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To the Mun!! (pic heavy)


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Mun mission report. Flight command/ mission control......

After the sucessiful Minmus landing, the next step was of course the Mun.

The energy and support for continued exploration space is high here on Kerbin. Jeb not wanting to dissapoint his new adoring fans wouldn't hear of a different pilot flying this mission. The truth is that he didn't have any real argument from his fellow Kerinauts. Jeb was the man.

To speed up the development to launch time, a variant of our Minmus launch platform was used. There was a concern that this would prove to be a issue. It came close to being one.

The KSP marketing department came up with the idea to have some prominate philosopher to read a speech about the drive of the Kerbin spirt during the launch. Unfortunately nothing he said could be heard over Jebs screaming ""Yeehaw!!"


Launch and setting orbit went just as planned. Did burn for Kerbin escape. From transfer you can see the huge impact area on Kerbin. ***Flight Command note: Need to plan a mission to center of this formation for study***


Setting up burn for Munar capture. Jeb requested to just wing it. After debate he agree to do burn according to the numbers.


Just after touchdown and green light for EVA on Munar surface. Jeb was giggling like a school girl at this point. ***Flight command note: Consider setting up another physiological evaluation for Jeb***


Flag planted on the Mun. Control asked Jeb to make a statement in light of this great accomplishment. His statement was, "Is that a crater over there?"


Jeb investigating the crater.


Liftoff from Munar surface went with no issuse. Set up transfer back to Kerbin. Hit target and made it to splashdown straight from Munar orbit. Note only had .26 fuel left. No margin for error. Mission was a success. Could have been a disaster. Need to double check Delta-V numbers next time.

Transfer from Mun to Kerbin.


This mission was a great experience. Science gained greatly improved our understanding of rocketry and power systems. Next mission planned will be a Solar observation probe to be parked in a Solar orbit between Kerbin and Eve. Probe will be desinated Helios 1.

(I really like this game. :D)

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This project of the lander should be made one of stock spaceships :D I've seen like ten variations of this theme since 0.22. Of course my own very first Mun lander was very similiar :)

I have seen many like this also. Before I attempted my Minmus and Mun landings I look at several how-to vids. All of them used this style. It is simple and functional. And I didn't have fuel lines unlocked yet. :)

I hope to plan out my future landings with more of a Apollo style. Grew up reading about those missions and really would enjoy working out something simular to them. :cool:

Thanks for great comments. I like the humor of the idea of Kerbins. And Jeb is nuts. LOL Been loving this game since I bought it.

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