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KMP v0.1.5.1 [0.23] [alpha] [inactive]


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  b0s said:
So we tried 1.4.2 with 0.23KSP vanilla. Started server just with /start. Now it showd the other guy ship and even synced I think, the previous version didnt even show the other ship. When we got close I EVA-d out and my kerbal got teleported 5km away. Had to switch back to ship through Tracking Station. Then my ship was teleported 60km away with no option to sync.

Thanks for your hard work! But is KMP really playable for anyone in its current state?

Yes it is.

Made a station with a friend.

BUT I yet didn't try having both players within 2.5km from each other.

Also, only sync when landed or at stable orbit.

And don't dare to dock to a ship being activelly controlled by another player, I heard that it usually goes very wrong.

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I think it's quite useable now, but I may be significantly biased as I only play on the dev server to keep an eye on any regressions.

I'm fairly sure gimp was watching my stream when I docked to another player. We didn't see any bugs so he tagged 0.1.4. Unfortunetly that let #455 slip through...

Docking with other active players works just fine, you need to have fairly low latency as you will see them jitter around a bit. If you are decent at docking you should be able to do it, one of the players goes into spectate mode.

EDIT: People seem a little unsure exactly what sync does. It's basically "Time warp to another players time". If that puts you inside of another planet, Bad Things will happen to your spacecraft.

You can only sync to players in the future, no sync button means you are already the most chronologically advanced player. Only pitbull can go back in time.

Edited by godarklight
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@AlchemicalAgent, It's copied from start.sfs, so no matter what you do to it on the server, it shouldn't cause any problems. Can you pastebin your KSP_Data/output_log.txt file (Preferably running with the -kmpdebug switch)?

If it's a bug it you should also post it on the github issue tracker - It's worth checking out.


He has his server advertised in the IRC channel with the same domain name as this:


Also github is quite helpful:


He also happened to be the person that gave me the info I needed to implement IPv6 support (which seems to not work on windows?): http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16300388/whats-the-difference-between-ipaddress-any-and-ipaddress-ipv6any-fields

I bet money you're right aftokinito, but you may also be going mad too :)

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This is a good mod that lets me and friends play together relatively seemlessly - happy days.

One thing I have noticed is that once ships are docked together, if I then go back to the space centre or leave them docked for any period of time they become impossible to undock from each other - the button is available, but has no effect and disappears after it is clicked.

It has affected multiple ships in one game and seems fairly easy to reproduce. Is this a known problem?

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Is it normal that my vessels keep getting stuck as if they were being controlled by me, after I leave from that vessel to the space centre?

I have to kick myself from the server to "release" the vessel as I cannot "re-enter" it due to the "This vessel is being used by another player" error.

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I cannot see other people's airplanes on the atmosphere.

I tried to spot my friend inflight and landed, being also inflight or landed, but it did not work.

The connection was okay.

I also tried to restart everything but wouldnt show up at all.

At the map view i could always see his tag.

Any tips?

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TehGimp you could include a launch.bat when clicked would start the server for windows, you would only need to put "start KMPServer.exe" in a text file and save it as a bat placed in the same location as the executable to make it easier for people not so good with the cmd window

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@tetryds: I think that's a KSP limitation, Vessels outside of the 2.5km? limit in atmo get destroyed (only locally) as far as I know. You should be able to see each other landed however (if you are outside of the safety bubble)

@TimMartland: Give reddit a challenge, reddit loves challanges: http://www.reddit.com/r/KMP/

@Madopow2110: Windows users can just double click KMPServer.exe. Linux users are generally skilled enough to type 'mono KMPServer.exe' into Konsole. I feel sorry for the mac users, it's very possible to run but (the server) seems quite unstable.

Unfortunately I've been shaped until the new year, so I've been unable to stream the development version of 0.1.5. I cannot play on the public servers either :(

I have another suggestion for a challenge - KMP should be capable of this by now (provided you don't get hit by bug #455):

1. Find a friend (This shouldn't be too hard for most people)

2. One person launches a lander suitable for a chosen planet (easy mode: gilly, medium mode: ike/duna, hard mode: moho). The other player launches an interplanetary transfer stage.

