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[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements


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Um. I have the following issue(it is related to Thesonicgalaxy's cfg pack, but since it's an issue probably with EVE, I am posting it here too).

Sooo....removing unwanted cloud layers during game brings several problems:

1. How do I remove all layers from non-atmospheric bodies - I like Minmus, but I hate Mun and the rest of the gray moons. I don't think adding EVE layers is the best way to present the Kerbol light reflection off of planetary bodies.

I know I can remove them via the Alt+N menu, but this does not persist through game restarts. If I delete all layers I lose the option to save apply and save as default.

Also, deleting layers while ingame leads to the following major bug. This is not only spamming the log, but also it is disabling the game's ability to pause under all and any circumstances.

This can be reproduced 100% of the time. Just delete the layers on one body and try to press Esc. Or set up an alarm with KAC and make it pause the game at the alarm time.

Each time you press Esc, this is spammed:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Clouds.Clouds.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Clouds.Clouds.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Clouds.Clouds.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Clouds.Clouds.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Clouds.Clouds.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

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  smunisto said:
Um. I have the following issue(it is related to Thesonicgalaxy's cfg pack, but since it's an issue probably with EVE, I am posting it here too).

Sooo....removing unwanted cloud layers during game brings several problems:

1. How do I remove all layers from non-atmospheric bodies - I like Minmus, but I hate Mun and the rest of the gray moons. I don't think adding EVE layers is the best way to present the Kerbol light reflection off of planetary bodies.

I know I can remove them via the Alt+N menu, but this does not persist through game restarts. If I delete all layers I lose the option to save apply and save as default.

Also, deleting layers while ingame leads to the following major bug. This is not only spamming the log, but also it is disabling the game's ability to pause under all and any circumstances.

This can be reproduced 100% of the time. Just delete the layers on one body and try to press Esc. Or set up an alarm with KAC and make it pause the game at the alarm time.

Each time you press Esc, this is spammed:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Clouds.Clouds.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Clouds.Clouds.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Clouds.Clouds.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Clouds.Clouds.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Clouds.Clouds.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

Working to address any/all config GUI issues.

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I have a custom city lights texture and I'm finding it hard to offset it horizontally so it matches up with the RSS earth texture. What units are the x, y offsets in? How much do they move the texture? I tried 2000, and -2000 and didn't notice any difference. Ultimately it would be nice if you could adjust the city lights position in game like you can with the clouds.

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Units are presumably texture coordinates, so the leftmost coord will be 0 and the rightmost 1.0 (or vice versa if mapping is flipped). Thus 0.25 will offset the texture 1/4 the way around (i.e. 90 degrees).

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  Proot said:
Great concept and execution. I was tempted to do something similar in Eve for KSPRC.

Very well done, again, Astronomer.

Thanks, Proot! In the V2 of my pack I believe I used to have the something similar for Eve.

The reason I'll limit myself to Laythe this time is because it has a reasonable explanation to have such clouds.

Vibrio harveyi is the best example of bacteria that would could such color within liquid/gas.

Eve is unlikely to have any form of life, but maybe something else that causes clouds to light up? Lightning?

  architeuthis said:
So... DL? Soon I hope?

Hopefully Friday or Friday after that.

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A couple questions for y'all:

1.) Will decreasing the draw distance limits of the different layers of Kerbin clouds decrease ram usage? I'm running into the limits and need to decrease.

2.) Which value in the ALT-N menu will acheive this?


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  jstnj said:
A couple questions for y'all:

1.) Will decreasing the draw distance limits of the different layers of Kerbin clouds decrease ram usage? I'm running into the limits and need to decrease.

2.) Which value in the ALT-N menu will acheive this?


No, it will not. Less / smaller textures will. Maybe also removing certain layers.

Your best option is to install a reduction pack and uninstall unnecessary mods.

EDIT: Try low res version of this mod if you haven't already.

Edited by Astronomer
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Look forward t testing it on friday or later, big thumbs up! I cant really play ksp vanllia without this and eve, it enchanes the game alot

  Dermeister said:
HEy does any 1 know if theres a way to get procedural clouds Without City lights?

Delete the lights dll

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  ahappydude said:
Look forward t testing it on friday or later, big thumbs up! I cant really play ksp vanllia without this and eve, it enchanes the game alot

Delete the lights dll

Thank you :))) WHat does OverlayMGR.Dll do? Is that the light overlay or I just leave that 1 alone?

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Im not sure if I'm missing something, but Im starting with a fresh install of ksp and trying to get this to work. Im extracting everything into my gamedata folder and yet I only get the clouds no lights. Ive tried both the high res and low res versions, I'm not exactly sure what im doing wrong :(

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Just got to a major milestone with the GUI. This release is primarily meant to test the gui. The scaled space clouds don't exist in this release yet.

GUI is now assigned to ALT+E for now

For code monkeys:

I'm super stoked. The GUI/config mechanism is almost entirely procedural based off of heavy usage of generic classes/methods, interfaces, and inheritance. Should make ongoing development much easier.

Let me know what you think, bug reports, etc.

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This is looking FAAAAANTASTIC! After messing with the current release for many many hours for adding sunsets for BA, this is going to make things so so much easier to manage. rabray89, Any chance we'll be seeing offset options for the main 2D texture? I'm sure there's a fair number of things not in this dev build.

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  erona said:
This is looking FAAAAANTASTIC! After messing with the current release for many many hours for adding sunsets for BA, this is going to make things so so much easier to manage. rabray89, Any chance we'll be seeing offset options for the main 2D texture? I'm sure there's a fair number of things not in this dev build.

That could be added.

I'm super excited about this. I love "elegant" solutions, and I finally have one for the config/GUI mechanism. :)

EDIT: Also, what do you think of the new city lights baked onto the terrain?

Edited by rbray89
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  rbray89 said:



Just got to a major milestone with the GUI. This release is primarily meant to test the gui. The scaled space clouds don't exist in this release yet.

GUI is now assigned to ALT+E for now

For code monkeys:

I'm super stoked. The GUI/config mechanism is almost entirely procedural based off of heavy usage of generic classes/methods, interfaces, and inheritance. Should make ongoing development much easier.

Let me know what you think, bug reports, etc.








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  Thesonicgalaxy said:







Well, if this looks good to you, I'll get back to work'n on the shaders and make it more complete. I want to get in atmosphere coloring, water shader, scaled space shader, and a few misc items added while I'm at it.

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You're kicking some major butt rbray! Thank you so much. The new FadeScale option in this build made a HUGE difference already for the sunsets for BA.

The baked in city lights looked fantastic to me especially with my new detail texture :) So many possibilities right now! Me and Thesonicgalaxy are definitely going to be busy once this is released haha.


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Looks awesome!

Quick question--I haven't quite been able to figure out the unified shader (the Dark Overlay stuff). Am I reading right that we could now use it in both lit (regular city) and unlit (city lights) mode?

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  NathanKell said:
Looks awesome!

Quick question--I haven't quite been able to figure out the unified shader (the Dark Overlay stuff). Am I reading right that we could now use it in both lit (regular city) and unlit (city lights) mode?

Not yet. Soon though. I have to figure out how that should be done.

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  NathanKell said:
Can't you just add a second detail texture var, and instead of changing alpha based on lighting, lerp between the textures based on lighting?

Yes/no... We don't want the "day" detail to become half transparent during transitions.

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