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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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Am I trying these configs wrong? Downloaded the custom cfg, overwrote the default config.. Launch game and it's as if RealSolarSystem isn't even loading. Default sizes, default textures etc..

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Am I trying these configs wrong? Downloaded the custom cfg, overwrote the default config.. Launch game and it's as if RealSolarSystem isn't even loading. Default sizes, default textures etc..

I got this behavior with the 6.4x Stock Kerbal System config. I'm currently switched back to RSS 6.2, which seems to be working fine for me with 0.24.2 and the 6.4x config.

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I got this behavior with the 6.4x Stock Kerbal System config. I'm currently switched back to RSS 6.2, which seems to be working fine for me with 0.24.2 and the 6.4x config.

Thanks for confirming.. My Tech OCD was driving me nuts with that. haha..

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maccollo: It shoudl work fine on x32, although you probably need to use lower res and/or fewer textures. Also, the shot is too dark for me to see what you mean. Unless that's what you mean. You can tweak the brightness of the textures by editing the blend = line in the PQSMod_VertexColorMapBlend entries.

tmikesecrist: no output log, no help can be given because we have no idea.

styckx: I don't make those cfgs, sorry. You will need to change:

Body radius

Body mass or gravParameter

Body orbit SMA

deformities and maybe frequencies of all PQSMods

max atmosphere altitude, atmosphereCurves and/or scale heights/multiplier/etc.


AtmosphereFromGround inner and outer radii

CelestialBodyScienceParams thresholds

I *think* that's it.

Alpheratz: thanks! For Gilly, looks like maybe a texture issue with a single white pixel on the top row or something. For Minmus, do you mean anything other than the typos? Fixed to: "The seventh planet in our neighborhood, Uranus, named after the Greek god of the sky, is similar to the relatively nearby planet Neptune. Uranus is sometimes placed in a category separate from gas giants, known as “Ice Giantsâ€Â. Having a similar atmosphere to Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus is different from the two gas giants in that it contains more water, ammonia and methane. It also has the coldest planetary atmosphere, somewhere around -224 ºC."

ziom4556: The links are in the opening post. And no, we can't share GameData folders, because licenses don't permit it.

jsimmons: awesome!

Regarding the issue you're having: need the output_log, not the ksp.log. outputlog will actually say where the error is.

Also, if you edit the PQS of a world with an ocean, you *must* also add at least an empty node for the ocean (i..e if PQS { Eve {} } exists, it must be PQS { Eve {} EveOcean {} }

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Just tried 6.2.. Yup.. Much better. Now I have all the launch sites on the map etc.. They weren't even there in 7.0.. May be a 64bit thing?

Not a x64 thing. x86 on Mac OSX 10.9 does the same thing for me. Judging by Nathan's reply, I would hazard a guess that the 6.4x config is not valid in RSS v7, and RSS can't really alter anything. regex does this config, so he'd know the most about it.

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Not a x64 thing. x86 on Mac OSX 10.9 does the same thing for me. Judging by Nathan's reply, I would hazard a guess that the 6.4x config is not valid in RSS v7, and RSS can't really alter anything. regex does this config, so he'd know the most about it.

Well the thing is I'm not even using a custom cfg right now. Vanilla 6.2 I see icons for launch facilities all over the globe in the tracking station. 7.0 never showed those at all ever.

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Well the thing is I'm not even using a custom cfg right now. Vanilla 6.2 I see icons for launch facilities all over the globe in the tracking station. 7.0 never showed those at all ever.

Hrm. I at least got all the launch sites when I tried default RSS v7. Forgot the textures :blush:, but it seemed to be working properly aside from that oversight.

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Amazing work with v7. The textures on every planet now make me want to use this regularly.

A few questions/suggestions though:

1. Have you considered making Vall represent Neptune instead of Pluto? Now that textures can be added, I think it would be more appropriate.

2. Is this compatible with Planet Factory CE? It would be great to be able to add in some of the minor moons that are not included with RSS due to lack of stock planets available.

3. I don't seem to notice an atmosphere on Saturn or Uranus. The cong file lists one, but when orbiting the planets, there does not appear to be any drag.

Keep up the great work! I cant wait to see the future of this mod.

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Hrm. I at least got all the launch sites when I tried default RSS v7. Forgot the textures :blush:, but it seemed to be working properly aside from that oversight.

*scratches head*... I'm using the Linux 64Bit client.. I tried 7.0 in Windows 64Bit client also. Same behavior.. Launch sites never showed in 7.0

I don't think I could have installed it wrong.. 7.0 is pretty cut and try... copy the 3 folders into GameData, and ditto w/ textures and no ModuleManager dll in the GameData folder..

Edited by styckx
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Hmm. Ok..Got it. I installed 7.0 but this time I kept the ModuleManager dll in the GameData folder that came with 6.2 instead.. Now I have launch sites in 7.0. Remove the module manager DLL and no launch sites..

But the OP explicitly says

Follow these directions TO THE LETTER If you do not, or you use a mod manager (which counts as not following this one simple direction)

I took that as.. Using a module manager is NOT following instructions and since 7.0 doesn't come with a modulemanager I assumed it didn't need it to function correctly.. But apparently it does..

