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[1.8.x-1.12.x] Module Manager 4.2.3 (July 03th 2023) - Fireworks season


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Oh look, it's 2.0.7. With less UI breaking :D

DLL : ModuleManager.2.0.7.dll

Zip : ModuleManager-2.0.7.zip

codepoet : changing the label font size affected the default skin.

Actually I see that I should have changed the code to use that :

var centeredStyle = new GUIStyle( GUI.skin.GetStyle("Label"));

I ll keep it for the next update.

Edited by sarbian
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Could someone find the error in this code. Im dumb when it comes to this stuff. Its the only error that comes up on the loading screen.


@PART[Courier Solid Rocket] // Courier I SRB

name = flamethrust
modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/shuttleflame
transformName = thrustTransform
emission = 0.0 0.0
emission = 0.05 0.99
emission = 0.75 1.21
emission = 1.0 1.25
speed = 0.0 1.75
speed = 1.0 1.65
channel = Ship
clip = sound_rocket_hard
volume = 0.0 0.0
volume = 1.0 1.0
pitch = 0.0 0.2
pitch = 1.0 1.0
loop = true
name = smokethrust
modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/shuttlesmoke
transformName = thrustTransform
emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock
emission = 0.07 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock
emission = 0.2 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock
emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock
energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy
energy = 1.0 3.2 // Same for energy
speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed
speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed
grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )
grow = 1.0 0.11 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )
scale = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%
scale = 1.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%
offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters
offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters
size = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the particles to +0%
size = 1.0 1.1 // Rescale the particles to +0%

renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch
collide = false // Collision active or not
collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface
fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50

// ***************
// From here the value are not the default anymore.
// ***************

angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°
angle = 45.0 1.0
angle = 50.0 1.0
distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110
distance = 100.0 1.0
distance = 110.0 1.0

emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale
mach = 0.0 1.0
mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8
mach = 1.0 1.0
density = 1.0 1.0
density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo
density = 0.3 1.0
density = 0.002 1.0
density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001
channel = Ship
clip = sound_vent_medium
volume = 1.0
pitch = 2.0
loop = false
channel = Ship
clip = sound_vent_soft
volume = 1.0
pitch = 2.0
loop = false
channel = Ship
clip = sound_explosion_low
volume = 1.0
pitch = 2.0
loop = false
//@name = ModuleEnginesFX
//engineID = rocketengine
@runningEffectName = powersmoke
@directThrottleEffectName = powerflame

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Can you take like 30s of you time to open the log and look for the error message that MM print here ? The error will be explained here.

Not sure where to look (I had the same error come up during loading) as the only thing that comes up is:

[LOG 00:51:53.620] [ModuleManager] ModuleManager applied 430 patches and found 1 error
1 error in GameData/MP_Nazari/MP_Nazari.cfg

EDIT: AHA! Found the bugger:

[LOG 00:51:50.682] [ModuleManager] Skipping a patch with unbalanced square brackets or a space (replace them with a '?') :

EDIT2: well, at least I found it eventually...

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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You way want to look for the line before and find the one that says :

[ModuleManager] Skipping a patch with unbalanced square brackets or a space (replace them with a '?') :

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I've had modulemanager since installing Hot Rockets in KSP 0.22, and it appears to be causing some of my action groups to disappear. When I've got MM in my gamedata folder any craft that I create on that install will be affected.

For example my recent Jian SSTO which I posted on the forum. I created this craft in 0.23 after installing Hot Rockets with modulemanager 1.5.6 bundled. I think MM might have corrupted this craft file because when I paste it into another install (vanilla or modded), action group 1 is lost.

Now, when I edit this craft in a clean vanilla install of KSP 0.23.5 by removing the affected part (the turbojet in this case), then adding a new turbojet and reassigning the action group, I can then successfully copy and paste this craft into another install without losing the action group. If MM is installed, it loses it again, regardless of whether I use MM 1.5.6 or 2.0.7.

Sorry if this is confusing, it's hard to explain.

EDIT: ignore me, I think it's actually Hot Rockets that's causing this. Guess I'll go bug them :P

Edited by Narcosis
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Do you think you could do:




(ie: only define the part if the dependency is there.)

Or I could do this too if you like

Edited by swamp_ig
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@TechRequired = advElectrics

@TechRequired = advElectrics

@TechRequired = advElectrics

@TechRequired = fieldScience

@TechRequired = fieldScience

@TechRequired = fieldScience

What is wrong with this?

The parts don't have TechRequired at all, but even with this cfg they don't show up.

Even without the @ - to add TechRequired, they still don't show up.

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@TechRequired = advElectrics

@TechRequired = advElectrics

@TechRequired = advElectrics

@TechRequired = fieldScience

@TechRequired = fieldScience

@TechRequired = fieldScience

What is wrong with this?

The parts don't have TechRequired at all, but even with this cfg they don't show up.

Even without the @ - to add TechRequired, they still don't show up.

You just need TechRequired =**** if they don't have TechRequired, way you have it if they do change it to what you have.

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Hi smunisto, did you try it with a fresh carrer savegame?

Old savegames tend to not like changes in the techtree of modules. and at a new savegame you can just cheat in the science to unlock all nodes by editing the savegame at "sci = xx.xx"

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Have you try'ed



TechRequired = advElectrics




TechRequired = advElectrics




TechRequired = advElectrics




TechRequired = fieldScience




TechRequired = fieldScience




TechRequired = fieldScience


Edited by Mecripp2
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Why make it so complex. Either the part has already TechRequired a and you need an @ or it's has not and you don't.

If this does not work then have a look at the log. And make sure you have only 1 MM copy.

@TechRequired = advElectrics

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It should, but there was some change around that code and I did not fully test it yet so better safe than sorry.

I can confirm that the election process broke with 2.x. it breaks semi quietly. older versions disqualify themselves but 2.x dosent seem to log anything and does nothing.

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Why make it so complex. Either the part has already TechRequired a and you need an @ or it's has not and you don't.

If this does not work then have a look at the log. And make sure you have only 1 MM copy.

@TechRequired = advElectrics

ModuleManager tip: At least with MM2, you can do "%name = value" to add if it's not there, replace if it is. Not really important if you're changing one part and you can look at its original file, but really nice for a wildcard rule that might hit some with the value and some without.

Edit: Thought I was on the Interstellar thread here. Don't worry about the new feature while you're trying to troubleshoot.

Edited by undercoveryankee
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