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[PLUGIN+PARTS][0.23] SCANsat terrain mapping


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2) When I opened the options window, I discovered, that Kerbol is also scanable. With this in mind, I am planning my first Kerbol-Probe. But now I am not sure, in what orbit I shall send it, to get the best scan-results. I guess, I might not be able to use the low-res-scanner, because of the max-altitude? Any suggestions in this case?

I'm pretty sure that your probe will blow up before you get in range of even the synthetic aperture radar. I don't think scanning Kerbol is possible without modding the altitude limits.

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I'm pretty sure that your probe will blow up before you get in range of even the synthetic aperture radar. I don't think scanning Kerbol is possible without modding the altitude limits.

That is what I am expecting, but I was surprised, that it seems to be possible due to the options window (where you can read, how much of each body is done already)

@Podafarr: Yes, I am aware of this. My question was just about Kerbol as a special case.

So, the question is still up - has anyone done some Kerbol scanning without changing the cfg. ?

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i've been having some issues with it recently, after downloading the latest built the stock science parts have stopped generating science; I can toggle the display on and of but I cannot store nor send the date, on the other hand Scansat works like a charm

I'm running KSP .23 on the latest version of Mac OS X Mavericks

I'm also using


Real Chute


kerbal joint reinforcement

modular manager

do you know what might be causing this? any idea how to fix it?

PLZ help


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Kerbol is quite scannable, provided you bring enough ÃŽâ€v for your circularization burn(s). I think it should even be possible to scan it with BTDT, since the heat-exclusion zone (according to the wiki) is below the 2km BTDT scanning range. I've only scanned about 8%, because I didn't bring enough ÃŽâ€v, but I'm going to try again soon.

I haven't had any issues with the stock science parts, using SCANSat, MechJeb, and RealChute, so my suspicions would center on MM, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, and/or Romfarer.

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How hard would it be to re-do the biome map color legend based on how much science we've retrieved from each area? The map would start with everything the same color gray with just the white lines showing the boundaries, and as you collect science from each biome, it gets more saturated. When you've collected 100% of the possible science from a planet, it's fully saturated and the biomes have different colors.

Edited by TranquilTempest
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It was actually my fault, instead of keeping both Science Defs files I' replace the original one with the Scansat one :rolleyes:

Bad idea don't do that.

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Question: Is this still being actively developed?

I can't say that it really needs it. It works pretty well right now. But I see the OP has been active in the past few days so I would assume it is still being worked on.

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This needs.. well not certainly needs, but woudl be nice - toolbar plugin integration.

Also, review/analyse (dont remember what exacty was there) data on part connecting to scansat network doesnt do anything.

And, after scanning 100% of planet, some kind of summary about its topography as science report woudl be nice.

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This needs.. well not certainly needs, but woudl be nice - toolbar plugin integration.

Also, review/analyse (dont remember what exacty was there) data on part connecting to scansat network doesnt do anything.

And, after scanning 100% of planet, some kind of summary about its topography as science report woudl be nice.

Toolbar integration would indeed be welcome - especially if it means maps can be studied while not in flight.

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First of all, thank you very much for this amazing plugin!

Got a few questions though and I'm wondering if you guys could help me out.

1. What's the most efficient inclination I can send my probes into? Also, how many probes should I send up and at what altitude?

--(I have like 3 probes with 3 different sensors slapped to them and I'm wondering if that's overkill)

2. When I'm in Big Map mode, my map shows up as blank and I'm not quite sure why. What type of sensor do I use to generate a biome map?

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First of all, thank you very much for this amazing plugin!

Got a few questions though and I'm wondering if you guys could help me out.

1. What's the most efficient inclination I can send my probes into? Also, how many probes should I send up and at what altitude?

--(I have like 3 probes with 3 different sensors slapped to them and I'm wondering if that's overkill)

2. When I'm in Big Map mode, my map shows up as blank and I'm not quite sure why. What type of sensor do I use to generate a biome map?

