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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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Benoit, apologies for letting this lie so long! (And especial apologies for such a perfect bug-report post, well-described and with the needed log!) I've had a busy few days (sick, then out pretty much all day the last three days) and have only been responding to smaller issues on the forums.

Regarding the terrain issue. What version of EVE, if any, are you running? What do you have your terrain detail level set to in KSP's graphics settings? (Is that what you mean by terrain texture details?)

You can try uncommenting the maxLevels line in the Kerbin PQS in your RealSolarSystem.cfg and see if that makes a difference too.

Regarding speed at launch. Thank you so much for including an output_log.txt unprompted! It appears likely that your problem is having TweakableEverything installed. I had thought the most recent version was compatible with RO, but perhaps not. Try removing it and see if that fixes things.

Promp: the Mod Bundler is a bit outdated, but is the last best hope for such a thing. OtherBarry and I are working on updating it. Due to licenses and other issues, not one-stop-shop pack is available.

antgeth: asmi has surmised with considerable confirmation that there *is* a memory leak in stock KSP regarding PQS terrain. RSS exacerbates it because it throws a lot *more* PQS terrain around. Though as SpacedInvader says, RSSv6+ adds another 200MB or so of memory usage on top of whatever extra memory the far larger number of PQS quads is taking up. Since you've been playing without ATM, however, that means that all your TGA textures have been sitting in memory uncompressed. Even if you only try ATM basic, you should see a considerable decrease in RAM usage. But Agressive is the way to go.

Benskie: it's not the texture that's jittery, it's the [PQS] terrain. I don't know of a way to fix that right now...

Tantalus792, RocketBlam:

SpacedInvader: that biome map is looking awesome!

Kitspace: you might want to look into TextureReplacer and its texture packs.

DasBananenbrot: As AndreyATGB says, they're in there. However, I replied on the linked thread as to why it's a potentially dangerous thing to do (and thus why I left it disabled).

SpacedInvader: that's not really how it works; the Squad code that outputs text strings is going to directly reference CelestialBody.name (or .bodyName, which, AAUUUGGH, is actually the same thing). (This maybe also answers Starwaster's point: you'd think so, but noooo, one just points to the other...)

RuBisCO: Yargnit has it right. (I should never have defaulted to wrap=true in release. Sorry folks...). For now, set wrap=false at the top of the RSS config file, right below the first {

griffin247: Check out the RSS wiki, in particular Ferram's Launch Vehicle tutorial.

i say thanks awfully old boy

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Hello Nathan.

I hope you recovered and feel better.

Regarding speed at launch. Thank you so much for including an output_log.txt unprompted! It appears likely that your problem is having TweakableEverything installed. I had thought the most recent version was compatible with RO, but perhaps not. Try removing it and see if that fixes things.

You were absolutely correct on this one. Removing the mod folder from my gamedate solved the "speed problem at launch pad" bug.

Regarding the terrain issue. What version of EVE, if any, are you running?

I'm running the latest one, version 7.3.

What do you have your terrain detail level set to in KSP's graphics settings? (Is that what you mean by terrain texture details?)
Indeed that was what I meant. Sorry for that, it wasn't clear. This is my current graphical settings. I changed almost all parameters to see if something was conflicting with the "terrain bug", but no changes had any effects on the bug.
You can try uncommenting the maxLevels line in the Kerbin PQS in your RealSolarSystem.cfg and see if that makes a difference too.
I did, and still no success. I also change the value to see if something would happen, and the only effect I noticed was an other rectangle texture above KSC, right next to the other. Because the previous version of RSS didnt cause me this "terrain bug" I also checked the last version of RSS (6.0) config file, to see if something else differed from the new version, but beside the maxLevels line that wasn't uncommented in the previous version, I haven't found anything.

The KSC is still underground at the sea level and the texture above is a "solid object", meaning that I can crash ship into it from bellow.

About this rectangle texture floating above KSC, I noticed that this texture is at the right height, matching what is supposed to be the exact altitude of the terrain.

Any other ideas or advice?

