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[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements


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The only mod I have that effects visuals AFAIK is Hot Rockets, which I believe is known to be compatible with this; any chance you could post your Geforce control panel settings for KSP, and, if possible, your video settings for KSP? If it's not something with the card, I feel like it's got to be one of those, unless the newest drivers screwed KSP up.

My list of installed mods are as follows if it's any help;

- Environmental Visual Enhancements (High Resolution)

- Kerbal Alarm Clock

- Kerbal Engineeering Redux

- Real Chute

- Real Fuels

- Advanced Jet Engine

- Deadly Reentry

- Hot Rockets

- Procedural Wings

- Procedural Fairings

- B9 Aerospace


- Final Frontier

Thank you in advance for any help solving this issue anyone here can provide.

Edited by InfinityArch
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Considering how well the recent test version works, I'm going to avoid updating lest it break something. I didn't see anything in the patch notes that indicates it's a large change anyways, is this correct rbay?

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  Larrt_M said:
The low -res link still not working.
  Tex_NL said:
Confirmed. The link in post #1 is flawed.

This link does work but it too has a flaw, no volumetric clouds!

  Green Skull said:
Updated earlier to the low res. Stunning! The first time I took a rocket up through the clouds I was blown away - I didn't read the patch notes just updaed. What a nice suprise :P

Try this link EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements LOW RES

Haha, ok, link is fixed fixed.

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  Larrt_M said:
The low -res link still not working.
  Tex_NL said:
Confirmed. The link in post #1 is flawed.

This link does work but it too has a flaw, no volumetric clouds!

  Hyomoto said:
Considering how well the recent test version works, I'm going to avoid updating lest it break something. I didn't see anything in the patch notes that indicates it's a large change anyways, is this correct rbay?

There are a few really good performance tweaks. The new config structure will make it much easier for modders to create packs.

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  InfinityArch said:
Okay, for some reason there appears to be some z-fighting going on when looking at planets with clouds in the map view, and I've really got no idea how to fix this and a number of other visual issues I'm having, most notably weird flickering shadows. My video card is a GTX-760 by the way, since I have a feeling my card/some of the settings in it are to blame for these problems.

Z-fighting with the clouds in map view? hmmm... I haven't seen that before. The update also wouldn't change anything that would have effected it.

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  rbray89 said:
Z-fighting with the clouds in map view? hmmm... I haven't seen that before. The update also wouldn't change anything that would have effected it.

Just to clarify, this is an issue I've had for some time, but ignored until I recently was planning a Jool mission because it's only really bad enough to interfere with the game there; it's very noticeable on Jool for me in map view, the tracking center, or otherwise, very noticable on kerbin in the start screen (but I believe that's a known issue), somewhat noticable on the tracking station for Kerbin and extremely subtle in the map view.

Currently uploading a video to youtube I took of it, you might not be able to notice the stuff on kerbin's clouds unless you watch at 1080p; I mainly see it in a sweet spot between kerbin's map icon covering it up and being zoomed in enough that the issue goes away for some reason.

That shows the issue as it appears on Jool's clouds, and where it's by far the most prominent, though I can generally make it out from the Mun/Minmus looking at Kerbin.

Edited by InfinityArch
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  sanity said:
is there a way t increase the depth of the cloud layer, say up to 14k?

Depth as in what? the altitude can be increased via the gui (alt+n)

- - - Updated - - -

  Arrowmaster said:
Or better yet a way to decrease it? The old version was fairly lightweight but this one is killing my framerate.

You can disable volume clouds via the GUI.

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