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[1.8.x-1.12.x] Module Manager 4.2.3 (July 03th 2023) - Fireworks season


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Edit: there is a 2.4.2 in the end. I added a safety net around the callbacks.

some info on how to use those callbacks. In your mod add ModuleManager as a reference. Then write a method with no argument that return nothing.

ModuleManager will call you method once it finish processing the patch. The callback will also be called when MM reload database menu is used too ( from Main Menu or SpacePort )

public void myCallBack()
MonoBehaviour.print("Hello World);

void Awake()
MMPatchLoader.addPostPatchCallback( myCallBack );



Edited by sarbian
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What is " Kompilation-mod" ? And if you had a crash after adding B9 I think you add a out of memory crash, and those are unrelated to MM.

oh, sorry for my bad english, I mean

compatibility mode

(voted in the seting by rightklicking the icon)

I run a 64-bit system and the KSP64-bit.exe (but only 4GB of ram)

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oh, sorry for my bad english, I mean

compatibility mode

(voted in the seting by rightklicking the icon)

I run a 64-bit system and the KSP64-bit.exe (but only 4GB of ram)

64bit is rather unstable and you are unlikely to find much support among modders for it as there isn't anything they can do to fix it.

I recommend trying to use 32bit and install Active Texture Managment (ATM). With only 4GB of ram my guess is you are running out, especially considering you are using B9 (which is huge).

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I'm using an install that processes about 1350 MM changes. Somewhere within all the mods I use, something seems to have deactivated my crew report button. When looking at the OEM part configs, the module is there, but once everything loads in-game, the crew report capability is missing. Does anyone have an idea where I might find the problem (has this been seen before?) or, failing to find the offending MM config, MM config for adding the crew report module to all manned pods?

Of course, i've tried to search for references to the module in the configs, but I have come up empty (Windows evidently doesn't like searching for text inside configs)

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I'm using an install that processes about 1350 MM changes. Somewhere within all the mods I use, something seems to have deactivated my crew report button. When looking at the OEM part configs, the module is there, but once everything loads in-game, the crew report capability is missing. Does anyone have an idea where I might find the problem (has this been seen before?) or, failing to find the offending MM config, MM config for adding the crew report module to all manned pods?

Of course, i've tried to search for references to the module in the configs, but I have come up empty (Windows evidently doesn't like searching for text inside configs)

That use to happen when 2 mods had the same ScienceDefs files think it was.

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Of course, i've tried to search for references to the module in the configs, but I have come up empty (Windows evidently doesn't like searching for text inside configs)

When I want to search inside multiple config files, I open them all up simultaneously in Notepad++

Then I do a search and there's an option to 'find all in all opened documents'

There's other reasons to use NP++, like auto indenting, text coloring for keywords, auto completion of various paired characters like (), [], {}, etc etc.

If you aren't using Notepad++ then you are wrong! :P

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you should be running the latest version. This thread contains the latest version, right now that is 2.4.2, but mods that have MM with them will ship with whatever MM was out at the time of their release which is why they're older. Just delete any extra ones you might have.

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B9 v5.2.2 ships with MM 2.4.4 (literally went live on KerbalStuff within the last hour or two). The latest listed on the OP here is 2.3.5, but a few posts above, there is a 2.4.2. Are these dev builds? Which one should I be running?
you should be running the latest version. This thread contains the latest version, right now that is 2.4.2, but mods that have MM with them will ship with whatever MM was out at the time of their release which is why they're older. Just delete any extra ones you might have.

Please read my question. B9 is shipping with 2.4.4, which is NEWER than the one here. I asked if it was a dev build, or some other thing that I should avoid using.

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Hope someone can help how can one change the EVA Propellant to MonoPropellant ?

You can't, not with Module Manager. As discussed two pages back, there is no actual Kerbal 'part' that is defined in a config file. The Kerbal vessel and part are created as needed and the appropriate modules added to that part in the actual program code.

You'd need a plugin to do anything to that.

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RESOURCE_DEFINITION makes the resource exist in the game. If you changed the name from EVA Propellant to MonoPropellant, you'd just remove EVAPropellant from the game, so the kerbalEVA part couldn't load.

