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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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Agathorn: Heh, yeah, I know. Oh well, better than it was though. :)

Will do.

Ferram: Heightmap resolution at 8192 is 4.88km, so not really. It's Cape Staten now, at best.


1,000 tons? Wow. That's, like, two Novas or more. Heck that's more than two ROMBUS! Have you been chaneling Phil Bono lately?

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HoneyFox is correct. It's a giant tank (10m x 15m) filled with Aerozine, NTO, Hydrazine, and batteries. I worked out a config for the M-1 hydrolox engine, which is somewhat necessary to make this work. First stage has to be SRMs to get it going, I can't get enough thrust without too many liquid engines.

Current design has a single giant SRM as the first stage, 13 M-1s on the second stage (which weighs as much as a Saturn V) and 3 M-1s on the third stage. I'm thinking I'm going to split the first stage into multiple SRMs for aesthetic reasons, since that giant nozzle disturbs me, and to see if I can do some parallel staging there, since that single SRM is 2000 t dry, not counting the interstage on top of it.

@NathanKell: Well, it looks like Manhattan doesn't exist either, and Long Island isn't an island either. Oh well, not much that we can do about that then.

Edit: Any suggestions on what I should name this thing?

Edited by ferram4
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HoneyFox is correct. It's a giant tank (10m x 15m) filled with Aerozine, NTO, Hydrazine, and batteries. I worked out a config for the M-1 hydrolox engine, which is somewhat necessary to make this work. First stage has to be SRMs to get it going, I can't get enough thrust without too many liquid engines.

Current design has a single giant SRM as the first stage, 13 M-1s on the second stage (which weighs as much as a Saturn V) and 3 M-1s on the third stage. I'm thinking I'm going to split the first stage into multiple SRMs for aesthetic reasons, since that giant nozzle disturbs me, and to see if I can do some parallel staging there, since that single SRM is 2000 t dry, not counting the interstage on top of it.

@NathanKell: Well, it looks like Manhattan doesn't exist either, and Long Island isn't an island either. Oh well, not much that we can do about that then.

So basically you need the entire Merritt Island Wilderness Preserve to build this thing.

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HoneyFox is correct. It's a giant tank (10m x 15m) filled with Aerozine, NTO, Hydrazine, and batteries. I worked out a config for the M-1 hydrolox engine, which is somewhat necessary to make this work. First stage has to be SRMs to get it going, I can't get enough thrust without too many liquid engines.

Current design has a single giant SRM as the first stage, 13 M-1s on the second stage (which weighs as much as a Saturn V) and 3 M-1s on the third stage. I'm thinking I'm going to split the first stage into multiple SRMs for aesthetic reasons, since that giant nozzle disturbs me, and to see if I can do some parallel staging there, since that single SRM is 2000 t dry, not counting the interstage on top of it.

@NathanKell: Well, it looks like Manhattan doesn't exist either, and Long Island isn't an island either. Oh well, not much that we can do about that then.

Edit: Any suggestions on what I should name this thing?

The Whackjob Express 1.

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Heh, gotcha right.

What units are used in the CFG file? Specifically, radii? I'm using the 10X version, so in the absence of a dV map, I'm trying to calculate by hand, and perhaps get some programming practice writing something to calculate dv

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dlrk: ah, sorry, didn't realize you weren't using regular RSS.

Units are meters, kgs, and m/s^2.

KSP uses a big G of 6.67E-11. g0 (for use with specific impulse) is 9.82 in the engines (right now) but in the next release of (some mod of mine) I'll fix it.

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Nathan, thanks. I'm not concerned with specific impulse, since I'm using KER for spacecraft dV, I'm just trying to calculate transfer dvs.

To use the delta-v equations from the wiki, the transfer equations from here(http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:Advanced_Rocket_Design), I'm a bit confused as to what units to use. Since the gravitational parameter is in m/s2, while the other units are simply kilometers km/s, how are they used together? Essentially, how do I use that equation?


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So due to popular demand, here is a config that changes it to a kerbin-size solar system (real solar system but 1/10 scale). As before, other than Real Solar System, needs Planet Factory, Visual Enhancements, and Universe Replacer.

There might be some bugs, especially with Phobos and Deimos, which are really small even on full scale.

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Well, here goes. I'm now ready to release a test version of Earth.


1. This will gobble up a couple hundred megabytes. And no, these files will not be touched by rbray89 (though you probably need to run ATM to compress everything else) since I put them all in PluginData and load them myself.

2. It comes set for maxLevel 14 (!) so turn it down if it chugs too badly. (In RSS.cfg). Note that the value set there should override anything in your KSP/Settings.cfg file, but just in case, find your current preset in Settings.cfg and find Kerbin within it and change maxSubdivisions to the same thing you set maxLevel to.

3. I have changed the SS<->PQS fade range so that PQS should remain visible in really-low orbit. If it chugs too badly in orbit change them back to the commented values (look for the block that starts with SSFStart and ends with PQSdeactivateAltitude)

4. Feel free to mess with all values in the file. Crowdsourcing is cool! I've exposed tons of new settings you can change in the CFG.

5. If you want to export a map of the terrain, change fooExport to Export, and set size as desired. A 1024 takes me 12 seconds; a 2048, 37; etc. Exporting is useful to get an overview of your terrain height and landclass changes. Exports will be in your KSP folder once you reach mainmenu (a colormap and a heightmap).

6. No GUI yet for launchpads. In RSS.cfg, find the MapDecalTangent block and the PQSCty block, and change their latitudes and longitudes to desired location. Then increase the decal's absoluteOffset to match the surrounding terrain, and the PQSCity's repositionRadiusOffset by the same amount.


Passing over mountains in northern China.

Oh, and scaled-space meshes should be all perfect now. :)

Download RSS v6_pre1

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Awesome! I'll test it when I get home from work. Any pictures from the ground level? I wonder how those mountains look from up close.

Can't you use the same trick as Nova used for Alternis to save memory? Just completely prevent the default Kerbin from loading, thus saving lots of memory (Ignore this if you're already doing this).

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