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A thougt about the little Kerbals themselves.


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I went a little poetic the other day and thougt about a comment someone made a while back.

That person said he wouldnt really like how everything about the Kerbals is all silly and goofy and that he instead prefers a more serious approach to his flightscenarios and rocketdesigns.

Well. I dont mind either - so far I simply tried to make stuff happen and was good with it, but somehow it irked me after reading this and I wondered how Kerbals really are like. If everything is "found lying by the side of the road", who made it initially? Who came up with the blueprints and mathematical solutions? Rockets made with 50% duct-tape are certainly funny to think of, but once were a wee bit more serious about the matter: That wouldnt work - some serious work is necessary to get our contraptions air- /spaceborne and I dont see how a race capable of reaching space-faring technologylevels is incapable of feeling sad about tragic losses to their ranks - which has to mean they, despite all wonkyness, do try to avoid deathcases and failing Rockets.

All this and more lead me to the following conclusion: Kerbals are an incredibly ingenious race capable of developing new technologies almost on-the-fly. Their only way of coping with the large influx of new developments is by live-testing with often only basic safety-measures. That in turn is only possible thanks to the Kerbals outstanding physical capabilities. They can endure a lot before breaking down and even then have regenerative abilities beyond what a human couldnt even dream of. Maybe that is because they didnt develop from apelike life-forms like we did, but rather had some prehistoric ties to Kerbins Plant-life. That would fit their healthy moss-green skintone. Moss, by the way, can be chopped into the smallest pieces and would still grow back, if the conditions are right.

I envision Kerbals as a genuinely kind-hearted race, being very connected to plants, the sun and living itself. Always diligent and busy they would only have very little "sparetime", as all the work they do is actually what they enjoy. Furthermore I see them organised in a somewhat caste-like society, where those castes would only mean a field of craftmanship or science, a Kerbal has devoted itself to - not a set of social limits and taboos but more like a job.

Somehow I dont think large Metropoles (like New York) are very Kerbalish - instead I imagine them living in small cities at max, mostly even larger towns only where the Inhabitants are very interconnected. This is a major factor to how the Kerbals can be so efficient in development and (eco-friendly-) industry. Whole towns/cities can sometimes be dedicated to a field of science/craftmanship.

Taking all we have so far we can even draw a picture on how their cities could look - In my Idea they have a lot of plant life (Affection to plants and sunlight) and open roads (which are less in the well sorted manner you see in the US, but more like the old cities in Europe. Reference: https://www.google.de/mapmaker?ll=49.580557,10.627384&spn=0.020953,0.060425&z=15&utm_source=mapseditbutton_normal&lyt=large_map_v3 ...hope this works)with broad sidewalks in front of buildings with very open fronts. Most Kerbal buildings have Cafes (if they have coffee - I vote yes!) or Workshops being open at any time. We 'know' Kerbals are attached to technology and arts and thus they have a lot of such places to meet and dispute (Somewhat alike to what the italian culture was said to be or still may be) Even if a structure doesnt really have a need for anything like that - their architecture would still promote open frontfacades (Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iwan) as this is just one of the main features of kerbal architecture mirroring their strong community-spirit.

Kerbal Cities often dont grow so much in surface-area but rise in height quickly, making them look like a smaller mockup of high-rising cities on earth. Our Kerbals can maintain this buildstyle thanks to their astonishing stamina as that leaves them with a larger pool of resources and possibilities. Bac9s hit on the Kerbal Space Center (which is hands down beautiful :) ) fits so well I see it as the basic style of Kerbal cities: Strong geometry for the basic shapes, large windows, warm tones and sometimes lots of white, large flat surfaces. What I would finally add is some ornamentic and some decorative additions to the city-builds. Patterns you would often see could be Voronoi and Penrosepatterns as well as Art-deco. How that could exactly look I dont entirely know myself yet, but I know I would like to make some sketches on that, soon.

Well, thats it so far. It was kinda fun thinking all this up and I hope you enjoyed reading this. Be my guest if you want to pick up here and add your own thougts. Should your Nickname be "Harvester" - I bet you even have a ton more to say about our favourite aliens.

Edited by Audiopulse
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This is brilliant! I always wondered how one could call a race that has managed to unite the entire planet and that assigns unlimited funds to its space agency less intelligent than humans as many do.

I prefer to think of Kerbals as divided up into nation-states and such, but with less warfare and much more peace than humans.

I also prefer to think of my Kerbals (Not the other ones) as living in a democratic, free nation that I've named the United Proviences (As a nickname), and I treat them as such. For example, I focus alot on high living standards at my Duna Base, often landing fuel tanks that "Contain" supplies.

However, I prefer to think fo Kerbal technology as off.

For example, I don't put any satellites in Kerbin orbit, as I'm thinking that Kerbals are already connected by optical fiber cables that run around the entire planet, bringing the Kerbal Internet and communication across the world. I also don't put in spy satellites, instead sticking to small military space stations.

Kerbalkind also does very little testing with their spacecraft, instead opting for simulations, hope, and their extremely robust physique, allowing them to survive doses of radiation 140 more than that of an average human, along with having extremely efficent blood cells, digestive, and respiration systems, allowing them to survive on small amounts of food, water, and air-however, they are slow and tire easily (Which is why I don't have them take long walks or spacewalks). Kerbals have two genders, though the Space Program cuts the hair of its kebolnauts to avoid the hair getting in the way of work/getting caught/safety reasons, which makes it hard to tell a female Kerbal from a Male kerbal, unless you really closely analyze their names (For example, 4 Males and One female with another crew of three arriving at my Duna Base).

