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[PLUGIN+PARTS][0.23] SCANsat terrain mapping


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I have a clean copy I use to tweak parts. I can test with that. Unfortunately this week coming up is one of the busiest weeks at work I have all year. It will probably be next Sunday before I can get a chance. =(

I mean... I develop in place (I build from GameData\SCANsat\Source). So it works for me. It's the version I'm using, and I have tested things thoroughly enough (with and without Toolbar).

But you never know about the details of the package release, or line endings, or who knows what!

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Well, I said I would try and release it this weekend, and I find myself publishing the release at 11:59 PM EST.

NOTE: This may not work yet. This is a RELEASE CANDIDATE. I want one or two (hopefully DMagic) people to test it out and tell me things work as expected.

Right before I start watching Game of Thrones, like the not-download just finished as I'm typing this.;.; It's a real conundrum...

Edit: Do you have some other method of including the asteroid icons on the map (I only looked at the code)? Or was that intentionally left out?

Edited by DMagic
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I just gave it a try. Everything seems to be working, except my raster prop monitor screen stopped working. It now says "no satellite connection". Not sure if that's helpful or not but I thought I would mention.

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Right before I start watching Game of Thrones, like the not-download just finished as I'm typing this.;.; It's a real conundrum...

Edit: Do you have some other method of including the asteroid icons on the map (I only looked at the code)? Or was that intentionally left out?

edit: I mean, what missing asteroid support?

Edited by technogeeky
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SCANsat v6rc1 for KSP [0.23.5]

SCANsat v6rc1 for KSP [0.23.5] SOURCE

If you use RPM, please stay with v6 until further notice!

Build 6 - 2014-04-28

+ [REQUIRED] Update for KSP version 0.23.5. This version of SCANsat now requires KSP 0.23.5.

+ [ADDED] Added support for showing the vessel icons for Asteroids in orbit around the same

+ [OPTIONAL] Toolbar support. Built against 1.7.1. TOTALLY OPTIONAL. Though the experience
is better and more consistent with the Toolbar. [thanks DMagic!]

- [REMOVED] Removed the old expanding/contracting floating SCANsat button. Replaced instead with
either a Toolbar toolbar or with nothing, but maps become visible upon starting a scan. [thanks Dmagic!]

- [REMOVED] Non-animated parts no longer show an 'Extend' option in EDITOR. [... Dmagic is doing all the work!]

+ [COMPATABILITY] "Change access modifiers to allow for more control from RPM".
Yes, it's in quotes because I trust Dmagic THAT much.
[thanks Dmagic!]

- [BUGFIX] Scanning high inclinations with wide-enough FOV scanners
(ie, Multi, RADAR, but not SAR) will no longer reveal the opposite polar region. [thanks DMagic!]
[example orbit]: Minmus 250.000x250.000km @ 91.0 degrees

+ [HUMOR] This file is different, and so is TODO.txt.

+ [dev] Support for changing what you define as 'sea level'. Compiled to be default (ie, 0).
- [dev] Removed all unused declerations
+ [dev] switched to unix line endings.
+ [dev] switched to custom, but uniform formatting (for now done by MonoDevelop).
- [dev] removed windows commands in .csproj and .sln.
+ [dev] added unix commands. I will be happy to have both if I can be shown how.
+ [dev] added debugging and profiling support. Includes dummy executable.
+ [dev] [requires] that the SCANsat.dll be put directly in place (ie, GameData\SCANsat\.)
for debugging to work

Edited by technogeeky
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I just gave it a try. Everything seems to be working, except my raster prop monitor screen stopped working. It now says "no satellite connection". Not sure if that's helpful or not but I thought I would mention.

I can't help you there, as I don't use RPM (yet).

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For RPM to work it will need an update to the SCANsat RPM DLL. I know nothing of how to do this :P

You can recompile RPM from the source available on Github. You just need to point it at this version of the SCANsat.dll. Then you need to replace all three of the RPM.dll files with the newly generated versions. But it's probably best to stick with version 5 of SCANsat until something more official is released and Mihara can update RPM.

Also, it should be noted that the changes made simply allow RPM to access what it needs to be able to easily turn on (ie with IVA buttons) the default SCANsat map windows. To actually be able to do this would require changes on the RPM side of things.

Edited by DMagic
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For RPM to work it will need an update to the SCANsat RPM DLL. I know nothing of how to do this :P

*Applies brakes and returns to post*

Have you tried the spectacular ALCOR Advanced Landing Capsule by ASET?

No, that's one I'm wanting to use quite a lot. I have been busy getting this and the altitude calculator ready. Although tonight I was actually playing KSP for once in a few days!

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You can recompile RPM from the source available on Github. You just need to point it at this version of the SCANsat.dll. Then you need to replace all three of the RPM.dll files with the newly generated versions. But it's probably best to stick with version 5 of SCANsat until something more official is released and Mihara can update RPM.

I draw pictures - not read complicated computer words or anything involving maths so I'll wait :P

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You can recompile RPM from the source available on Github. You just need to point it at this version of the SCANsat.dll. Then you need to replace all three of the RPM.dll files with the newly generated versions. But it's probably best to stick with version 5 of SCANsat until something more official is released and Mihara can update RPM.

