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Remove Revert Mission and Terminate(Tracking Control) from career mode

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I suggest to remove(or assign to difficulty) the "Revert Mission" functionality from the Esc menu and "Terminate" from Tracking Control building in the career mode.

The Revert Mission help a lot when something goes wrong at the launch and the player do not care of the safety first("Abort mission" and save the crew).

The Terminate helps to remove space junks which is a very big issue in the industry.

Without these the game would be more challenging. :cool:

What is your opinion?

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space junks

That... is such an unfathomably beautiful phrase.

Anyways, back on topic - I like your idea. I would implement different difficulty modes as you alternatively suggested in the beginning, removing the "terminate" button on normal difficulty and higher, and removing the "revert mission" button on hard difficulty.

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i actually consider it a bug when a detached portion of a ship without a means of control (pod, core, seat with a kerbal in it, etc) is called a "ship". you might also make it so players can explicitly flag an object as not junk, such as by attaching a transponder beacon part to it.

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Personally, I don't use those buttons much, but I find them very practical sometimes. For example, in career mode, I send up sub-orbitals, and when I can't transmit any more data, I collect as much as possible and go down in a parachute. The, I recover the crafts, and get science!

As you may have noticed, recover only works on Kerbin in career mode. I find it logical, because the Kerbals probably have the technology to recover crafts if they can launch them, so I don't think it should be removed.

Removing the revert flight button wouldn't do much, I think. Just exit to the VAB, fix whatever blew up, and relaunch. If the previous rocket is still on the pad, you get rid of it anyway.

As for the terminate button, I don't care about space junk. Adds a little charm, in my opinion. It shows your success!

If you don't like it, send up a craft with missiles to blow them up or something. But I like it ^^

Edited by Boosterspice
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The Terminate helps to remove space junks which is a very big issue in the industry.

In KSP, however, it's not a big issue. Space is so big and the average amount of debris so small that you rarely even spot a piece of debris by chance. We have no ablation cascades creating more junk either because collisions don't happen when you don't watch them.

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I think the point of the revert flight button is since we can't test our designs before launch, the launch is the test. If the test fails you can go back and fix it without penalty.

And that's exactly why it needs to stay.

You still can't cheat your way out of screwing up the landing, but alteast you don't lose your kerbals (or money, when that comes) cause you forgot to add enough torque

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I think in this case a good dose of judgement is needed. If you don't want to use them to challenge yourself, it's pretty easy to simply ignore theses buttons. Else as it's been said, it's better to keep those buttons for beginners.

Let's not forget that in a way, Revert Flight is some sort of "test mode". If I spend an hour designing a rocket in the VAB in career mode to boot it on the pad and see it falls apart instantly and that my pod explodes, I'll be glad for the revert flight button at that moment.

I can remember HarvesteR talking about potentially giving the possibility to deactivate it in career for added difficulty, though I would hardly see this as a priority.

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I must notice that this is the users first post. I remember my first posts and some of the things I suggested or requested which now seem not right after being on the forum for a while.

Welcome to the forum. I do not like your suggestion but I will defend your right to make it, to paraphrase.

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It's a game. It should be fun. Should it be ruined for the people who'd like to use it because you don't have the self control to not use "revert" and "abort mission"?


On a side note, there are “legitimate†uses for these buttons (at least in my book they're legit):

  • Deorbiting debris that is in a decaying orbit. If I plan my launch correctly and discard stages in a 100×40km orbit then I have no problem in removing those through abort mission -- the only reason they are there is because they’re on rails. I could sit each of them through the atmosphere but where’s the fun in that?
  • Borking a launch because of staging tree errors, especially if they happened because I just edited something in the VAB and KSP decided that my launching clamps now belong to stage 3, not stage 11. “In reality you can't revert!†Well yeah in reality I’d have a team of specialists whose job it is to prevent just that, so there you go.
  • Ok, so my boosters decided to detach themselves and rip of the launch stage, but not before igniting it. Good thing I have an abort sequence in play. Capsule detaches, moves away from the carnage, chute deploys. And now I wait... and I wait... and I wait... and I wait... and I wait (etc, etc). Finally, landed. Now I can rover the capsule, go back to space center and then go to the VAB. Or I can revert to VAB immediately. Much quicker.
  • Just launched your Mk-2 shuttle to meet up with the moonlander launched by Jeb and wait... Why is Dildo Kerman sitting in Jeb's seat? Where's he going to be after docking? I can't have four Kerbils on this mission! Yes, the lander can will come back to collect science, but it's not safe to deorbit in that! Didn't anyone check on that? Well in real life my launch crew wouldn't have let Dildo even near the launch pad. And I actually did modify the crew, but I forgot that hitting the "save" button resets that. Good thing I have revert to VAB... (actually I'm using Crew Manifest but you get the gist).

I'd like to call these buttons the Festivus buttons. If you're hardcore, you don't touch them. For the rest of us--Festivus!

Edited by Kerbart
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Same here, wouldn't mind it being toggled off for a hard, hardcore or ironman difficulty mode but nobody should be forced to play like that against their will, this game can be rather unforgiving even with quicksaves. Just don't know about terminate flight, I think it is a non-issue really since it has little effect on gameplay (doesn't give you any advantage, has the same penalties as blowing up everything). I use it mostly to get rid off improperly flagged debris cluttering the vessel list like decouplers ending up as probes rather than debris.

Also I think it would be very kerbal to have a self-destruct device on everything, just in case Jeb needs some new years fireworks and an old abandoned space station happens to be in the sky above. Also it would explain why everything explodes.

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You clearly do not have one of these:


As they love to walk on keyboards and mess up launches. At which point the revert-to-launch is a welcomed feature.

