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[1.8.x-1.12.x] Module Manager 4.2.3 (July 03th 2023) - Fireworks season


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Nope. It is doable but require quite a large code change.

And what would you do ? Create a repository of cache for all mod combination ? That number would grow up really fast.

Edit : and to make my point (hopefully my math is correct). Say you want to implement support for the 100 more popular mods (good luck finding the stats). If the user has 1 mod of those installed you have 100 different possible cache. For 2 mods out of 100 you now have 4950 possibilities (see ? it is already large. That s why you don't win the lottery). 

Now to have all the possibilities for those 100 mods : 1 267 650 600 228 229 401 496 703 205 375 different cache possibilities. I hope you planed to rent all of S3 to generate those.

Edited by sarbian
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32 minutes ago, sarbian said:

Nope. It is doable but require quite a large code change.

And what would you do ? Create a repository of cache for all mod combination ? That number would grow up really fast.

Edit : and to make my point (hopefully my math is correct). Say you want to implement support for the 100 more popular mods (good luck finding the stats). If the user has 1 mod of those installed you have 100 different possible cache. For 2 mods out of 100 you now have 4950 possibilities (see ? it is already large. That s why you don't win the lottery). 

Now to have all the possibilities for those 100 mods : 1 267 650 600 228 229 401 496 703 205 375 different cache possibilities. I hope you planed to rent all of S3 to generate those.

I don't think that's the purpose, I actually do something similar when I debug mm patches: I have a ksp install which I have stripped from all the textures.

This lets me load ksp in a fraction of the required time and allows me to get a look at the logs / mm caches very quickly.

Having a mm executable that runs through the cfgs without wasting time with loading textures would allow to debug more quickly.

I don't think it would be a very big difference compared to what I am doing, but I have no way to know for sure.

@Mo3pp3l I think you might find my solution a good compromise

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were do i place " :NEEDS[TweakScale] " at in the following data in MM? was thinking of making a 'clean way' of making a tweakscale module using MM, so that way i can make fewer part count by increasing the size of the camo i was going to place in....heres what i got so far:





name = decalsCamo

module = Part

author = Kommander Faul

mesh = camo.png




model = Decals/letters texture = A, Decals/Camo


scale = 1

rescaleFactor = 1

node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.045, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1

cost = 200

category = Utility

subcategory = 0

title = Camo

description = a piace of camo from an eairlier war.....

attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0

 PhysicsSignificance = 1

mass = 0.001

dragModelType = default

maximum_drag = 0.2

minimum_drag = 0.2

angularDrag = 0.5

crashTolerance = 10

maxTemp = 3400 }



 name = TweakScale   

 type = free   




TY in advance :)


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2 hours ago, Starwaster said:

I think that might be broken. I recently tried to set up a config like that and it failed.

1 hour ago, sarbian said:

Nothing changed there, I don't see why it would not work anymore.

wild guess here, are you sure you used the MODULE:NEEDS[x] in a patch?

if you are defining a new part all mm functions will not work


	name = myCoolPart
		x = true

this will not work as far as I know, you need to do something more like this:

	name = myCoolPart

		x = true


Edited by Sigma88
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Sorry for not knowing how this witchcraft works but how would I make a patch to apply this


    name = KM_Gimbal_3
    gimbalTransformName = KM_Gimbal
    debug = true
    yawGimbalRange = 2
    pitchGimbalRange = 14

to the Vector only in the presence of KM Gimbal?

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1 minute ago, Whovian41110 said:

Sorry for not knowing how this witchcraft works but how would I make a patch to apply this

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    name = KM_Gimbal_3
    gimbalTransformName = KM_Gimbal
    debug = true
    yawGimbalRange = 2
    pitchGimbalRange = 14

to the Vector only in the presence of KM Gimbal?

Sorry to drag this off topic but KM_Gimbal shouldn't be necessary anymore.  It's been deprecated since 1.1, as most of it's functionality is in the stock module now.

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9 minutes ago, blowfish said:

Sorry to drag this off topic but KM_Gimbal shouldn't be necessary anymore.  It's been deprecated since 1.1, as most of it's functionality is in the stock module now.

My computer won't open any 1.1.x saves so I'm sticking to 1.0.5 until I can find a fix

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21 minutes ago, Whovian41110 said:

My computer won't open any 1.1.x saves so I'm sticking to 1.0.5 until I can find a fix

Sure.  MODULE:NEEDS[km_Gimbal] {} or MOUDLE:NEEDS[Klockheed_Martian_Gimbal] {} should work

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13 minutes ago, Whovian41110 said:

But how do I apply it to only the vector?

What vector?  What is the current state of this config and how are you trying to change it?

Edited by blowfish
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Just now, Whovian41110 said:

The vector engine.  The stock SSME

Oh ok.  The word "vector" can take on other meanings in KSP modding which is why I was confused.  There are various ways to do this but this is probably the easiest:


    !MODULE[ModuleGimbal] {}
        name = KM_Gimbal_3
        gimbalTransformName = Nozzle
        pitchGimbalRange = 10.5
        yawGimbalRange = 2


I think I corrected a few other issues with your config too.

Just to note however, the real SSME actually vectored equally along both axes.

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25 minutes ago, blowfish said:

Oh ok.  The word "vector" can take on other meanings in KSP modding which is why I was confused.  There are various ways to do this but this is probably the easiest:

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    !MODULE[ModuleGimbal] {}
        name = KM_Gimbal_3
        gimbalTransformName = Nozzle
        pitchGimbalRange = 10.5
        yawGimbalRange = 2


I think I corrected a few other issues with your config too.

Just to note however, the real SSME actually vectored equally along both axes.


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Ok. I have a mod installed that provides a science lab. Specifically the Skylab. But since the creator does sandbox only, he hasn't given it research capability. I'm using sandbox as well, but my buddy and I, via dmp, like to go through the motions, even if we don't have a tech tree to unlock. I was looking into using a module manager patch to add this in. I examined the other labs and saw where their research ability is declared along with the parameters, it'd appear I could likely just copy those section and tweak what I needed, for research speed, power use age, etc. but it doesn't work still. I even just flat out copied the sections with no tweaks. Nothing. Any suggestions? I'll copy the contents of the cfg file below. 


        name = ModuleScienceLab
        containerModuleIndex = 0
        dataStorage = 750
        crewsRequired = 1
        canResetConnectedModules = True
        canResetNearbyModules = True
        interactionRange = 5
        SurfaceBonus = 0.1
        ContextBonus = 0.25
        homeworldMultiplier = 0.1
            name = ElectricCharge
            amount = 10

        name = ModuleScienceConverter
        dataProcessingMultiplier = 0.5 // Multiplier to data processing rate and therefore science rate
        scientistBonus = 0.25    //Bonus per scientist star - need at least one! So 0.25x - 2.5x
        researchTime = 7        //Larger = slower.  Exponential!
        scienceMultiplier = 5    //How much science does data turn into?
        scienceCap = 500        //How much science can we store before having to transmit?        
        powerRequirement = 5    //EC/Sec to research
        ConverterName = Research
        StartActionName = Start Research
        StopActionName = Stop Research

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Wrong. It doesn't do anything to earn science points. No tech to unlock, but you can still run experiments, collect data, and process it into science. You just can't spend the science. The stock lab, big-g science, MOL, and iss science labs work fully. Even in sandbox. The creator of this mod didn't put it in there, because he only does sandbox, and since you can't spend the science because you have unlimited access to tech anyways, there'd be no point. Unless you're like me and my bud, who at least want to run it just to run it. 

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