I hope I'm not giving you your sickness back :)



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Is it possible to make the atmosphere thinner? Looking at Earth from the ISS, the atmosphere is rather thin, maybe about 2-3 times thinner than RSS at the same altitude. I was thinking AtmosphereFromGround could do something about that but every time I remove the foo (what does it do?) the sky goes black.

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RuBisCo: that would be because you spelled wrap wrong...

Benoit: thanks! Yeah, it was just a quick thing thankfully. And no worries. :)

For now I suggest uncommenting the maxlevels line; that should fix things, although it will increase the subdivisions in the PQS and therefore slow things down a bit. I take it you're still using the Cape location for KSC (apologies if you mentioned this earlier).

AndreyATGB: my appending foo to the start of the node merely changes the node name and so RSS doesn't recognize it. It was easier than commenting every line. Here is a guide to all the settings you can add, and what they do.

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Benoit: really! That's weird. It should increase the PQS detail level. Hmm, can you post your settings.cfg from the root KSP folder?

(Also, on re-reading your earlier post I saw you mentioned having uncommnted this; apologies for missing and asking you to do something you've already done).

Have you tried switching to other KSC locations (via tracking station)? Do they all exhibit this problem?

The only other thing I can think of at the moment: try a clean install of KSP and add *only* a fresh RSS v6.1. Does the problem persist?

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I seem to be experiencing an issue with texturing. I suspect it comes from having EVE installed with a texture pack that adds clouds and whatnot to planets. Anyway, I am using the normal KSP planets rescaled to X10, instead of the actual solar system(Could the .cfg be outdated and be causing the issue?) Here are some screenshots to show what I mean:




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sovereign: cool!

Cryocore: known issue; it's called z-fighting, and occurs when two meshes have faces that are not very distant from one another in the screen Z axis and the camera is far away; due to the precision limits of the Z-buffer, some pixels will think that one face is above the other, and some vice versa. You can try to limit it by raising the cloud layer's altitude above the default, but to keep the same ratio (600 vs 4 for Kerbin in stock KSP, and EVE) you'd have to raise the cloud layer to 40km, which looks super-weird. The next version of EVE will have a workaround though.

Also, you should raise the cloud layers anyway (to at least 10km) on EVE 7.x, since there's *another* issue with RSS that the clouds suffer from (and incidentally that will help lower z-fighting).

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No problem.

You can get the GUI for EVE by hitting ALT+N in spacecenter or flight; it will show you the settings for your current planet/moon. You want a height of at least 10000 (10km) for Kerbin, and probably something proportional for the other planets. When done, click apply and then save.

However, IIRC EVE 7.x has GUI issues, so you might have better luck, instead of doing that, editing the files directly. Open GameData/BoulderCo/Clouds/cloudLayers.cfg (or the cloud layers of any addon texture pack for EVE if you're using a replacement) and find the altitude = NNNN (where NNNN is some number) lines. Increase them as above.

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How can I get colors expressed as RSS reads them (4-tuple)? I have no experience with this kind of stuff and a quick google doesn't help much. For example what would brown be?

I give up, I don't understand how it works. If you can answer this, do you know why the atmosphere isn't even? It's obvious at KSC where it's brighter to the west and the south side has a dip after which it goes up.

Edited by AndreyATGB
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Hello Nathan.

Hmm, can you post your settings.cfg from the root KSP folder?
Here it is.
Have you tried switching to other KSC locations (via tracking station)? Do they all exhibit this problem?

The only other thing I can think of at the moment: try a clean install of KSP and add *only* a fresh RSS v6.1. Does the problem persist?

