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KMP v0.1.5.1 [0.23] [alpha] [inactive]


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TehGimp, can you send me an older server version? Your newest Server gave me allot of Error, when someone connects. And yes, I have the DLLs. I posted it earlier.

Don't have quick-and-easy access to the prior build, but looking into your issue now!

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How did you make your Mechjeb work?

I can put on the Mechjeb modul to my rocket, but then, when I want to go to the launchpad, it says "This vessel has prohibited modules" or something like this.

Either the server (I suppose) has to have mechjeb installed or listed (I haven't looked at that part of it, so no clue there to be honest), or you can go into the stock parts files and add mechjeb functionality to stock parts, since the plugin is run on your own client. I'd go for the latter option, as it ensures you won't accidentally forget to remove the case/pod from any otherwise stock builds you'd want to use on a server.

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How did you make your Mechjeb work?

I can put on the Mechjeb modul to my rocket, but then, when I want to go to the launchpad, it says "This vessel has prohibited modules" or something like this.

You don't put the PART on your rocket, you add the module from the config file to the command pods' config file.

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Okay. So maybe I am a noob, but I have a server up and running, I've port forwarded, but my friend can't join. I really don't even know what Ip the server is running on. We frequently play a minecraft server, and I use the same ip for that and for Terraria, and those work. Sooo? What's going on? He just gets a connecting, disconnect.

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Okay. So maybe I am a noob, but I have a server up and running, I've port forwarded, but my friend can't join. I really don't even know what Ip the server is running on. We frequently play a minecraft server, and I use the same ip for that and for Terraria, and those work. Sooo? What's going on? He just gets a connecting, disconnect.

You'll need to show us the logs. Also, what other servers are you talking about?

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This is my favorite mod of all time, is there a donation link? MOVE OVER KLF A NEW PLAYER IS IN TOWN!!!

Now now, keep in mind that KMP would not have been possible without the groundwork laid by KLF, not to mention I'm sure there's plenty of people who would still prefer the passive-multiplayer option--no griefing!

I'm not taking donations at this time, please consider donating to your favorite pro-science/education charity instead.

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Okay, I didn't read every single post, because DAMN! But, any ideas on server specs to run just the server?

I am looking at super low utilization here. In the near term we are talking one player at a time, me.

The thing is, I have KSP running on multiple machines (desktop and laptop), but I almost only play on my laptop, because it is annoying to synch my save between machines. Easily doable, but I am lazy and I don't always remember to do it after I am done with a play session. That means if I switch machines I am playing on, I might have to boot up the other machine, grab the save, toss it on my server, shut it down and then hop on my other machine to play.

This sounds like it could be PERFECT to run effectively a synchronized play world. Oh, sure I might not be able to hop in to something I just launched, but the fact that I could be building the same world between the two machines, just generally controlling different missions at any given time is fine with me (and hey, I can board a station launched from my other machine and "take it over!")

My server is a dual core G1520 Celeron Ivy bridge based machine with 8GB of memory (its mostly there for storage/file sharing). Bandwidth shouldn't be much of an issue internal to my network, nor ping time. So that is the machine I'd be running it on.

Some future date if I keep the KSP bug, and KSP continues being developed, etc, etc I probably would play true multiplayer. My oldest son is only 5 1/2, but he loves watching me play and has played a couple of times himself (mostly launching rockets I've built for him). I could see him able to really get in to the game in another year or two. So playing multiplayer with him would be a lot of fun.

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