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[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements


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  eRe4s3r said:
Ohhh? THAT is EVE? I have never seen any overhaul linked with such an impressive blending over of clouds and distance haze... can you guide me to the relevant overhaul? Or at least an idea how to set EVE up so that I have JUST this (without clouds) distance haze is far more important to me than clouds...


It will be one of the 'Overhaul' releases. I am using the most recent (9-2), and haven't noticed a haze, but it should be an older version.

EDIT: My mistake, it is not an older version! Thank you, pingopete.

Edited by CalculusWarrior
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The haze in that image is from the overhaul series beyond 9.2, where rbray stopped uploading versions but has a continuous project going, you can get it from here by DL'ing the master zip and extraction the gamedata folder from it. It contains a very WIP true volumetric atmosphere layer option that he began working on but has been unable to continue working on recently, so far the transition from below to above isn't very fluid and there is no lighting aspect to it, i.e. stays bright at night etc. I might add that it will no doubt be incredible when it is finished.

Victus: That is 'normal' (for that mod) it's the repeated cloud layer beneath being used as a fake shadow, and as it is simply that, the true direction of light isn't taken into acount meaning the shadows are always vertically below relative to the surface, giving this effect on the sides.

Rbray has begun work on a true shadow system that projects correct shadows for clouds relative to the suns direction, but this hasn't been finished yet either and ins't working properly atm. What he's got so far is also available from the link above.

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I wonder how closely Squad pays attention to this. I'm hoping the 0.26 reveal will be deformable terrain, but right next to that I hope we get a stock option for clouds and atmospherics. It's kind of like Minecraft and shaders, after a while there's no way you can miss all these screenshots people are taking with this mod and not say, "Yeah, that's worth the effort." I know that sounds like complaining but it's really just me thinking out loud in this thread.

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  pingopete said:
The haze in that image is from the overhaul series beyond 9.2, where rbray stopped uploading versions but has a continuous project going, you can get it from here by DL'ing the master zip and extraction the gamedata folder from it. It contains a very WIP true volumetric atmosphere layer option that he began working on but has been unable to continue working on recently, so far the transition from below to above isn't very fluid and there is no lighting aspect to it, i.e. stays bright at night etc. I might add that it will no doubt be incredible when it is finished.

Thank you very much! (and everyone else that helped!) I can live with that limitation

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  Hyomoto said:
I wonder how closely Squad pays attention to this. I'm hoping the 0.26 reveal will be deformable terrain, but right next to that I hope we get a stock option for clouds and atmospherics. It's kind of like Minecraft and shaders, after a while there's no way you can miss all these screenshots people are taking with this mod and not say, "Yeah, that's worth the effort." I know that sounds like complaining but it's really just me thinking out loud in this thread.

See this page for some images of squads testing of procedural volumetrics that was apparently abandoned due to frame rate issues.. One can only hope and dream.. and use EVE which is just as good in most aspects (especially as it's a 3rd part mod that the majority of players use :) Procedural from the base-up would be the way to go though imo, lower cpu demand, and 'unlimited' levels of detail rendered continuously only as required to meets screen resolution at that time. Although in fairness the 'detail texture' thing being used is almost that, just not continuous, i.e. 1 texture in another texture.

I'd imagine you might be able to have say a 1 k earth cloud texture and use a noise system to produce random detail with predefined values at closer distances.

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  Ph34rb0t said:
Overhaul 9.2 seems to work for me on 0.25 for any flight started after installation. Flights in progress don't get clouds.

How do you install it from the github file? I went to https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/tree/Overhaul and clicked "Download ZIP," but I don't know how to arrange all those puzzle pieces so they fit in the GameData folder properly

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  TTTA said:
How do you install it from the github file? I went to https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/tree/Overhaul and clicked "Download ZIP," but I don't know how to arrange all those puzzle pieces so they fit in the GameData folder properly

I'm using an older download from somewhere in this thread, but you can use this (Click "view raw"):


- Edit:

Found my version (9-2):


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  Ph34rb0t said:
Build a rocket, start a flight. If you see clouds in the sky, it's working. If not, try the version from the second link.

First link results: Clouds are certainly different, and do really weird things with the lighting. No sign of clouds from map view, but when you leave the atmosphere the clouds go from just a few scattered puffy things to a full overlay of complex weather systems like you get in the master version. Evidence of cities during the daytime overlaid on terrain, which is pretty cool, and they're smaller and rarer on the night side than they are in the master version. But this is CLEARLY not anything approaching a final release.

Will come back in a bit after trying link 2.

EDIT: Well, tried installing just the second link, got this, then tried it with a BoulderCo folder I dug out of another overhaul build. Clouds have that weird repetitive tiled look when you get too far above them, even when viewed from map view of from ~350km up. Also water renders REALLY weirdly, gets super clear when you get up close, to the point that it becomes very difficult to differentiate between water and land when it's shallow.

I'm gonna wait until we get an official release before I mess with this stuff anymore.

Edited by TTTA
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try this config on the first link, the releases page on github was deprecated for the overhaul branch, all up to date releases will be located at the root of the github 'Overhaul' branch

overwrite you clouds.cfg at the following location ...GameData\BoulderCo\Atmosphere\

(i havent been able to test this on 0.25 yet)

altitude = 4000
speed = 30
_Color = 0.41, 0.80, 1, 0
_Visibility = 0.00001
altitude = 3600
speed = 100
texture = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 1,1,1,1
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_DistFade = 00.1
_DistFadeVert = 2e-5
_LightScatter = 0
_MinLight = 2
altitude = 8400
speed = 80
detailSpeed = 60
offset = 0,0,0
shadow = false
shadowOffset = 0,0,0
_Color = 1,1,1,1
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_FalloffPow = 5
_FalloffScale = 3.5
_DetailScale = 1
_DetailOffset = 0,0,0
_DetailDist = 1
_MinLight = 2
_FadeDist = 100
_FadeScale = 100
_RimDist = 0.25
_RimDistSub = 1
_Color = 1,1,1,1
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_DetailScale = 6
_DetailOffset = 0,0,0
_DetailDist = 0.0012
_MinLight = 0.5
_FadeDist = 2.25
_FadeScale = 0.00375
_RimDist = 1
_RimDistSub = 0.01

Edited by skbernard
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Have you considered using procedurally generated isoball clouds instead of flat layers? The flat layers are good for light cloud since they're transparent, but if you look outside one of the cooler aspects of the sky is big, architectural looking cumulus things.

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  Gaugeforever said:
It's interesting to see how better atmospheres is .25 but this is not seeing as how BA uses this is a prereq?

Well, the current version 7-4 with Astronomer's Visual Pack is working under KSP 0.25 for me (Windows x64 running 32-bit KSP). Maybe missing some elements but most of its there.

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EVE still works wholly for me in 0.25, I get city lights and everything. Strangely Distant Objects does not work at all. I think we should all send rbay some of our free time. Come on, get a donate button up! If we all give out five minutes I'm sure we can donate at least an entire day if not two!

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