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[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements


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Hello everyone :)

When i try to use diz amazing texture pack my game crash before the menu appears and it closes,

It happens every time.

Can someone help me with this?


You need to either look at your KSP output_log.txt or post it so others can look at it. Here's were output_log.txt is. Steam users should right click KSP in Steam, click on Properties, then in the Properties box, click Local Files, then Browse Local Files.

It gets rewritten when you launch the game again so save and post it right after a crash.

Good places to upload the log file include: Dropbox, Pastebin, Hastebin, and more.

Good luck, I run this mod along with +70 others on Win 64bit 8.1 + 32bit KSP 23.5 so I know this mod works very well.

Edited by smurphy34
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Hey jsimmons, do you have a launchsites config file for RSS kerbol system x10 scale? I can't seem to find it in this thread ... or your post history lol. I have no idea what the coordinates for KSC should be, and I can't find a real spaceport that isn't sunk into a mountain or otherwise clipped into the terrain. For what its worth im using eve 7.3 with astronomers pack v3 beta.

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Hey jsimmons, do you have a launchsites config file for RSS kerbol system x10 scale? I can't seem to find it in this thread ... or your post history lol. I have no idea what the coordinates for KSC should be, and I can't find a real spaceport that isn't sunk into a mountain or otherwise clipped into the terrain. For what its worth im using eve 7.3 with astronomers pack v3 beta.

I had this same problem and it turned out to be caused by two different things: 1) Getting near the RAM limit can cause this behavior, and 2) Having the Final Frontier mod installed can either cause this or make the starting menus not work correctly.

Not sure if you're hitting the same bug, but that's what happened to me. My system also had weird issues with 8k textures (recent laptop, Windows 8.1), and I had to resize all the 8k's down to 4k. I'm hoping this issue goes away with the 64-bit release of KSP .24.

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Well, I'm running this in 64 bit on linux at the moment, so ... I don't think it's RAM issues? I also don't have final frontier installed.

It could be the 8k textures?

Also for what its worth a bunch of my cloud layers are messed up. Kerbal seems mostly fine, but Duna's clouds clip a bit at the poles, both Duna and Eve's auroras are messed up, Jool is broken, Bop and Vall's atmospheres are visually about 5 planet diameters in radius.

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For some reason all of the planets with volumetric clouds are constantly covered without any cloud variation. The cloud hexagons are well defined and every time I reach the edge of one, another spawns. Here's some example screenshots http://imgur.com/a/GoC9B. The screenshots in the album were taken with Better Atmospheres also installed but the problem persists without it. I've tried re-installing but that didn't work, any help would be appreciated.

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rdswo: the problem you are getting is because ATM (or Texture Replacer, that might also be doing it) is leaving the cloud texture unreadable. For this reason, EVE doesn't know what should and should not be clouds.

Check the BoulderCo/ActiveTextureManagerConfigs/BoulderCo.cfg file. Post it here. Also, are you using Texture Replacer?

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rdswo: the problem you are getting is because ATM (or Texture Replacer, that might also be doing it) is leaving the cloud texture unreadable. For this reason, EVE doesn't know what should and should not be clouds.

Check the BoulderCo/ActiveTextureManagerConfigs/BoulderCo.cfg file. Post it here. Also, are you using Texture Replacer?

Here's the BoulderCo.cfg:

folder = BoulderCo
enabled = true
compress = true
mipmaps = true
scale = 1
max_size = 0
make_not_readable = false

Also I do have Texture Replacer, which has visor reflection and space textures in it.

Removing the Texture Replacer folder from GameData didn't change it.

