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[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements


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This is with the lastest prerelease 9.2?

Nah, this is with the super special preview version updated 12 hours ago on the github. It is extremely buggy and unfinished however, so don't use it for any serious install. It's just to show off some of the new technology coming in the next release.

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Yeah, all the shaders are still very much WIP. I still have to add normals to planet shader, fix the water shader, enhance LOD for terrain, get atmosphere lighting effects (sun tracking) along with better handling of space vies, and add more cooler lighting to particles. I need to close off the atmosphere "dome" and get the shadows working again.

EDIT: But I really like the look from KSC during the day facing the mountains!

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There's no light variation during the day from beyond 10km either -- Kerbin is a bright blue ball from space!

This is exactly the issue I was coming to the forums to mention, so I am glad it is not just me. I must say though, from the little bit I checked out, it looks amazing.

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Am I doing something wrong. 9-2 on x64 bit linux, I've got near black oceans, monotone terrain textures, IE Brown or Green, and from space the coastlines artifact.

9-2 or the "x86-Release/x64-Release?" that is in the main source directory?

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Busy identifying what's stable under 64bit 0.24 and EVE is not a happy bunny. Replicable crash occuring after starting a new game when first going to the KSC main scene.

UnityException: Texture 'BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1' is not readable, the texture memory can not be accessed from scripts. You can make the texture readable in the Texture Import Settings.

at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Texture2D:GetPixelBilinear (single,single)

at Atmosphere.CloudParticle.Update (UnityEngine.Texture2D tex, Vector3 offset) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Atmosphere.VolumeSection.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Atmosphere.VolumeManager.Update (Vector3 pos) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Atmosphere.CloudsVolume.UpdatePos (Vector3 WorldPos) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Atmosphere.AtmospherePQS.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

EDIT: Actually this was the "super special preview version updated 12 hours ago on the github" for x64. Windows 8.1. Other logs and their data available if it'd help.

Edited by AlphaAsh
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Busy identifying what's stable under 64bit 0.24 and EVE is not a happy bunny. Replicable crash occuring after starting a new game when first going to the KSC main scene.

Release 7-3. Windows 8.1. Other logs and their data available if it'd help.

That happens with other mods that cause the BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1 to become not readable. not really EVE's fault.

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Here's my current mods. Only mod I can think of that would do that is ATM. Being a little cheeky chap, that's one of your mods as well isn't it? Saying that, JSI's RPM does some texture management of some sort IIRC.
















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Here's my current mods. Only mod I can think of that would do that is ATM. Being a little cheeky chap, that's one of your mods as well isn't it? Saying that, JSI's RPM does some texture management of some sort IIRC.
















It is likely ATM. I thought I added a config exception to the BoulderCo config though. Do you have the most recent ATM release?

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9-2 for my comment. I got it from github but I don't know where all of you are getting these other newer releases. 9-2 looked newest to me. Admitedly I stumble through github until I find something that looks like a DL

And I dont seem to be able to pull up the config menu anymore alt-e got it

EDIT: I DL ATM latest basic x64 to see if that helps.

EDIT 2: How do I remove map view clouds?

Edited by UAL002
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So the moment I updated to .24, I deleted every mod except EVE and ATM. Start up .24, no clouds. Deleted it until update. Then I saw there was 9-2 on Github. I installed it; same issue, no clouds, and on the secondary screen the texture of the Mk1-2 pod on the loading screen was messed up. This might've been asked before, but does anyone know what the issue is? I'm playing 32bit Mac.

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So the moment I updated to .24, I deleted every mod except EVE and ATM. Start up .24, no clouds. Deleted it until update. Then I saw there was 9-2 on Github. I installed it; same issue, no clouds, and on the secondary screen the texture of the Mk1-2 pod on the loading screen was messed up. This might've been asked before, but does anyone know what the issue is? I'm playing 32bit Mac.

7-3 works just fine with 0.24 for me with Astronomer's pack. Have you tried reinstalling EVE?

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7-3 works just fine with 0.24 for me with Astronomer's pack. Have you tried reinstalling EVE?

Not with 7-3. I'll try that. Note: Did try Astronomer's Edge of Oblivion with 9-2. Didn't work.

Edited by physicsnerd
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Ok so major issue with 9-2, when you go to the tracking station and then to a planet and after you are done editing cloud layer with the gui, once you try to exit back to the space center ,ksp freezes and needs restart. If you dont edit the layers its all good. Other then that im still super excited by the new version. Oh and there is a weird frame drop while the gui is open , and there needs to be a default option so you can revert back if you mess up a layer, now it still saved but you need to restar ksp to get back the layer in the gui.

Edited by nismobg
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Do you have the prerelease overhaul and Texture Replacer? If yes to both of those questions you have to go into your texture replacer folder and open @default.cfg. Find:

  // Prevent unloading for textures whose paths are matching the following  // regular expressions. Some mods access and modify textures so they shouldn't
// be unloaded.
// The list must be space- and/or comma-separated and in one line.
keepLoaded = /FX/ MFD ^BoulderCo/Clouds/ ^Romfarer/textures/ ^WarpPlugin/

and change it to:

  // Prevent unloading for textures whose paths are matching the following
// regular expressions. Some mods access and modify textures so they shouldn't
// be unloaded.
// The list must be space- and/or comma-separated and in one line.
keepLoaded = /FX/ MFD [B]^BoulderCo/Atmosphere/[/B] ^Romfarer/textures/ ^WarpPlugin/

that'll fix it.

Can you please explain the requirements a bit closer?

I thought I´ve all those installed, changed the marked part in "@default.cfg", but still the same problem. On any ascent or decent I´ll have to pass a cloud layer even if there shouldn´t be any.

thanks for helping

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Just wanted to say thank you for keeping such a nice repository of the older versions of this. I'd been running a practically ancient version because I know from testing that my machine won't handle the really nice volumetric clouds. But I spent a little while messing around in the archives until I found one that I could still use without noticeable lag and it was significantly nicer than what I'd been using. So props for that :)

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Can you please explain the requirements a bit closer?

I thought I´ve all those installed, changed the marked part in "@default.cfg", but still the same problem. On any ascent or decent I´ll have to pass a cloud layer even if there shouldn´t be any.

thanks for helping

The reason those clouds always show up is because some program is altering the cloudmap making it unreadable for the plugin. In my case it was texture replacer doing fancy stuff to the image, which is fixed with the change I posted. If that doesn't work for you, check out if its Active Texture Management. I don't personally use that one, but I know it alters texture files so there's a good chance that's causing it.

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