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[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements


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Will the volumetric clouds work with RSS? and will they be random and cover the whole planet? if so that would be so awesome. Also the ocean thing would be awesome.

Procedural cloud cover is desired, but for now I want to try to get the volume rendering working.

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I tried this plugin but had to remove it.

The clouds are so massive you can no longer see wether you will land in the ocean or hit the terrain on kerbin.

I then had a flight to Eve and it was even worse, violet clouds you cant even see through...

for me, that was more of a visual impairment than improvement.

WOW! Just like Venus IRL!!!!!

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Not yet compatible with Real sized solar system, cloud and city light textures flash and flicker, divided into strange little segments, noticeable when viewing the planet from long distances; fades away when very close (map view)

Edit: Just realized this doesn't happen when universe replacer textures aren't running. sorry

Re-Edit: No still an issue even without any universe replacer textures running (VE:6-7). Also it appears that clouds fade to fast when close to layer: only just visible from surface, and once 90 km above.

City lights textures rise off the horizon although All else is looking b-e-a-utiful!

Dare I wish for volumetric clouds? One can only dream :'D

Would be incredible skimming over/through 3d clouds high in the atmosphere or gliding through the layers of cloud on return from orbit in a shuttle XD

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Not yet compatible with Real sized solar system, cloud and city light textures flash and flicker, divided into strange little segments, noticeable when viewing the planet from long distances; fades away when very close (map view)

Edit: Just realized this doesn't happen when universe replacer textures aren't running. sorry

Re-Edit: No still an issue even without any universe replacer textures running (VE:6-7). Also it appears that clouds fade to fast when close to layer: only just visible from surface, and once 90 km above.

City lights textures rise off the horizon although All else is looking b-e-a-utiful!

Dare I wish for volumetric clouds? One can only dream :'D

Would be incredible skimming over/through 3d clouds high in the atmosphere or gliding through the layers of cloud on return from orbit in a shuttle XD

First of you need to edit CloudSwap Distance in the common.cfg inside the BoulderCO Folder. You need to multiply them by a factor of ten (for example Kerbin=2000 instead of Kerbin=200 ) This was also stated several times on the RSS thread :wink: But I don't know about the problem with the City Lights....

Second , yes Volumetric Clouds is in work atm. If you would read a few pages back you would have seen that those are actually next on his working plan

Hmm... so it looks like people are dead-set on volumetric clouds... I guess that will be the next on the agenda then.

and it was standing in the future plans part of the OP for a very long time now........

Edit: He even wrote in the OP that he works now at Volumetric Clouds for the next update....

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I suggest you make also space clouds, you know, the clouds that are at the border of space made out of light gases and such, just to add realism.

and PLEASE let us disable the city lights or to change them, i had problems navigating trough the plane with the amount of clouds, but for the most i blame the cities as they didn't allowed me to look at the ground below and orient myself.

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Hi RBray, after upgrading from 5.3 to 6.7 the latest version, I notice 2 problems. First I can see a very distinct border / seam in a certain section of the globe, so it's looks like someone wrap a texture around it but didn't make connected edge seamless. My second problem is some of my cloud texture is showing grid-tile like pattern. It looks exactly like the pattern in the polar region back in 5.3, except now it appears on normal cloud near the equator and other places too. Do you know what could've caused this? How do I fix the problem?

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... Texture Replacer 6.7... 2 problems... First problem: very distinct border / seam in a certain section of the globe [i don't have it]... Second problem: cloud texture is showing grid-tile like pattern.

The grid texture can be mostly obscured by changing the scale in the alt-n config. There was a post that had values for it and also values to change the rotation of the clouds so they spin in the correct direction. These changes improved the look quite a bit and should be incorporated into the next configs or a .b release of 6.7 with these configs. I also recommend reducing the top cloud min lighting to .001. I don't recall the post but it's about 1/3 the way back and had three big screen grabs wit the config windows open in the same post.

Now my observations about the new version: Lights texture doesn't look like its on on the same mesh as the planet texture. It sort of floats a little. Do you need to apply it using the methods in Texture Replacer (the Universe Replacer replacer)? And if you're tweaking textures, can we get the clouds to block the city light based upon their whiteness (alpha channel)?

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There is this one Real Solar System plug in config that uses PlanetFactory, Universal Replacer, this mod, and RSS (of course), and it reconfigures the Kerbol system to remake the RL solar system. When I installed it with the nessecary mods, the clouds (excluding city lights) do not show up on any of the atmospheric bodies at all. Is there any solution to this, or is this a bug that needs to be fixed? A fix for this would be perfect.


Link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55145-0-23-WIP-Alpha-Real-Solar-System-v5-5-KSP23-fix-12-23-13?p=894879&viewfull=1#post894879

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