Also, it should be noted that the changes made simply allow RPM to access what it needs to be able to easily turn on (ie with IVA buttons) the default SCANsat map windows. To actually be able to do this would require changes on the RPM side of things.

Should I be compiling / offering something else with the package? I don't mind taking care of that. But if it's more correct to have ... Mihara ... do things, then I will let it be.

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Should I be compiling / offering something else with the package? I don't mind taking care of that. But if it's more correct to have ... Mihara ... do things, then I will let it be.

I would let Mihara take care of it. RPM is very actively being developed, and having two versions floating around probably wouldn't help things.

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NOTE: This may not work yet. This is a RELEASE CANDIDATE. I want one or two (hopefully DMagic) people to test it out and tell me things work as expected.


Please tell me if you encounter problems, and go easy on me :)

Eventually, after I know it works and I have gotten up-to-date screen shots of features, I will make a new thread and we'll all stumble in there.

I tested (briefly) your version 6rc1 on a clean KSP install (only SCANsat and Toolbar). Seems to be working fine, though it would require time to test in more situations.

I was expecting you already implemented the variable number of orbits to be shown on the big map, hope it comes next (as well as other features you showed).

Anyway, there is one possible issue that requires some tests to be better defined. The equatorial marks (that Damny introduced with build 2, see post #111) seem to be fine only for low number of orbits. If the markers are too many (that means to me, the resonance ha to be computed over a lot of orbits) the markers show to be nicely spaced even if the orbits are strictly resonant (tested with acceleration up to 1000x).

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I mean... I develop in place (I build from GameData\SCANsat\Source). So it works for me. It's the version I'm using, and I have tested things thoroughly enough (with and without Toolbar).

But you never know about the details of the package release, or line endings, or who knows what!

Sorry, I meant a clean copy of KSP I can use, so that other mods don't interfere.

I'm excited someone has taken over ScanSat since I think it's fantastic already. Thanks for all the work you've done thus far.

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SCANsat v6rc1 for KSP [0.23.5]

SCANsat v6rc1 for KSP [0.23.5] SOURCE

Build 6 - 2014-04-28

+ [REQUIRED] Update for KSP version 0.23.5. This version of SCANsat now requires KSP 0.23.5.

+ [ADDED] Added support for showing the vessel icons for Asteroids in orbit around the same

+ [OPTIONAL] Toolbar support. Built against 1.7.1. TOTALLY OPTIONAL. Though the experience
is better and more consistent with the Toolbar. [thanks DMagic!]

- [REMOVED] Removed the old expanding/contracting floating SCANsat button. Replaced instead with
either a Toolbar toolbar or with nothing, but maps become visible upon starting a scan. [thanks Dmagic!]

- [REMOVED] Non-animated parts no longer show an 'Extend' option in EDITOR. [... Dmagic is doing all the work!]

+ [COMPATABILITY] "Change access modifiers to allow for more control from RPM".
Yes, it's in quotes because I trust Dmagic THAT much.
[thanks Dmagic!]

- [BUGFIX] Scanning high inclinations with wide-enough FOV scanners
(ie, Multi, RADAR, but not SAR) will no longer reveal the opposite polar region. [thanks DMagic!]
[example orbit]: Minmus 250.000x250.000km @ 91.0 degrees

+ [HUMOR] This file is different, and so is TODO.txt.

+ [dev] Support for changing what you define as 'sea level'. Compiled to be default (ie, 0).
- [dev] Removed all unused declerations
+ [dev] switched to unix line endings.
+ [dev] switched to custom, but uniform formatting (for now done by MonoDevelop).
- [dev] removed windows commands in .csproj and .sln.
+ [dev] added unix commands. I will be happy to have both if I can be shown how.
+ [dev] added debugging and profiling support. Includes dummy executable.
+ [dev] [requires] that the SCANsat.dll be put directly in place (ie, GameData\SCANsat\.)
for debugging to work

will you make an official thread?

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Has anyone else noticed the old buttons-switching-to-KSP-style bug (from black to light grey) popping up again, either with my version or v6? I'm wondering if it's always been there, or if something was changed in the latest version.

I've only seen this happen once, and I couldn't get it to repeat on a different computer, so it's probably something related to what damny originally described, some other mod interfering with the GUI.style. I think it was fixed with all of the "GUI.skin = null" lines, but there was a lot added to SCANui.cs in the Nov 2 upload that was supposed to fix this problem, so it's hard to say.

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Has anyone else noticed the old buttons-switching-to-KSP-style bug (from black to light grey) popping up again, either with my version or v6? I'm wondering if it's always been there, or if something was changed in the latest version.

I've only seen this happen once, and I couldn't get it to repeat on a different computer, so it's probably something related to what damny originally described, some other mod interfering with the GUI.style. I think it was fixed with all of the "GUI.skin = null" lines, but there was a lot added to SCANui.cs in the Nov 2 upload that was supposed to fix this problem, so it's hard to say.

