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Most important lesson you've learned in KSP?


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  • 2 weeks later...
I've learned to avoid quick-save. Failure can lead to the most epic rescue story lines.

Yeah, I've been avoiding quick-save, too. But I figure I must be doing something wrong because everyone else seems to recommend quick-save. It is supposed to make it impossible to revert to the launch pad when you use quick-save, or is that just a glitch I've been encountering?

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Keep your Center of Lift behind your Center of Mass, and keep Center of Thrust in-line with Center of Mass.

Also, once you build enough spaceplanes, follow your instincts. If it looks like it should fly, it'll probably do okay. If it looks crazy, check the relationships between CoL, CoM, and CoT.

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Wow this thread took off! Here's one I JUST learned; Make sure you have parachutes. I just had to attempt a docking manuvre in a decaying orbit in Kerbin's atmosphere to deliver a module's worth of parachutes. Let's just say docking at 55km above sea level is NOT fun.

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Yeah, I've been avoiding quick-save, too. But I figure I must be doing something wrong because everyone else seems to recommend quick-save. It is supposed to make it impossible to revert to the launch pad when you use quick-save, or is that just a glitch I've been encountering?

I think that once you quick-save you are only able to revert to the quick-save point, not the launch or assembly building. Most people recommend using it before an important maneuver so that if you mess it up you can try again right away. My point is that if you never let yourself deal with the consequences of failure, you are missing out on some potentially epic rescue mission scenarios. I had a blast rescuing my first kethane drill team from the Mun who overshot the kethane field by a few kilometers. It included salvaging parts off the remains of a crashed ship, and designing a modular rescue lander that could hop over and pick them up, then hop back to the kethane field for re-fueling before launching into orbit.

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Make sure you have parachutes.

Make sure they don't activate on your takeoff stage .......................

Similarly, make sure your launch support things DO activate on your takeoff stage ......................

Similarly, make sure your engines ALSO activate when the tower detaches ..............

Otherwise...spend 4 hours designing ultimate rocket of perfection....press spacebar and blows up on the launchpad. I mean, really??

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I think that once you quick-save you are only able to revert to the quick-save point, not the launch or assembly building. Most people recommend using it before an important maneuver so that if you mess it up you can try again right away. My point is that if you never let yourself deal with the consequences of failure, you are missing out on some potentially epic rescue mission scenarios. I had a blast rescuing my first kethane drill team from the Mun who overshot the kethane field by a few kilometers. It included salvaging parts off the remains of a crashed ship, and designing a modular rescue lander that could hop over and pick them up, then hop back to the kethane field for re-fueling before launching into orbit.

I quick save all the time and have never had trouble reverting back to assembly. I'll have to test it but maybe if you actually use that quicksave you can no longer revert.

If you change ships (or go EVA. Or dock) you can't revert anyway so unless you're doing simple testing of something, a revert is kinda out of the question anyway.

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  • 2 months later...

Make a checklist and check it thrice. Nothing sucks more than crossing that infamous horizon and losing comms due to a bad antenna, except for having the two Mainsail-powered boosted do the splits 1km in the air.

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