from gravity, than gain from more fuel). That magic number is somewhere around 1.15-1.2

I do recall that the rule of thumb for staging is "equal dV per stage"--often violated in real life, however, since it's cheaper to mix-n-match a few extant stages than make specific stages to the requirement.

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Ok, so I built a test rocket that kerbal engineer and mechjeb say have a TWR of 1.2. Upon liftoff, i find out that it actually is producing 1.05 TWR, and I rightclick on the engine, and see that under these conditions it makes 258 kilonewtons instead of the 300 it is rated for.

The engine is the L37 if that helps, and I am using the realism mini-pack version 18b.

How do I correct for this, other than by trial and error? I take it that sea level thrust is not always the listed number in your mod.

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