I noticed it just a day or two ago, when switching from my full complement of mods to the development set. I didn't think about it at the time.

Regardless, full skin support is something I want to do (taken from the guy who makes Kerbal Alarm Clock and Alternate Resource Panel).

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will you make an official thread?

Yes. I have to do the tedious task of taking updated screenshots, re-doing the README, etc. But I should do that in the next few days.

I also need to re-add support (in the .csproj and .sln) for Windows in the post-build phase.

DMagic: I will be happier once you can download and test the source for SCANsat without doing any editing of the .csproj and .sln files. To that end, I think the best solution is to have four build targets:

* Windows Release

* Windows Debug/Profile

* Linux Release

* Linux Debug/Profile

This is not to have different versions of the mod; just to accommodate having multiple developers who might be using different platforms. I think you are a Windows user, correct? Are you using MonoDevelop or Visual Studio?

Can you work with me a little more to verify my attempts to make this work on both platforms? I don't currently have access to a Windows install.

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I tested (briefly) your version 6rc1 on a clean KSP install (only SCANsat and Toolbar). Seems to be working fine, though it would require time to test in more situations.

I was expecting you already implemented the variable number of orbits to be shown on the big map, hope it comes next (as well as other features you showed).

Anyway, there is one possible issue that requires some tests to be better defined. The equatorial marks (that Damny introduced with build 2, see post #111) seem to be fine only for low number of orbits. If the markers are too many (that means to me, the resonance ha to be computed over a lot of orbits) the markers show to be nicely spaced even if the orbits are strictly resonant (tested with acceleration up to 1000x).

I have not included any of those changes yet because I wanted to have an understanding of the develop/build/release cycle first. Also, the code that draws orbits and the code that draws the equatorial crossing lines is currently in the same function (bad!), is currently more of a resource hog than I would like (bad!), and the feature I implemented to show more orbits just makes this problem worse (bad!!).

As for the number of markers, the current code artificially limits the number of crossings to 100.

This problem goes hand-in-hand with the ideal altitude calculation. If SCANsat can recognize that your current orbit is an ideal one, then you can know (without doing any calculation in-game) that you will have some number of unique equatorial crossings. In which case, I can just use that number instead of 100.

This problem is also vastly worse, in general, in RSS. I think the calculator says some thousand orbits are necessary to cover Earth.

So this would have the draw orbit function drawing ~ 2000 dots/lines for all of the equatorial crossings (one up, one down) , plus another 100 (the current number of dots per orbit)*1000 orbits dots/lines for the orbit.

This is why I'm hesitant to include the many orbit drawing functionality until I have a handle on why the Orbit button already causes me to lose ~ 20 FPS.

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Yeah, I'm on Windows using Visual Studio. It sounds like debugging won't work in that case, I have VS Pro (thank you .edu email address, you save me so much money), but it's probably not feasible regardless. I made some attempts at getting profiling working, I got... something, but I think I will have to spend more time with that before I can do anything useful with it.

I'm going to try to push out the next update for my mod tonight or tomorrow, after that I will have more time to check SCANsat more thoroughly.

What are your plans for parts? The MapTraq obviously needs something done, I can get my BTDT scanner working properly fairly easily (I think), but I'll probably go back and make some changes to the model/texture first. I haven't heard much from MilkShakeFiend lately, but he said he had plans for remaking the parts and making a complete set. I have no problem making stand-in parts if that is still the case.

Also, I agree about using Trigger Au's framework. I have poked around in that a little bit in my attempts to build a GUI and it's all very well documented and clearly laid out.

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Yeah, I'm on Windows using Visual Studio. It sounds like debugging won't work in that case, I have VS Pro (thank you .edu email address, you save me so much money), but it's probably not feasible regardless. I made some attempts at getting profiling working, I got... something, but I think I will have to spend more time with that before I can do anything useful with it.

I'm going to try to push out the next update for my mod tonight or tomorrow, after that I will have more time to check SCANsat more thoroughly.

What are your plans for parts? The MapTraq obviously needs something done, I can get my BTDT scanner working properly fairly easily (I think), but I'll probably go back and make some changes to the model/texture first. I haven't heard much from MilkShakeFiend lately, but he said he had plans for remaking the parts and making a complete set. I have no problem making stand-in parts if that is still the case.

Also, I agree about using Trigger Au's framework. I have poked around in that a little bit in my attempts to build a GUI and it's all very well documented and clearly laid out.

I have zero experience modelling or texturing, so I have no plans. I will accept any submissions that I can get to work. I don't really see why it's necessary to have a solar-panel looking object outside of your spacecraft so that you can read the maps you already took, from the cockpit. Hopefully I can find a very small part (smaller than MechJeb's AR202 even) to attach to the outside, or just use MM to attach the map to all pods. *shrug*

Don't worry (yet) about debugging. I haven't really gotten it working yet (I can't set breakpoints, I can't set 'watches', I can't do anything except hit Pause and hope I paused during an interesting function). Profiling works, but I don't yet understand the results. I should be better off in that direction once I *change* some code that profiles as slow, and see if I can make it faster.

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