1. 85 degrees or 95 degrees are the usual back-of-the-hand calculations. There's a thread about this mod's spiritual ancestor, ISAMapSat, that lists the ideal altitudes and angles for each planet; in this case, only the angle matters. Send up as many as you like, one per scanner isn't too different than trying to stick 3 scanners on one.

2. The 'middle' one - the white box with red detailing - is the biome scanner. Remember, only 3 bodies have real biomes at the moment.

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Hi. I'm already using ScanSat for a while, but now I'd like to use my SATs more efficiently...


My questions are:

1.) Is there any way to see all of my satellites orbit "lines" on the big map, not just the selected one?

2.) Is there any way to "recognize" local planet's rotating speed (so local daytime) to better chose inclination (without cheating and reading in wiki)

3.) What does that number means in bottom right corner of big map (currently shows 28.4)

4.) What does that "//" button do over that number?

Sorry for bad english knowledge, and sorry if my questions were stupid...

Thanks for help in advance

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Hello again. Sorry to bother you, but is it worth it to put 2 different sensor arrays on one vessel?

There are 110 pages in this thread, if you could edit first post to include quick reference for noobs who, like me, wasn't there when it started? Like what parts do what, what we can do, what we can't, what we can but shouldn't try? How science works with them? And so on? I don't expect full manual, of course, just a quick sketch of what to expect.

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Hello again. Sorry to bother you, but is it worth it to put 2 different sensor arrays on one vessel?

There are 110 pages in this thread, if you could edit first post to include quick reference for noobs who, like me, wasn't there when it started? Like what parts do what, what we can do, what we can't, what we can but shouldn't try? How science works with them? And so on? I don't expect full manual, of course, just a quick sketch of what to expect.

By all means, put 2 different sensors on your vessel. One will give you just a straight up map, (It's the square box with the red and white striped base) The other will give you the biomes and anomalies (Easter Eggs) it's rectangular. There is another called the BTDT (Been-There Done-That) that will give the anomalies names (If you can get close enough) and there is a 3rd that gives a higher resolution map. The best orbits are polar orbits, and you really don't need more than one sat, it's just going to take a while.

Once you have completely scanned a planet you can click "Analyze Data" and that will generate some science based on the amount of the planet scanned and the science multiplier for the planet. You can then transmit this data (Assuming you have an antenna) and it will be added to your science points for use.

Hope that answers some of your questions.

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Is there any chance for integration with Blizzy's toolbar in the near future? I love the SCANSat mod, but the big huge button that it places on the screen gets a bit annoying, especially when it could be easily placed in Blizzy's awesome toolbar to de-clutter the screen.

Sorry if this has already been asked, didn't have the time to scroll through 50 pages of unread posts to see.

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Only bodies within the Kerbin system have biomes at the moment, hence the static. If you try the other sensors on Jool for example I think you also get static from then.

I've noticed you still get science from doing a biome scan on planets without biomes yet.

I wonder if you get science from radar scans of Jool....

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1.) Is there any way to see all of my satellites orbit "lines" on the big map, not just the selected one?

2.) Is there any way to "recognize" local planet's rotating speed (so local daytime) to better chose inclination (without cheating and reading in wiki)

3.) What does that number means in bottom right corner of big map (currently shows 28.4)

4.) What does that "//" button do over that number?

1. I do not think so, only the next two orbits of your active vessel - maybe the targeted too? No KSP in the office, sadly. :P

2. Try the two info buttons to the right in map mode while centered on a planet/moon - does that tell you what you need?

3. No clue. Does it change?

4. Click, come one, do it, I know you want to! :wink: Pull it to resize the map, if I remember correctly.

Where is damny btw.? Cannot find any new posts by him.

Edited by KerbMav
question of my own
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Where is damny btw.? Cannot find any new posts by him.

His last forum activity was the 10th, I wouldn't worry about it. People have 'slow' periods. Besides: SCANsat works very well, I don't know of any fatal bugs or major annoyances (though, I haven't read this thread in some time now).

A better tutorial/explanation might help reduce the question barrage, in theory anyone of us can write that.

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