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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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Go ahead, let me know if you want any help. Is that instantiating Neptune from scratch somehow, using Planet Factory, or Kopernicus, or some other mod?

I cloned a planet in Kopernikus, then reused RSS' Uranus code to make it Neptune. I have now made the moon of Uranus, Titania as that was the one you had a a heightmap for. I couldn't see a height map for either Triton or Melinda in your textures. I have spent a few minutes googling those textures and all I could find were grainy spherical images of the moons. Is this because we never sent a probe on more than a flyby of these?

edit: as a giant derp I dropboxed the files to my desktop, instead of email and overfilled it. As I no longer have access to the old computer for a few days I probably won't make any progress to next weekend except gathering textures.

Edited by braininator
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I cloned a planet in Kopernikus, then reused RSS' Uranus code to make it Neptune. I have now made the moon of Uranus, Titania as that was the one you had a a heightmap for. I couldn't see a height map for either Triton or Melinda in your textures. I have spent a few minutes googling those textures and all I could find were grainy spherical images of the moons. Is this because we never sent a probe on more than a flyby of these?

edit: as a giant derp I dropboxed the files to my desktop, instead of email and overfilled it. As I no longer have access to the old computer for a few days I probably won't make any progress to next weekend except gathering textures.

Cool. Yeah we don't have any good textures for the moons of Uranus and Neptune since the only spacecraft to see them was Voyager 2 on a flyby (and only one side of them). But there's other realistic-looking textures made by people, including some from Celestia. Height maps are going to be harder to come by. Let me know if you want orbital parameters or something like that.

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Hey urm just wondering, i installed all of realism overhaul and was really looking forward to it, i got in launched some vessels (they all smashed into the ground.) but when i tried to launch an unmanned probe, but couldn't. The little red dot on the map for where you need to send stuff for remote tech 2 was on the other side of earth meaning that i cant connect while still in the atmosphere, and i cant even get into the space because i cant fly throttle or even launch a stage, some help would be absolutely amazing. (PS: i haven't had time to read through all the comments so sorry if this is a repeat.(( also sorry if i did anything wrong, this is my first post.)) :)

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Hey urm just wondering, i installed all of realism overhaul and was really looking forward to it, i got in launched some vessels (they all smashed into the ground.) but when i tried to launch an unmanned probe, but couldn't. The little red dot on the map for where you need to send stuff for remote tech 2 was on the other side of earth meaning that i cant connect while still in the atmosphere, and i cant even get into the space because i cant fly throttle or even launch a stage, some help would be absolutely amazing. (PS: i haven't had time to read through all the comments so sorry if this is a repeat.(( also sorry if i did anything wrong, this is my first post.)) :)

The second post in the Realism Overhaul answers your question, linking to this config: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59207-0-23-5-Realism-Overhaul-ROv5-1-Modlist-for-RSS-5-7-14?p=1131610&viewfull=1#post1131610

It should still work. You need to drop it into your Remote Tech folder.

Oh, and welcome to the forums and to the realism tribe, have fun and don't be afraid to ask questions :)

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@SamBanchet: 2nd post of Realism Overhaul thread has a RT2 config for adding ground stations at all the launch points. That is your problem, losing connection via RT2.

@Motokid600 Whatever you can dream of. For a proper career mode though, it'll be a HUGE project. Real Solar System doesn't touch anything besides textures and planets. Has nothing to do with career mode or anything. This is more of a RealismOverhaul question and at this time RO contains nothing for career mode, and offers no support for it. Several have volunteered, but I've seen nothing come of it.

Edited by RedAV8R
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Hey urm just wondering, i installed all of realism overhaul and was really looking forward to it, i got in launched some vessels (they all smashed into the ground.) but when i tried to launch an unmanned probe, but couldn't. The little red dot on the map for where you need to send stuff for remote tech 2 was on the other side of earth meaning that i cant connect while still in the atmosphere, and i cant even get into the space because i cant fly throttle or even launch a stage, some help would be absolutely amazing. (PS: i haven't had time to read through all the comments so sorry if this is a repeat.(( also sorry if i did anything wrong, this is my first post.)) :)
@SamBanchet: 2nd post of Realism Overhaul thread has a RT2 config for adding ground stations at all the launch points. That is your problem, losing connection via RT2.

You might also grab the config from Realism Overhaul that gives the antennas suitable ranges: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NathanKell/RealismOverhaul/master/RealismOverhaul/RO_RemoteTech2.cfg

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As there were maps for the planets as well as normal maps, if the worst comes to the worst, I shall use the height map feature on gimp until I can find appropriate height maps.

That being said, I have regained the maps as I realized that editing the textures to fit now (scaling them up from low res in gimp, and changing to the appropriate format) was not a half hour processs as this was new desktop not old laptop.

What moons do you all want me to do? I will get one for Neptune so it is not empty, perhaps with the heightmap 'cheat' in gimp. Then do you want more saturn and jupiter moon's perhaps? Or do you wish for me to convert the kuiper belt objects and ceres?