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After having played with this mod for a bit, I noticed two minor annoyances, not really bugs but still kinda annoying.

1) The contract for "Set 5000m altitude record." does not appear to work with this mod. Even if I go up to 25000m it doesn't trigger. Haven't been able to see if the "Reach space" and "Reach orbit" do the same thing yet.

2) This one may be something I should put in the Remote Tech thread, but since I'm here I'll put it anyway. When changing launch sites, the location Remote Tech considers to be KSC is still in the default location, somewhere in South America. This makes it rather difficult to launch probes, considering it's out of range of any launch sites, and is especially annoying when using BTSM, since all you start with is a probe.

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Hmm. Ok..Got it. I installed 7.0 but this time I kept the ModuleManager dll in the GameData folder that came with 6.2 instead.. Now I have launch sites in 7.0. Remove the module manager DLL and no launch sites..

But the OP explicitly says

I took that as.. Using a module manager is NOT following instructions and since 7.0 doesn't come with a modulemanager I assumed it didn't need it to function correctly.. But apparently it does..

With mod manager Nathan means a program that automatically installs your addons for you. They're not all that common for KSP since modding is plug and play here, but they're very common for games that require some more effort to mod.

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Not a x64 thing. x86 on Mac OSX 10.9 does the same thing for me. Judging by Nathan's reply, I would hazard a guess that the 6.4x config is not valid in RSS v7, and RSS can't really alter anything. regex does this config, so he'd know the most about it.

In general, configs for old versions of RSS aren't going to work in the new version. To use those configs with v7, you'll either need to wait for them to be updated, or attempt to update them yourself.

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With mod manager Nathan means a program that automatically installs your addons for you. They're not all that common for KSP since modding is plug and play here, but they're very common for games that require some more effort to mod.

Got it.. But you do see how those instructions could easily be misinterpreted? Especially since 7.0 doesn't include the module manager dll. :) I'm assuming now the exclusion of it was probably a packing mistake.. I grabbed 2.2.0 of it and I'm good to go now.

Edited by styckx
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Got it.. But you do see how those instructions could easily be misinterpreted? Especially since 7.0 doesn't include the module manager dll. :) I'm assuming now the exclusion of it was probably a packing mistake?

If you're using a few mods chances are you'd already have modulemanager.dll, a lot of mods use it. Although I would assume that excluding it was a mistake as you suggest.

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If you're using a few mods chances are you'd already have modulemanager.dll, a lot of mods use it. Although I would assume that excluding it was a mistake as you suggest.

Yeah.. I run a semi light install..

At least I figured it out.. All is well now.. I grabbed the 2.2.0 release of that dll also.

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Thanks Nathan. I found Player.log (what linux uses) and I found the error. Besides having to set the Oceans setting AtmosphereFromGround is a must for planets with a atmosphere. I started to place your values into my config and the planets all started to work. I noticed that innerRadius and outerRadiuse tend to be .99 * radius of planet and 1.025 * radius of the planet. Any conditions which this will not be the case? Also what are the default values of invWaveLength if none are given? In other words will the sky be the correct color as in the stock game.

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Welp, styckx, thanks for finding out I'm a grade-A idiot. :D Fixed version re-uploaded that includes Module Manager this time. >.>

jsimmons: if you don't put an AtmosphereFromGround...wait. I'm a moron #2. I think you found a big bug. EDIT: Confirmed. Whoo boy that's a biggie. For now, just add an empty AtmosphereFromGround{} node to *every planet*. I'll release a hotfix soon.

Edited by NathanKell
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Time for people to try out my 10x kerbal for 7.0 RSS. This is not a offical release but a pre-release to get peoples feedback. I have two flavors you can try.

http://www.infradead.org/~jsimmons/Eve-7.3-Default.zip : Default EVE 7.3 configuration.

http://www.infradead.org/~jsimmons/Eve-7.3-Astronomers.zip : Configuration for Astronmers Pack.

Sorry I haven't got to Sonic package. I plan to in the near future.

Some notes on this release. There are four space ports about 90 degrees apart. Each port itself acts as a RemoteTech ground station. This is to allow people to send probes out into deep space without a needing to spread a telecom network across the system. Lastly their is one problem. The inland KSC2 tracking center has a cave under it. Havent figure out how to plug it.

I'm releasing also to help out others with their configurations.

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Alpheratz: thanks! For Gilly, looks like maybe a texture issue with a single white pixel on the top row or something. For Minmus, do you mean anything other than the typos? Fixed to: "The seventh planet in our neighborhood, Uranus, named after the Greek god of the sky, is similar to the relatively nearby planet Neptune. Uranus is sometimes placed in a category separate from gas giants, known as “Ice Giantsâ€Â. Having a similar atmosphere to Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus is different from the two gas giants in that it contains more water, ammonia and methane. It also has the coldest planetary atmosphere, somewhere around -224 ºC."

For Minmus, I meant that the text overflows out of its box. For the grammar, look also Vall's description, there are punctuation mishaps.

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Working on a new Kerbin texture set. This map isn't my work, I grabbed it from here and all I'm doing is adapting it to RSS. It looks like a modified version of one of NASAs maps.. I liked the look of this as it gave Kerbin a nice arid, dry, and drought stricken world.




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