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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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I've been playing around with a 6.4 scale Kerbol system and I'm wondering if the atmospheric values can just be multiplied like everything else? The scale heights seem way out of whack with your 10 scale Kerbol values...

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The 10x increase meant a factor of 1.5 increase in Kerbin's atmosphere. Other planets are...other planets, and more different.

The scale heights for all bodies are basically correct (Earth's is closer to 8.5, but 7.5 means the actual pressure at altitudes matches reality better). If you want a straight-up 6.4x rescale of the Kerbol system, I suggest multiplying stock KSP scale heights by ~1.25 maybe?

That will still leave Duna with a far too small (and far too dense) atmosphere, for example, but it'll be an extrapolation of stock KSP in proportion to Kerbin's.

You'll DEFINITELY want to comment out the Epoch line and all the MeanAnomaly lines :)

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Changelog is:

*Changed atmo editor to ALT-G

*Fixed Mean Anomaly to be Mean Anomaly at Epoch, fixed handling of it to actually work

*Added new root-of-config property Epoch, for setting starting date. Now, KSP year 0 is 1950. NOTE: If you have craft on transfer orbits, they may no longer be. Anything captured by a planet is fine though.

*Support enabling/disabling atmosphere

*Used metaphor's planet config changes

*Added ability to change science parameters for all bodies (thanks to Medieval Nerd)

*Fixed SOI not respecting minimums

Great work Nathan!

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If you want a straight-up 6.4x rescale of the Kerbol system, I suggest multiplying stock KSP scale heights by ~1.25 maybe?

I was afraid it would end up being a sort of "play with it until it seems right" thing, but thanks for the base line.

You'll DEFINITELY want to comment out the Epoch line and all the MeanAnomaly lines :)

That was the first thing I did. :)

Thanks for all the hard work!

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Does anyone know how the science parameters work?

The "FlyingAltitudeThreshold" etc are pretty clear. But what does "FlyingHighDataValue = 1" do? Can I change that 1 to a 2 to get twice the science? Can I add science to PlanetFactory planets using this? (Provided I add some science defs in the stock config).

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Does anyone know how the science parameters work?

The "FlyingAltitudeThreshold" etc are pretty clear. But what does "FlyingHighDataValue = 1" do? Can I change that 1 to a 2 to get twice the science? Can I add science to PlanetFactory planets using this? (Provided I add some science defs in the stock config).

Before doing anything with those I would instead look at the ScienceDefs.cfg file under GameData/Squad/Resources/. See if you can accomplish what you want there first. (also maybe grab the science defs from my sig, it adds science for probes and fixes temperature science so you can do more useful temperature readings)

and as with any stock config, don't edit ScienceDefs directly. Use ModuleManager configs instead. Actually that applies to any mod file. You should never edit them directly because if the stock game or mod is updated you will lose your custom changes!

Don't know for sure about adding science to the PF planets since I haven't actually gone and done it but it should work, yes.

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I have to say, I really like your style NathanKell.

I went to test my new 6.4:1 solar system and found it ridiculously easy to launch, maybe a bit harder than stock with FAR (4.5km/s or so) and that felt wrong. So I played with some atmosphere values to see if it was FAR but, naturally, it wasn't. Then I got to thinking and decided to check my planetary masses against yours because I suspected I did something wrong (I don't have a very strong math background...) and found that you hadn't set any. A quick check of your source code confirmed what I thought was going on.

Are there any other pleasant surprises I should know about? :P

Anyway, back to tweaking atmosphere values. Maybe I'll post my 6.4:1 scale Kerbin when I'm done.

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also still seeing energy drain on solar panels but it's at an extreme distance, around 'pluto'.

I'm getting this in Kerbin orbit. Does it have anything to do with the size of the Sun because I haven't done that yet.

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I'm getting this in Kerbin orbit. Does it have anything to do with the size of the Sun because I haven't done that yet.

No, it has to do with stock powerCurve still being in the solar panel module. RSS is supposed to be deleting those nodes but it's still not doing it..... so there's two powerCurve's in there and th stock values are interpreted as floats when they should be doubles.... or was it that they're interpreted as Int when they should be floats? Crap I forget actually but the point is when it reaches the max value for that data type it becomes negative. negative distance means negative energy

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Ralathon: bodies and situations can have different data values. For example, Kerbin defaults to "not much" and Mun defaults to 4x, I believe.

