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0.22 can recover saves from hellkraken corruption?


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We've all seen the Hellkraken, if only in screenshots. Something slips out of place. The universe disappears. Your craft disappears. All that is left is the altimeter scrolling 666666...

I was always told that if this happened, your savefile was doomed, so when my Duna mission glitched yesterday I thought my entire career mode save was gone.

But after restarting the game and loading the save, everything was still there except for that one glitchy ship, neatly deleted from space.

Is this recovery feature new to 0.22, or have I just not noticed until now?

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  geb said:
We've all seen the Hellkraken, if only in screenshots. Something slips out of place. The universe disappears. Your craft disappears. All that is left is the altimeter scrolling 666666...

I was always told that if this happened, your savefile was doomed, so when my Duna mission glitched yesterday I thought my entire career mode save was gone.

But after restarting the game and loading the save, everything was still there except for that one glitchy ship, neatly deleted from space.

Is this recovery feature new to 0.22, or have I just not noticed until now?

I dont think it can corrupt your save. But it disassembles my spacecrafts and sends the parts into kerbol escape trajectories.

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Hell kraken: *shoots lava* come forth, accept your fate...

Jeb: *catches lava and drinks it* yum! *grabs a nuclear SRB and rides it* COMMERE YOU FLYING BASTARD!!! *kamikazi's the kraken*

*jeb stumbles into ksc a few days later*

*kraken crashes on vall*

What happens every time the hell kraken strikes :cool:

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I've only been hit by the Hell Kraken once and the save didn't corrupt.

I was however once hit by a Kraken attack that not only fired my Kerbals returning from Dres off at a significant fraction the speed of light but punched my mission clock forward six months and then crashed my computer, corrupting every save I had along with KSP's core files (I had to delete everything and redownload it).

In response I did this


Hasn't happened again so I guess it worked

Edited by Brapness
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  geb said:
Something slips out of place. The universe disappears. Your craft disappears. All that is left is the altimeter scrolling 666666...

This bit made me lol. It sounds like a Steven King novel.

There are always naysayers:

"Just restart."

"Oh, it isn't so bad."

"It hasn't really affected my game."

"As long as it doesn't affect my property value."

"Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent species."

But I'm a true believer. I know the foul creature walks among us, disguised, lurking in the shadows, biding his time, waiting for some rare malfunction and his chance to strike and devour. But I'm ready! If the hellkraken ever tries to posess my computer, I have a squirt gun full of holy water right here ready to go. And a spare computer.

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