The question from two pages back is asking essentially the same question: how do you modify the kerbalEVA part? The answer is the same: you need a plugin, because unlike most parts in the game, it's defined by the program, not by a part config. Module Manager can only modify elements of the game that are defined in config files.

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There is a minor mod conflict between Kerbal Alarm Clock and ModuleManager >= 2.3.1. Both plugins use "Alt+F11" as a shortcut in the spacecenter scene (KAC: toggle dialog, MM: show "reload/dump database dialog") . Is it possible to configure that shortcut somewhere? If not, could you make it configurable?

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Question about the syntax. I've been working on a set of MM configs to nerf liquid fuel engines for use with FAR (I tried KIDS but was not satisfied with its capabilities). I've run into a sorta brick wall, though: how do I scale the Isp of engines?

This is my current ModuleManager code, here for a KW Rocketry engine:

@maxThrust *= 0.85
@key *= 0 0.8
@key *= 1 0.8


But it doesn't work. I also tried this:

@maxThrust *= 0.85
key *= 0 0.8
key *= 1 0.8


But that didn't work either. The thrust is scaled just fine; only the Isp is giving me troubles.

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Question about the syntax. I've been working on a set of MM configs to nerf liquid fuel engines for use with FAR (I tried KIDS but was not satisfied with its capabilities). I've run into a sorta brick wall, though: how do I scale the Isp of engines?

This is my current ModuleManager code, here for a KW Rocketry engine:

@maxThrust *= 0.85
@key *= 0 0.8
@key *= 1 0.8


But it doesn't work. I also tried this:

@maxThrust *= 0.85
key *= 0 0.8
key *= 1 0.8


But that didn't work either. The thrust is scaled just fine; only the Isp is giving me troubles.

The math operators don't work on a value that can't be parsed as a single number. A multi-number value like a FloatCurve entry can be either completely replaced or edited as a string with regular expressions, but that's it.

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The math operators don't work on a value that can't be parsed as a single number. A multi-number value like a FloatCurve entry can be either completely replaced or edited as a string with regular expressions, but that's it.

Ah, alright. Thanks!

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Well, you can do maths on it in 2.4.x, like so:

@maxThrust *= 0.85
Isp0 = #$key[1],0$
@Isp0 *= 0.8
Isp1 = #$key[1],1$
@Isp1 *= 0.8
@key,0 = #$key[0],0$ $Isp0$
@key,1 = #$key[0],1$ $Isp1$

Though I'm not totally sure about whether index (,x) and sub-value ([x]) comes first.

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Just a quick note that might be of interest. The BioMass mod is testing out in-game difficulty switching making use of Module Manager. Right now it requires a manual alt+F11 reload of the database, but we're moving toward a one-button solution (vs the present 2-button implementation)

A video illustrating how it works is a part of the latest announcement at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62631-BioMass-Ongoing-Development?p=1430740&viewfull=1#post1430740

Just sharing since I am not sure whether other mods have used module manager to hide/show/change parts as part of difficulty toggling.

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More like :

@maxThrust *= 0.85
Isp0 = #$key,0[1, ]$
@Isp0 *= 0.8
Isp1 = #$key,1[1, ]$
@Isp1 *= 0.8
@key,0 = #$key,0[0, ]$ $Isp0$
@key,1 = #$key,1[0, ]$ $Isp1$

#$key,0[0, ]$ : key,0 gets you the first key. [0, ] gets you the first of both value using space as a separator.

seanth : how are you calling MM ? With multiple version of MM you may have problems.

And that make me see that the callback system I added has the same problem ...

Edited by sarbian
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The problem is that right now ModuleManager has no config file. I could change it once more but I m afraid I ll have a conflict with an other mod :)

Anything use ALT F10 ?

I guess you can just ignore the issue. TriggerAu (KAC author) will change its keyboard shortcut or provide an option to change the shortcut. I guess keeping MM config-file free is a good thing. Just keep Alt+F11. Thanks for this incredibly powerful tool, sarbian and ialdabaoth!

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