Fresh install with only RSS 6.1, no textures for earth and the moon, maxLevels commented, KSC at Cape

- KSC is underground, no rectangle texture floats above KSC

Fresh install with only RSS 6.1, no textures for earth and the moon, maxLevels commented, KSC at RU - Plestbeck

- KSC is underground, no rectangle texture floats above KSC

Fresh install with only RSS 6.1, no textures for earth and the moon, maxLevels uncommented, KSC at Cape

- KSC is underground, no rectangle texture floats above KSC

Fresh install with only RSS 6.1, no textures for earth and the moon, maxLevels uncommented, KSC at RU - Plestbeck

- KSC is underground, no rectangle texture floats above KSC

Fresh install with only RSS 6.1, no textures for earth and the moon, maxLevels uncommented, KSC at stock location

- KSC is underground, rectangle texture is floating above KSC

Fresh install with only RSS 6.1, no textures for earth and the moon, maxLevels uncommented, KSC at RU - Plestbeck

- KSC is underground, no rectangle texture floats above KSC

Few other precisions that could maybe help you narrow the origin of the bug (bugs?):

-To remove the "Earth and Moon" texture from RSS 6.1, I removed all the lines in the config file that were calling a textures in RealSolarSystem/Plugins/PluginData

-To change my KSC back to the stock location, I changed the latitude and longitude ( to -0.0969 and -74.3500 ) in PQSCity and in PQSMod_MapDecalTangent.

So, the texture is only floating above my KSC when I go to the old stock"ish" location of KSC. For all other cases, the texture isn't floating. When I modified a location in LauchSites.cfg to match the stock"ish" location, the texture isn't floating, yet the KSC is still underground. I therefor assume, the floating texture and the KSC underground is two different bugs.

I think it sums up all you asked, dont hesitate to ask for more if needed. :)

Thanks a lot for your time.



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so i know have com sats in orbit and have got probes in orbit and done the science. but now ( strange how you solve one problem only to be hit by another) i am having issues with the com Ariel breaking of on launch which means i cant stage the craft. ive tried the 16 and the 32 , ive tried shielding them with heat shields and moving them to the bottom of the sat but nothing works however previous probes (that are in orbit ) did not have this problem.

any ideas gratefully received chaps

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so i know have com sats in orbit and have got probes in orbit and done the science. but now ( strange how you solve one problem only to be hit by another) i am having issues with the com Ariel breaking of on launch which means i cant stage the craft. ive tried the 16 and the 32 , ive tried shielding them with heat shields and moving them to the bottom of the sat but nothing works however previous probes (that are in orbit ) did not have this problem.

any ideas gratefully received chaps

This is really about FAR/RT2 but basically you can't use deployable antennas in atmospheres. They do not get shielded in fairings either, use the small omni, the one with 500km range in stock and deploy the big one once you're out. Since you're using RT2 you probably have to 10x range multiplier, so the small antenna should be more than enough.

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This is really about FAR/RT2 but basically you can't use deployable antennas in atmospheres. They do not get shielded in fairings either, use the small omni, the one with 500km range in stock and deploy the big one once you're out. Since you're using RT2 you probably have to 10x range multiplier, so the small antenna should be more than enough.

rgr that thankies

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AndreyATGB: the fourth number in a color is the alpha (RGBA). Leave it at 1.0. For RGB, divide the traditional 0-255 value by 255, so bright blue (0,0,255) would become (0,0,1.0,1.0). Brown would be (0.5, 0.25, 0, 1.0) (~128 red, ~64 green, 0 blue, 1.0 alpha).

I hadn't noticed the atmosphere is uneven; that's weird. I have no idea why. Maybe it has to do with the side the sun is on?

Benoit: AHAH! Either I missed you mentioning this, or you hadn't mentioned it before, but...you're disabling the earth textures!? No wonder your launch sites are going to be messed up! Because one of the earth textures is the heightmap, and the launch site locations were created based on the terrain generated from (among other things) that heightmap.

You're going to have to move KSC (and its mapdecal) around if you want to play on a Kerbin with different terrain. The existing launch sites are designed for v6.1 without changes, and if you change the terrain, you will definitely have to change the launch site locations.

EDIT: I CAN'T READ. Right in your first post you mention you're using the stock Kerbin textures. Gah, sorry about that! :(

EDIT EDIT: Let this be a lesson to us all, let others profit from my mistake. When you see a post, read all the post, slowly. Then you don't make stupid mistakes and waste others' time. Benoit, super sorry. :\

Edited by NathanKell
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Yeah, that's what I did, set the 192 km key to 0, and also set it as maxAtmosphereHeight. Similar to what I saw in Kerbin's pressure curve, which works great.