Edited by rdswo
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Try replacing the contents with this:

folder = BoulderCo
enabled = true
compress = true
mipmaps = true
scale = 1
max_size = 0
make_not_readable = false
compress = true
mipmaps = true
scale = 1
max_size = 0
make_not_readable = false
compress = true
mipmaps = true
scale = 1
max_size = 0
make_not_readable = true

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Try replacing the contents with this:

folder = BoulderCo
enabled = true
compress = true
mipmaps = true
scale = 1
max_size = 0
make_not_readable = false
compress = true
mipmaps = true
scale = 1
max_size = 0
make_not_readable = false
compress = true
mipmaps = true
scale = 1
max_size = 0
make_not_readable = true

That fixed it, thanks

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fig0451 the canyon base is apart of my soon to be released 10x kerbal setup. As for EVE 7.3 you need to set warp = false in RealSolarSystem.cfg. Also some fixes need to be done for the cloud setup. That will be a part of my 10x kerbal release. Note I only have done Astronmer's pack besides the default EVE setup. Haven't got around to Sonic's work yet. As for the picture of the green canyon that is done using EVE overhaul 9-2.

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Anytime I look directly down at the planet from orbit I get a strange effect of everything being blanked out below me. I get proper detail at the edges of my vision, and in map mode and at the surface in the atmosphere everything shows up fine. Just as a note I am using Overhaul 9-2, RSS 6.2, and ATM 3-2. Are there detail or fade distances that need to be altered? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: It's definitely related to the cloud layer, as areas without cloud cover show up just fine.




Edited by illmatic
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Anytime I look directly down at the planet from orbit I get a strange effect of everything being blanked out below me. I get proper detail at the edges of my vision, and in map mode and at the surface in the atmosphere everything shows up fine. Just as a note I am using Overhaul 9-2, RSS 6.2, and ATM 3-2. Are there detail or fade distances that need to be altered? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: It's definitely related to the cloud layer, as areas without cloud cover show up just fine.




WOH woh woh, that shuttle, those lights.. were do get now pls

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Thanks, but for RSS? is yours scaled up?

As for your problem, I think it's to do with RSS PQS fade distance, I'm tryna get it sorted with NathanKell atm for RVE, it seems to only be an issue some of the time :/

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rbray is there someway I can try out what you've done so far on the atmosphere shader and shadow stuff? I can see your notes about it on github (next to the files) but can't see any DL for the dev tweaks. I'd love to give it a try

EDIT: also would you ever consider looking back into procedural clouds, maybe later on or something? They could follow the general 'macro' cloud cover map provided by a faily low res (global coverage) image but from lower orbits use some kind of logarithm to add noise that roughly follows real cloudlet scattering to provide effectively unlimited detail without the CPU cost of 8k+ textures. If it were possible might be something worth looking into.

I was just looking at this real time render of earth:


Edited by pingopete
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rbray is there someway I can try out what you've done so far on the atmosphere shader and shadow stuff? I can see your notes about it on github (next to the files) but can't see any DL for the dev tweaks. I'd love to give it a try

EDIT: also would you ever consider looking back into procedural clouds, maybe later on or something? They could follow the general 'macro' cloud cover map provided by a faily low res (global coverage) image but from lower orbits use some kind of logarithm to add noise that roughly follows real cloudlet scattering to provide effectively unlimited detail without the CPU cost of 8k+ textures. If it were possible might be something worth looking into.

I was just looking at this real time render of earth:


Not yet, still dealing with Real-Life stuff ATM. I mean, you could always switch to the Overhaul branch and download the GameData folder, but it only has shadows right now, and it isn't optimized for multiple clouds layers (many projectors can get expensive).

Ideally the entire cloud surface would be generated/simulated, but I'm not there yet. Plus, I would imagine it would be killer on a machine.

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@rbray89 Have you done any testing under 64bit? I was doing some testing last night and was having crashes with this plugin, once I removed it all was good. I didn't look any deeper into it though.

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@rbray89 Have you done any testing under 64bit? I was doing some testing last night and was having crashes with this plugin, once I removed it all was good. I didn't look any deeper into it though.

There is a thread on x86_64 mod compatibility somewhere... apparently EVE and PF don't play nice together.

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