Assuming PFactory planets have non-null ScienceParams, which I presume they do, then sure.

Regex: heh. And I felt so clever, making it so you had to enter less to get more. The full explanation here (as you can see from the code), is you enter EITHER mass OR geeASL and it will calculate all other gravity/mass-related parameters from that, using the body's radius. GeeASL takes precedence over Mass.

Other things:

You can use either meanAnomalyAtEpoch (radians) or meanAnomalyAtEpochD (degrees) but not both.

SoI and hillSphere are auto-generated. If SOI would be less than the body's radius * 1.5, then the max of (radius * 1.5) or (radius + 20km) will be used as SOI.

There are more supported PQSMod edits than are given as examples in the CFG. Check the section of the code dealing with PQSmods.

AtmosphereFromGround has tons of options, none demonstrated in the CFG. Made it for Starwaster.

You can make it export textures (diffuse and bump) on load. Check the commented export node for Kerbin. So if you change PQSMods (and PQS terrain no longer matches the scaledspace texture) you can regenerate the texture.

Starwaster: LeftAlt + G should do it. Does it not for you?

Regarding solar panels. I will try out by Vallto again. But I see nothing wrong in Kerbin orbit, and I can't see why the old powercurve would still be around--I mean, I kill it dead first and create a new powerCurve, then load the data.

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LeftAlt + G isn't working for me. Are you saying it works for you?

Re: Solar panels. Press alt+F12 and look at the database. Select Parts. Scroll down to Squad. Electrical. Solar Panels. Or even just pick the first solar panel you see. Click debug. You can see what modules are loaded and what parameters they have. powerCurve appears twice. Once for RSS and once for stock values.

Edit: I'm going to try reinstalling on a fresh KSP install on the off chance I have leftover files somewhere. Right now I've got about 5 KSP installs going, one for testing RSS and one for playing. Need to ensure that I don't have things mixed up somewhere....

Edited by Starwaster
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Regex: heh. And I felt so clever, making it so you had to enter less to get more. The full explanation here (as you can see from the code), is you enter EITHER mass OR geeASL and it will calculate all other gravity/mass-related parameters from that, using the body's radius. GeeASL takes precedence over Mass.

Thanks. I'm actually taking this serious now; I looked up the formulas I needed and am doing it spreadsheet-style, so I'll just be using the mass directly.

You can use either meanAnomalyAtEpoch (radians) or meanAnomalyAtEpochD (degrees) but not both.

SoI and hillSphere are auto-generated. If SOI would be less than the body's radius * 1.5, then the max of (radius * 1.5) or (radius + 20km) will be used as SOI.

There are more supported PQSMod edits than are given as examples in the CFG. Check the section of the code dealing with PQSmods.

AtmosphereFromGround has tons of options, none demonstrated in the CFG. Made it for Starwaster.

You can make it export textures (diffuse and bump) on load. Check the commented export node for Kerbin. So if you change PQSMods (and PQS terrain no longer matches the scaledspace texture) you can regenerate the texture.

Very cool! Maybe I'll get even more serious about this, lol. I can understand why people wouldn't want a 6.4:1 Kerbol system but for me it is turning out to be pretty neat in the long run since I'm not really interested in exploring The Solar System.

Regarding solar panels. I will try out by Vallto again. But I see nothing wrong in Kerbin orbit, and I can't see why the old powercurve would still be around--I mean, I kill it dead first and create a new powerCurve, then load the data.

My problem may actually be the Near Future panels; I'll add some ModuleManager definitions and see if that takes care of it for me.

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regex: If you don't already have it made, you might find this helpful. It's the exporter I used at the start of RSS


(data filled in by the ever-helpful Medieval Nerd)

It's not quite up to date--there are some properties I added support for since making it--but it should be easy enough for you to add more columns and fix the Output page. Like, say, science params. It also obviously doesn't touch PQSMods.

BTW, this is a standing offer to you and/or anyone else doing alt-configs; I'm happy to post links in the OP to them/their threads/whatever.

Regarding solar panels: I'm not using NFPP (yet); I'll try them when I can.

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