I did like to play "hardcore" initially in KSP, and it's fun. And a whole different play style, I recommend it to everyone who did not try playing that way yet. You learn to put docking ports on everything, and you'll learn to dock with odd orbits.

Right now I'm doing it with quicksaves and reverts. Feels like a whole new game :D

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It's a game. It should be fun. Should it be ruined for the people who'd like to use it because you don't have the self control to not use "revert" and "abort mission"?


On a side note, there are “legitimate†uses for these buttons (at least in my book they're legit):

  • Deorbiting debris that is in a decaying orbit. If I plan my launch correctly and discard stages in a 100×40km orbit then I have no problem in removing those through abort mission -- the only reason they are there is because they’re on rails. I could sit each of them through the atmosphere but where’s the fun in that?
  • Borking a launch because of staging tree errors, especially if they happened because I just edited something in the VAB and KSP decided that my launching clamps now belong to stage 3, not stage 11. “In reality you can't revert!†Well yeah in reality I’d have a team of specialists whose job it is to prevent just that, so there you go.
  • Ok, so my boosters decided to detach themselves and rip of the launch stage, but not before igniting it. Good thing I have an abort sequence in play. Capsule detaches, moves away from the carnage, chute deploys. And now I wait... and I wait... and I wait... and I wait... and I wait (etc, etc). Finally, landed. Now I can rover the capsule, go back to space center and then go to the VAB. Or I can revert to VAB immediately. Much quicker.
  • Just launched your Mk-2 shuttle to meet up with the moonlander launched by Jeb and wait... Why is Dildo Kerman sitting in Jeb's seat? Where's he going to be after docking? I can't have four Kerbils on this mission! Yes, the lander can will come back to collect science, but it's not safe to deorbit in that! Didn't anyone check on that? Well in real life my launch crew wouldn't have let Dildo even near the launch pad. And I actually did modify the crew, but I forgot that hitting the "save" button resets that. Good thing I have revert to VAB... (actually I'm using Crew Manifest but you get the gist).

I'd like to call these buttons the Festivus buttons. If you're hardcore, you don't touch them. For the rest of us--Festivus!

You have a Dildo Kerman?

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You have a Dildo Kerman?

Mine is blue.

In all seriousness, I don't like the idea of keeping space junk flying around forever or being forced to de-orbit. On an interplanetary mission, it'd be nearly-impossible to steer a spent stage in solar orbit into a planet. Much easier to assume that the Kerbals have a device that creates a microscopic black hole to devour the spent stage and then evaporate into nothingness.

My computer struggles with the game on minimal graphics mode and being forced to keep 20 missions worth of spent stages floating around would make career mode inoperable.

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It's a game. It should be fun. Should it be ruined for the people who'd like to use it because you don't have the self control to not use "revert" and "abort mission"?


On a side note, there are “legitimate†uses for these buttons (at least in my book they're legit):

  • Deorbiting debris that is in a decaying orbit. If I plan my launch correctly and discard stages in a 100×40km orbit then I have no problem in removing those through abort mission -- the only reason they are there is because they’re on rails. I could sit each of them through the atmosphere but where’s the fun in that?
  • Borking a launch because of staging tree errors, especially if they happened because I just edited something in the VAB and KSP decided that my launching clamps now belong to stage 3, not stage 11. “In reality you can't revert!†Well yeah in reality I’d have a team of specialists whose job it is to prevent just that, so there you go.
  • Ok, so my boosters decided to detach themselves and rip of the launch stage, but not before igniting it. Good thing I have an abort sequence in play. Capsule detaches, moves away from the carnage, chute deploys. And now I wait... and I wait... and I wait... and I wait... and I wait (etc, etc). Finally, landed. Now I can rover the capsule, go back to space center and then go to the VAB. Or I can revert to VAB immediately. Much quicker.
  • Just launched your Mk-2 shuttle to meet up with the moonlander launched by Jeb and wait... Why is Dildo Kerman sitting in Jeb's seat? Where's he going to be after docking? I can't have four Kerbils on this mission! Yes, the lander can will come back to collect science, but it's not safe to deorbit in that! Didn't anyone check on that? Well in real life my launch crew wouldn't have let Dildo even near the launch pad. And I actually did modify the crew, but I forgot that hitting the "save" button resets that. Good thing I have revert to VAB... (actually I'm using Crew Manifest but you get the gist).

I'd like to call these buttons the Festivus buttons. If you're hardcore, you don't touch them. For the rest of us--Festivus!

I want a Dildo Kerman.

I already know what kinda ship I'm going to put him in. And what I'm going to call it :wink:

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Those're still around? I thought the guys had made sure that wasn't a name that got generated anymore.

I don't think that taking this functionality out is a very good idea, really. If you want to play 'super realism', you can still do that, really. Just make your own rules for when you can and can't use the buttons.

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I want a Dildo Kerman.

I already know what kinda ship I'm going to put him in. And what I'm going to call it :wink:

I'm going to be searching for him now too!

As several have said, these buttons are useful for a variety of reasons.

I've used the terminate to remove debris on planets, because it's just cluttering up the landscape, because it didn't die when it crashed.

I frequently use revert when ships just fall apart for no good reason. In fact I have one design that falls apart always on the first attempt, I revert to launch and it works.

I also had a similar problem to Kerbart. When I was sending a ship to land on Eve, Bill kept wanting to go! I had to keep reverting and replacing him with someone with high stupidity - he didn't really understand what Eve Colony meant.

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Thx for the responses. Maybe i am to masochistic because i don't want these options. I think the quick save helps a lot.

As many of you said removing these would be unfair and why i simple didn't ignore the buttons.

Removing is not a way, maybe a difficulty option in the career mode would be better like in minecraft.

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