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To what extent can some sort of career mode be implemented? Contrscts I know wouldn't work, but if I were to do a science only career and couple it with Mission Controller ( which I believe does have an RSS config ) would that work?

Although not supported, and probably not very balanced, science mode does work. I am happily playing it with RO.

I have had problems with extracting science from a pod by a kerbal on EVA, which might or might not be related to RO + RSS. (Before I'll be flamed: I am not asking for support here as it is clearly not supported. Don't hit me ;-) ) Apart from that: seems to be working smoothly.

And now I get something really tangible for spending hours and hours of crashing into the moon: virtual science points. :)

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As there were maps for the planets as well as normal maps, if the worst comes to the worst, I shall use the height map feature on gimp until I can find appropriate height maps.

That being said, I have regained the maps as I realized that editing the textures to fit now (scaling them up from low res in gimp, and changing to the appropriate format) was not a half hour processs as this was new desktop not old laptop.

What moons do you all want me to do? I will get one for Neptune so it is not empty, perhaps with the heightmap 'cheat' in gimp. Then do you want more saturn and jupiter moon's perhaps? Or do you wish for me to convert the kuiper belt objects and ceres?

Personal wishlist:

1. Neptune

2. Ceres

3. Triton

4. Enceladus, Rhea, Iapetus, Titania, Oberon

5. Eris and other trans-neptunians

But the real answer is: eventually I would love to have them all, at least all the sizeable ones

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Personal wishlist:

1. Neptune

2. Ceres

3. Triton

4. Enceladus, Rhea, Iapetus, Titania, Oberon

5. Eris and other trans-neptunians

But the real answer is: eventually I would love to have them all, at least all the sizeable ones

Don't forget Vesta (for which we actually have good surface maps).

It's possible to have as many planets as you want with Kopernicus. I would say at least the major moons of the planets: Amalthea and Himalia for Jupiter maybe (the next 2 largest moons after the big 4); Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Hyperion, Iapetus, Phoebe for Saturn; Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon for Uranus; Triton, and maybe Nereid and Proteus for Neptune; Charon for Pluto. And then some of the important minor planets: Ceres, Vesta, Eris, Haumea, Makemake, Sedna, maybe Chariklo/Chiron and Halley's comet.

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Seems like this mod will ruin my science and contracts, Count me out.

Melodrama much?

Ruin is way too strong a word. It might make some of them challenging, because some KSP contracts were created with hard coded numbers, while some (rescue missions) are properly coded to compensate.

But if you want to take your ball and go home, bai bai.

Next time, don't let us know. There's constructive criticism and then there's that passive aggressive attitude copping that turns people off of being friendly towards you.

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Personal wishlist:

1. Neptune

2. Ceres

3. Triton

4. Enceladus, Rhea, Iapetus, Titania, Oberon

5. Eris and other trans-neptunians

But the real answer is: eventually I would love to have them all, at least all the sizeable ones

Don't forget Vesta (for which we actually have good surface maps).

It's possible to have as many planets as you want with Kopernicus. I would say at least the major moons of the planets: Amalthea and Himalia for Jupiter maybe (the next 2 largest moons after the big 4); Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Hyperion, Iapetus, Phoebe for Saturn; Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon for Uranus; Triton, and maybe Nereid and Proteus for Neptune; Charon for Pluto. And then some of the important minor planets: Ceres, Vesta, Eris, Haumea, Makemake, Sedna, maybe Chariklo/Chiron and Halley's comet.

Maybe I should mention now... Just the planet's I have done, with the 8k texture pack, with my textures also scaled up at 8k textures... without ATM or RO, is about 6.5gb of RAM. While I will be doing low res versions... I doubt most could use all of those :P

About the Venus trip... Do rocket engines actually work on Venus? I would of thought that there would be very little ISP.

Edit: Nathan, you have mentioned in the past that I can export the textures for the scaled space. Do you mind explaining how I do that?

Edited by braininator
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There's a commented out (foo was added) export node in Kerbin's cfg node; copy-paste it to desired CB's node, and uncomment it. Set maxheight to the maximum displacement in meters (i..e what you want white on the heightmap scaled to, vs black). Remove oceancolor if the body doesn't have an ocean.

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Once I have the textures, does it not run again or do I have to remove the code?

Yeah, you want to take that out once you've got what you need.

Otherwise it'll do it every time you start up, and it takes awhile I think?

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While most of the orbital characteristics seem to come directly from wikipedia or other 'sources'* the inclination is off. I know that for RSS it is slightly tilted for axial tilt. How do I convert for planets? Also which do I use from Wikipedia, the orbital tilt relative to a. the planet b. the ecliptic or c. the axial tilt of the planet

I believe it is b right?

I will have at least Triton done, with the heightmap from gimp tonight.

*I know wikipedia is unreliable at best but... I think it's good for this right?

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