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[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements


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Anybody have the files for the rolling dust storms on Duna?

The link the OP directs me to wants me to install a download manager or some other nonsense.

That link worked for me the other day, look for the grey button.

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EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 7.4 does not work in KSP v0.25.

Do you have any plans to make a version 7.5?

KSP without EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements, is less interesting.

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EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 7.4 does not work in KSP v0.25.

Do you have any plans to make a version 7.5?

KSP without EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements, is less interesting.

I'm playing 0.25 with 7-4, absolutely no problem. :confused:

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EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 7.4 does not work in KSP v0.25.

Do you have any plans to make a version 7.5?

KSP without EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements, is less interesting.

I'm playing 0.25 with 7-4, absolutely no problem. :confused:

Yip, working fine for me as well.

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I'm having a crash when I re-enter the VAB after flying, either through reverting or going via the menu. Here's the relevant part of the log, although it seems to just stop:

[WRN 16:04:09.599] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From FLIGHT to EDITOR =====================
[LOG 16:04:09.600] Tac.LifeSupportController[FFD92016][8244.47]: Game scene load requested: EDITOR
[LOG 16:04:09.612] FF: EventObserver:: OnGameSceneLoadRequested: EDITOR current=FLIGHT
[LOG 16:04:11.013] Tac.TacLifeSupport[FFD92018][8244.47]: OnDestroy
[LOG 16:04:11.015] Tac.LifeSupportController[FFD92016][8244.47]: OnDestroy
[LOG 16:04:11.483] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbin
[LOG 16:04:11.492] RemoteTech: SatelliteManager: OnVesselDestroy(ba74b892-0ffd-43db-be75-7978bac91f07, Constellation-1)
[LOG 16:04:11.493] RemoteTech: SatelliteManager: UnregisterProto(ba74b892-0ffd-43db-be75-7978bac91f07)
[LOG 16:04:11.493] RemoteTech: SatelliteManager: OnUnregister(VesselSatellite(Constellation-1, ba74b892-0ffd-43db-be75-7978bac91f07))
[LOG 16:04:11.494] RemoteTech: NetworkManager: SatelliteUnregister(VesselSatellite(Constellation-1, ba74b892-0ffd-43db-be75-7978bac91f07))
[LOG 16:04:11.495] RemoteTech: SatelliteManager: OnVesselDestroy(85224e66-83e0-451b-95d4-88cac78e4c35, Ast. IZU-558)
[LOG 16:04:11.496] RemoteTech: SatelliteManager: UnregisterProto(85224e66-83e0-451b-95d4-88cac78e4c35)
[LOG 16:04:11.499] RemoteTech: SatelliteManager: OnVesselDestroy(eb09bf1a-e57e-4403-9cf6-765637f1e641, Jack Kerman)
[LOG 16:04:11.499] RemoteTech: SatelliteManager: UnregisterProto(eb09bf1a-e57e-4403-9cf6-765637f1e641)
[LOG 16:04:11.500] RemoteTech: SatelliteManager: OnVesselDestroy(3f8f4815-9868-46da-abd4-03c76d67241a, Ast. EOX-077)
[LOG 16:04:11.501] RemoteTech: SatelliteManager: UnregisterProto(3f8f4815-9868-46da-abd4-03c76d67241a)
[LOG 16:04:11.538] RemoteTech: ModuleSPU: OnDestroy
[LOG 16:04:11.538] RemoteTech: FlightComputer: Dispose
[LOG 16:04:11.540] FF: destroying Final Frontier
[LOG 16:04:11.540] FF: storing configuration in E:/KSP_win/KSP_Data/../GameData/FinalFrontier.dat
[LOG 16:04:11.541] FF: storing window positions
[LOG 16:04:11.542] FF: writing 5 window positions
[LOG 16:04:11.623] No Input Locks in effect right now
[WRN 16:04:11.643] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Destructible SpaceCenter/KSCLaunchPad/LaunchPadMedium/ksp_pad_waterTower registered after module was loaded. Adding new instance to protodestructible ref list
[WRN 16:04:11.672] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Destructible SpaceCenter/KSCLaunchPad/LaunchPadMedium/ksp_pad_sphereTank registered after module was loaded. Adding new instance to protodestructible ref list
[WRN 16:04:11.678] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Destructible SpaceCenter/KSCRunway/model_runway_new_v43/runway_light_NW registered after module was loaded. Adding new instance to protodestructible ref list
[WRN 16:04:11.683] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Destructible SpaceCenter/KSCRunway/model_runway_new_v43/runway_light_NE registered after module was loaded. Adding new instance to protodestructible ref list
[WRN 16:04:11.757] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Destructible SpaceCenter/KSCLaunchPad/LaunchPadMedium/ksp_pad_cylTank registered after module was loaded. Adding new instance to protodestructible ref list
[WRN 16:04:11.760] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Destructible SpaceCenter/KSCTrackingStation/dish_array/dish_north registered after module was loaded. Adding new instance to protodestructible ref list
[WRN 16:04:11.761] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Destructible SpaceCenter/KSCRunway/Section1 registered after module was loaded. Adding new instance to protodestructible ref list
[WRN 16:04:11.763] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Destructible SpaceCenter/KSCRunway/Section3 registered after module was loaded. Adding new instance to protodestructible ref list
[WRN 16:04:11.764] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Destructible SpaceCenter/KSCRunway/model_runway_new_v43/runway_light_SW registered after module was loaded. Adding new instance to protodestructible ref list
[WRN 16:04:11.766] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Destructible SpaceCenter/KSCLaunchPad/LaunchPadMedium/KSCFlagPoleLaunchPad registered after module was loaded. Adding new instance to protodestructible ref list
[WRN 16:04:11.767] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Destructible SpaceCenter/KSCRunway/End27 registered after module was loaded. Adding new instance to protodestructible ref list

