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Where's Saturn?

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Current the Jool system is the most epic in the game, with a gas giant planet and several moons, but what about a planet like Saturn with rings and moons? Also it would be really cool, if later down the road, you were able to travel to another solar system and explore strange new worlds. What do you guys think?

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Last I heard, Squad was figuring out the best way to properly implement rings. I wouldn't be surprised if they turn up in an update or two.

Extra solar systems are still very far away, as far as anyone can tell.

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Last I heard, Squad was figuring out the best way to properly implement rings. I wouldn't be surprised if they turn up in an update or two.

This guy


This guy here in video has been promoted to expert modder

I found it by looking up. Kerbal rings

Edited by Dooz
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I feel the urge to point out that Squad isn't under any obligation to make the Kerbol system a carbon copy of our solar system (which seems to be a point that frequently gets missed in discussions like these). That said, a ringed gas giant would be pretty cool :)

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Actually, NovaSillisko has already stated that there are plans for another Gas Giant to be implemented, With Eeloo as a Cryo-Volcanically active moon, rings, and twice the size of Jool.

Whether or not this is actually confirmed by Squad or not, I'm not sure though.

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Quoted from a post by NovaSilisko:

"Some general concepts for changes and addition that are drifting around my head (not to say this is the way they'll be though, we've all gotta generally agree what to implement and this is just my take! Plus discovery mechanics and hence the rest of the system won't happen for many updates)

Jool: Actually the second-smallest gas giant, with unusually large moons. All other gas giants would have objects smaller than or comparable to Moho.

- Laythe: Very volcanic because of its proximity and the tidal forces from the other moons. Still oceans of water, but now with actual active volcanos with lava lakes (that destroy things)

- Vall: Never liked the design of vall too much. I'd like to make it a bit more like eeloo, with large cracks in the ice and a more chaotic surface.

- Tylo: Never liked this either, also needs to be redone. Perhaps turned into a highly-contrasting body like Iapetus.

- More tiny moons: Just a bunch of small moonlets, at least 20. Probably would be nameable by the player or given designations (ex. J-17 for the 17th moon of Jool discovered)

Gas planet 2: ~50% larger than Jool, with rings. Early version shown on a stream a while ago.

- Eeloo: Relocated to orbit GP2, now with large geysers that can knock your ship around (prototyped several weeks ago, they function quite well)

- Daphy: Unusually smooth and round ball of fluff. An asteroid which has accumulated material from the rings, practically no gravity.

- Potatus: Small moon with relatively high inclination relative to GP2's equator. Composed of ices surrounding a highly dense core. Very rapid rotation (21 minutes) causes it to be stretched into an oblate spheroid (prototyped a while ago, the physics actually work and are really cool)

- Fonso: Largest moon, ~300 km radius. Very mountainous, with a thick atmosphere that only extends partway up the mountains (as in, the mountain peaks are in vacuum, while the proper surface is at two atmospheres)

- Tiny moons: Same case as Jool

Gas planet 3: Perhaps not an actual gas planet, could be a 2000km rocky planet with a thick atmosphere (have fun landing under 6g and 30 atmospheres of pressure)

- Moon with rings? Would have to be diffuse rings as well as recent, fully-formed rings wouldn't last long in that position.

Gas planet 4: Who knows.

Beyond: Who knows x2"

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I like the idea of a Saturn-like gas giant, and of moons with an active surface (that would be good for Kerbin too), but I think that two gas planets and maybe a far away rocky planet could be really enough for the solar system developement, otherwise it won't be Kerbal Space Program anymore, but a Not-so-Kerbal Space Program...

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It would be really cool to have some moons with atmosphere like titan around a planet with rings. The planet with the rings doesn't have to be a gas giant, in fact I would prefer if it wasn't because landing on a planet with rings and atmosphere would be really cool.

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New planets / solar system have been discussed by squad, some explicitly confirmed that they wants.

It is why it is in the what not to suggest list.

So I'll close this thread to keep all the planets ideas to the currently going discussion: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29807-Planet-Ideas-And-Names-For-The-Future-Of-Kerbal-Space-Program

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