Hi metaphor,

I'm having a problem with the 1/10 scaled system working correctly. I install the vanilla RSS V6, delete the old CFG file from stock RSS and then I put in your 1/10 cfg file. My game loads all addons and then freezes and crashes. I have tried renaming the file, dropping it in, replacing it; pretty much everything. Do I have to delete something other than the original RSS config? I feel like I must be doing something obvious but can't figure it out.

I noticed that the Venus and Titan curves are purely exponential based on one scale height, not on any real profile (which is pretty different in reality at least for Venus, like in the figure on this page about 1/4 of the way down).

Anyway, I just made an updated config file for the 1/10th scale RSS. Using just the vanilla RSS v6, no Planet Factory. LINK

Important note: you need to delete or move the old config file out of the folder, just renaming it doesn't work.

I didn't know how to lower the max elevation on Kerbin/Earth, so there might be some steep slopes. How do you smooth out a planet's terrain? Would also be useful for Bop and Gilly.

Hi metaphor,

I'm having a problem with the 1/10 scaled system working correctly. I install the vanilla RSS V6, delete the old CFG file from stock RSS and then I put in your 1/10 cfg file. My game loads all addons and then freezes and crashes. I have tried renaming the file, dropping it in, replacing it; pretty much everything. Do I have to delete something other than the original RSS config? I feel like I must be doing something obvious but can't figure it out.

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Hey nathan, I'm getting quite a few memory related crashes, I've got ATM-Aggressive & removed cloud mods, but I think it's really picked up since RSSv6, I think you said something a while back about decreasing the number of terrain vortices in a cfg but can't remember. Just someway to lower the graphics usage. It's been crashes at least every other switch to or from ksc and flight

Edited by pingopete
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Ok, so its finally time to release a version of my lunar biome map. It has 21 biomes, all of which should be working without too much trouble. There is also a Transition Zone biome that exists both to represent changing biomes on the surface, and to prevent random biomes from appearing as you cross from one biome into the next.

Anyway, here is the release:

Lunar Biome Map v1

Simply merge into your GameData folder. If you've already installed Thrust's biome map, you may need to overwrite the files.

And the example image:


The list of biomes is as follows:

Poles - Light Blue

Polar Craters - Dark Blue

Lowlands - Black

Lowland Craters - Green

Midlands - Grey

Midland Craters - Dark Red

Highlands - White

Highland Craters - Yellow

South Pole - Aitken Basin - Purple

South Pole - Aitken Basin Craters - Dark Purple

Lunar Lakes - Bright Pink

Oceanus Procellarum - Medium Blue

Mare Frigoris - Sea-Foam Green

Central Oceans - Peach

Southern Oceans - Orange

Eastern Oceans - Bright Red

Mare Australe - Light Purple

Mare Apollo - Light Pink

Mare Orientale - Crimson

Mare Moscoviense - Powder Blue

Mare Humboldtianum - Dark Green

There are a couple of caveats to mention here. First, because of the relatively low resolution map that KSP uses and the way I created this, there are some regions with highly varied terrain that almost always return the transition zone. These regions can span 300km-400km and sometimes more, so my recommendation is to avoid attempting to land near the edge of a biome, with the more solid the color on the above map, the less likely to return the transition zone. In addition to this, every crater on this map is representative of craters that can actually be found in the game. With that in mind, be aware that their rims will almost always fall in the transition zone, so if you're landing in a crater, it's best to shoot for the middle rather than accepting a landing spot near the edge. This is dependent on the size of the crater, however, with the smaller craters being affected much more than the larger. I'm currently working on a way to recreate this map without the need for the transition zone, but that will take some time and I for one would like to start exploring in the meantime.

Also, before anyone says it, I know that there isn't really a Mare Apollo, but I hope to add the Apollo crater at a later time so I needed something that will differentiate between the crater and the water feature. Also, again, before anyone says it, I too wanted to have the Mare Tranquillitatis be its own biome, but that would have lead to the necessity of naming many more lunar seas, which would have greatly increased the number of biomes, and as a result thrown game balance out the window. Look for it in a future release of this map.

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