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EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 7.4 does not work in KSP v0.25.

Do you have any plans to make a version 7.5?

KSP without EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements, is less interesting.

It absolutely does work. I even fixed my post above showing working city lights with 7-4 in 0.25. While it's a bit dark, you can see some EVE/BA clouds in it...guess I could have turned up the ambient lighting a bit...

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It absolutely does work. I even fixed my post above showing working city lights with 7-4 in 0.25. While it's a bit dark, you can see some EVE/BA clouds in it...guess I could have turned up the ambient lighting a bit...

I will try several things.

I might have a corrupt file.

I'll check, step by step, everything to see if I get it to work.

It is clear that the problem is mine.

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I'm sorry if these issues have been posted before, but i tried going back a fair amount of pages and didn't see something like it.

Anyway, when i'm trying to get EVE to work, i get these weird looking results http://imgur.com/a/6W6Cg

Have anybody seen something similar, and knows what causing it? I'm using the 9-2 overhaul posted 2 or 3 pages back, as the 7-4 crashes for me, and this is on 0.25 32bit.

I have somewhere around 10 other mods installed (MKS, Remotetech, Tac, Far, DRE, KAS and a few others), are there any mods that are known to be incompatible with EVE?

Thanks in advance

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I'm sorry if these issues have been posted before, but i tried going back a fair amount of pages and didn't see something like it.

Anyway, when i'm trying to get EVE to work, i get these weird looking results http://imgur.com/a/6W6Cg

Have anybody seen something similar, and knows what causing it? I'm using the 9-2 overhaul posted 2 or 3 pages back, as the 7-4 crashes for me, and this is on 0.25 32bit.

I have somewhere around 10 other mods installed (MKS, Remotetech, Tac, Far, DRE, KAS and a few others), are there any mods that are known to be incompatible with EVE?

Thanks in advance

Looks like it is a memory issue. Stuff like this can happen if you get too close to the memory limit. Check your resource monitor to be sure.

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Looks like it is a memory issue. Stuff like this can happen if you get too close to the memory limit. Check your resource monitor to be sure.

Will do that, thanks!

If it is a memory issue, is this compatible with ATM?

EDIT: Scratch that, i just now realized that you're also the author of ATM, so i'm guessing the answer to that is yes :)

Edited by LasseG
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I'm experiencing constant CTDs whenever I load my save even when I'm using ATM. Experienced this on both x32 and x64, and I can safely say that it's not caused by a Memory spike. Also lowered my texture settings to default and half-res.

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I'm experiencing constant CTDs whenever I load my save even when I'm using ATM. Experienced this on both x32 and x64, and I can safely say that it's not caused by a Memory spike. Also lowered my texture settings to default and half-res.

I either crash or can't even load if I have ModuleManager dll loaded. Tested this out many times and it seems to be what is causing it. Once I remove it, I am fine.

Unfortunately, the mods that depend on it don't work.

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I'm experiencing constant CTDs whenever I load my save even when I'm using ATM. Experienced this on both x32 and x64, and I can safely say that it's not caused by a Memory spike. Also lowered my texture settings to default and half-res.

ATM has something wrong. I've removed it and EVE works fine now. I've installed it with Better atmospheres 5 (0.25) I'm using KSP 32bit, win 8 64bit, EVE 7-4 (not LR version), BA V5 medium res, and also texture replacer and distant objects.

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ATM has something wrong. I've removed it and EVE works fine now. I've installed it with Better atmospheres 5 (0.25) I'm using KSP 32bit, win 8 64bit, EVE 7-4 (not LR version), BA V5 medium res, and also texture replacer and distant objects.

Removed ATM and lowered my settings, but still encountered that nasty CTD. I guess I'm a lost cause :(

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Just asking, why do the clouds never end when viewed from Kerbin ground? Are sunny days in the plan?

They do, occur, just fairly rare. Such a long list in the plan, I just want the overhaul branch to work :)

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