Kerbal cities are highly industrial, but they have an artetecturial style similat to that of the space center. Kerbals also prefer white or grey buildings.

Kerbalkind is capable of advancing at an extremely fast rate, as they have hyperactive nerve systems and react faster.

I mostly think of Kerbals as an industrial, independent, freethinking, ambitious, and extremely courageous race that value traditions such as family honor, freedom, democracy, and self-reliance.

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For me the Kerbals are clearly an evil race, caste-ridden yes, but ruled by a secretive elite with little concern for the majority of their race.

Through a programme of propaganda and authoratarian control they keep the masses ignorant and in a child-like state of development, using random selection to choose a pool of candidates to send into space for unknown (and unknowable) purposes.

Those poor candidates are kept sequestered from the rest of society in a coastal base, far from any other sign of civilization, their friends and families no-doubt held hostage against their good behaviour; and are sent on perilous ventures to orbit and beyond, with only the dubious nutritional value of snacks to keep their child-like minds quiet and occupied.

They regularly deorbit spent nuclear engines into the sea, without care for the environmental damage or the possibility of fisherkerbals below the orbital path.

Truly a heartless and despicable regime, and no surprise that duct-tape and parts found by the roadside are considered adequate safety measures.

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This is brilliant! I always wondered how one could call a race that has managed to unite the entire planet and that assigns unlimited funds to its space agency less intelligent than humans as many do.

The world is only unified because anyone who disagrees with the Kerman regime is sent to the labour camps, where they are forced to work for 18 hours a day manufacturing rocket parts, making spacecraft incredibly cheap.

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The curious thing I find about Kerbals is that while some of them are brave and some are less brave, all of them are stupid to a degree and the best of the best is only `not stupid` which leads me to think that the natural state for kerbals is for them to be very smart and at the same time to make terrible, awfully stupid decisions...

You know how when you are trying to think of a solution to a problem, you think of many solutions that just would not work and you keep going `nope, that wouldn`t work`. Well I reckon kerbals don`t ever think that. So they try everything and the least stupid of them is the one most able to go "Hmm, maybe that wouldn`t work" without trying it first.

Also, given their inability to not try all the options, we can assume a very very robust experimental knowledge but also that it would have taken a very very long time...

I am of the opinion that their civilization may be twenty thousand years old. Longer if they have a caste system.

Edited by John FX
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I prefer to think of Kerbals as divided up into nation-states and such, but with less warfare and much more peace than humans.

On this, I have to disagree with you, but I think that is just a personal opinion as we have no clear proof for any of those hypotheses, unless I am missing something.

I do think the same way as you on the topics which you talked about in the rest of your reply, however. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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The curious thing I find about Kerbals is that while some of them are brave and some are less brave, all of them are stupid to a degree and the best of the best is only `not stupid` which leads me to think that the natural state for kerbals is for them to be very smart and at the same time to make terrible, awfully stupid decisions...

My parents used to say this about me when I was younger :|

I like to think of Kerbals as little green men and women living life day to day as they come. I don't think they would ever make war against one another (they just seem too friendly...and stupid). I like the idea of their architecture going up instead of out in their towns, but I prefer to think outside those they like curved flowing forms of buildings, almost like plants themselves (though I'm not talking TES Telvanni houses, hate those). I have this picture in my head of a family of Kerbals standing in a field of crops, watching the next big launch into space in the distance.

In my mind, Kerbals sit back and enjoy life to the fullest because they have little worry or stress in the world, dreaming of going to space and simply being curious of everything around them, despite the disadvantage of having no common sense :D

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I prefer to think of Kerbals as divided up into nation-states and such, but with less warfare and much more peace than humans.

I also prefer to think of my Kerbals (Not the other ones) as living in a democratic, free nation that I've named the United Proviences (As a nickname), and I treat them as such. For example, I focus alot on high living standards at my Duna Base, often landing fuel tanks that "Contain" supplies.

However, I prefer to think fo Kerbal technology as off.

For example, I don't put any satellites in Kerbin orbit, as I'm thinking that Kerbals are already connected by optical fiber cables that run around the entire planet, bringing the Kerbal Internet and communication across the world. I also don't put in spy satellites, instead sticking to small military space stations.

Kerbalkind also does very little testing with their spacecraft, instead opting for simulations, hope, and their extremely robust physique, allowing them to survive doses of radiation 140 more than that of an average human, along with having extremely efficent blood cells, digestive, and respiration systems, allowing them to survive on small amounts of food, water, and air-however, they are slow and tire easily (Which is why I don't have them take long walks or spacewalks). Kerbals have two genders, though the Space Program cuts the hair of its kebolnauts to avoid the hair getting in the way of work/getting caught/safety reasons, which makes it hard to tell a female Kerbal from a Male kerbal, unless you really closely analyze their names (For example, 4 Males and One female with another crew of three arriving at my Duna Base).

Kerbal cities are highly industrial, but they have an artetecturial style similat to that of the space center. Kerbals also prefer white or grey buildings.

Kerbalkind is capable of advancing at an extremely fast rate, as they have hyperactive nerve systems and react faster.

I mostly think of Kerbals as an industrial, independent, freethinking, ambitious, and extremely courageous race that value traditions such as family honor, freedom, democracy, and self-reliance.

The UP. Does that describe your rockets also?

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The UP. Does that describe your rockets also?


I use the United Provincal flag as the flag for all my ships.

I still like to think of Kerbals as nations that will sometimes war, but their warfare technology is...odd.

Such as assault rifles with 19th century bayonets, aircraft that will sometimes fire guided missiles containing grapeshot, and such, rail guns that fire typical explosive cannonballs....

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