3. The 2 players rendezvous and dock in orbit around kerbin - This gives docking mode a good test.

4. The transfer stage player takes the lander to your chosen destination and does the orbital injection. (Landing player will be spectating)

5. The transfer stage player then undocks the lander and EVA's his/her kerbal into the other players lander.

6. The landing player then deorbits and lands. EVA's both kerbals and plant a flag for reasons. (Transfer player will be spectating during the landing)

Bonus points if you make it back to Kerbin.

Extra bonus points if you manage to dock in docking mode, instead of one player waiting at tracking station.

Extra extra bonus points, and bragging rights if this all goes off without a hitch without a kraken attacking either player.

Edited by godarklight
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My friend and I installed fresh server, updated clients, per instructions. I was able to build a station solo, and he an orbital transfer vehicle.

Then we tried rendezvous. I would sit in the station, and he rendezvous with his ship.

We experienced several bugs, one which I didn't see reported yet on github:

When switching to watching his vessel come in, a duplicate vessel spawned inside his current vessel and I saw a massive explosion of debris as apparently physics didn't like having two objects occupy the same space. On my screen I saw double the amount of debris... and a minute later my friend saw the same debris field, kilometers away, while still piloting said ship (he saw nothing as I switched over to watch him). There might have even been triple debris... I don't know, but it was more debris than parts for a single ship.

He decided to switch to my station (which I had left) and he said my station spawned inside itself and BAM, catastrophic explosion resulting in a spectacular 1000 piece debris field... double or triple the number of pieces of the original station.

Looking at the Tracking Center, we saw 3-7 duplicates of our craft... and the debris fields.

I loaded one of my duplicate stations and it appeared fine. So we tried staying in our ships this time around for rendezvous. He launched from KSC, and I undocked a tug from my station.

We tried meeting up for rendezvous, but we both kept seeing each other warp away from the other by a few kilometers. I got the sense that I overshot him on my approach to him. He tried to disconnected, then reconnect, and get in his vessel... and it exploded with the vessel spawn duplication bug described above.

We even tried ground rendezvous, where I would fly 42km away from KSC, and land, and wait for him. He warped away from me and we never met up (it didn't help that he crashed his ship attempting to reach me, so I can't confirm if ground rendezvous is possible).

We tried one last idea to force a rendezvous situation: I went to my station, and undocked another tug, and I then went to my tug. He went to the station. The station exploded for him.

We would have exercised more patience with attempting rendezvous, but it was 5 hours into these adventures and we never saw each other and only got within 1.3 km at best of each other before warping away. We gave up at 2am.

I'm reporting the duplicate spawn sudden destruction kracken bug here in case it's not been reported before. Have fun duplicating it. The debris fields are beautiful this time of year. :D

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@timmartland, you need to port forward if you want other people to join your server. Playing KMP alone defeats the whole purpose of KMP.

The exception is hamachi, but try not to even think about hamachi until you are cursing your router - port forwarding is much better.

@mechkerbin yes, but if you modify your parts list file be polite and don't launch mechjeb ships on servers that say they are stock. 0.1.5 will enforce this server sided so there will actually be a difference between stock and mod servers next update.

Mechjeb spams warp which is known to cause problems with KMP. Ghost ships...

Also it can't rendezvous to players correctly.

@inigma. The debris fields on pomcorp were very lovely, 200 probes and 250 debris. You might want to report that bug :)

EDIT: If you pay close attention to the version field on the public KMP server list, you will find another new feature for the next update :)

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@godarklight: we were landed beside each other, acording to the map view, and synced, still could not see each other.

The bubble was set to 7500m, and i made sure both our status were "Flying/Landed at Kerbin", which meant we left it for sure.

Will try a few more times, but later. If it persists i will try to open 2 KSP at my computer and try it locally.

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@Rofl47: That's actually not completely impossible, but it would be in camel case (addMoreRockets). We already have a variable named gameArrr, which is the variable to let you steal private vessels if you can dock to them without a target set. (EDIT: In case it was not obvious, Pirate-speak "Arrr" for the vessel piracy setting)

@tetryds I've seen that reported before, try a bubble of 1700 and then drive backwards a bit. Vessels spawned in my game but sometimes exploded

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