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[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements


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  rbray89 said:
You could also delete the clouds dll in the plugins folder.

I think that would kill clouds elsewhere though. What I did when I had a 8k Kerbin cloud texture in the past was to just remove the Kerbin1 image as well as the relevant lines in the .cfg file.

Is it possible to remove the cloud texture that you see from orbit and keep the city lights, or are they the same? I'm already using a high-res texture with clouds for Kerbin with the Universe Replacer mod, and I prefer those. Now Kerbin has too many clouds lol...

Btw man, if you are using this (the best clouded Kerbin texture there is), then going for the cloudless matte or shiny version and addding this mod will produce a far better (and customisable too!) outcome. Trust me on this, used to have the cloud texture myself for a while...C:

Edited by Dante80
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The change from the kerbin1.tga to kerbin1.png fiile extension for clouds on Kerbin seems to cause RAM-crashes for me on every startup.

Is it possible to use newer versions of this plugin without using the kerbin1.png but instead the kerbin1.tga file?

I really don't want to have to stick with version 6-4 :(

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  Mentosmen said:

The change from the kerbin1.tga to kerbin1.png fiile extension for clouds on Kerbin seems to cause RAM-crashes for me on every startup.

Is it possible to use newer versions of this plugin without using the kerbin1.png but instead the kerbin1.tga file?

I really don't want to have to stick with version 6-4 :(

That works for me. You can also try downscaling the png file. 4096x2048 was small enough to solve whatever magical "UNIX limitation" I encountered.

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I just had this weird circle thing appear on Kerbin. When I move camera around it changes its position, like there is a orb around it. It is effecting visuals on surface of Kerbin.

I am using 6-7 release, I really don't know if its related to this mod. I guess its a good start.



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  therealcrow999 said:
I just had this weird circle thing appear on Kerbin. When I move camera around it changes its position, like there is a orb around it. It is effecting visuals on surface of Kerbin.

I am using 6-7 release, I really don't know if its related to this mod. I guess its a good start.



Odd... I'll look into it.

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The "magical UNIX limitation" with PNG's has been solved for a long time but you must do a bash command line patch for every version since sometime before KSP 0.19 (when I started). See http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...l=1#post849510 as a starting place but I highly recommend reading the whole Linux compatibility thread, at least all the post 0.23 upgrade posts anyway.

I also have the strange circular feature on Kerbin and I think I have had it for a long time, certainly since VE version 5-3. It only occurs at a limited range of orbital altitudes and so it never bothered me much. I generally only see it briefly during my time warping approach to Kerbin aerobraking entry. I am also not absolutely certain that it is caused by VE. Perhaps it is? I wonder, are you using Linux 64 bit and/or are you also using the UniverseReplacer mod?

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  Kaa253 said:
The "magical UNIX limitation" with PNG's has been solved for a long time but you must do a bash command line patch for every version since sometime before KSP 0.19 (when I started). See http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...l=1#post849510 as a starting place but I highly recommend reading the whole Linux compatibility thread, at least all the post 0.23 upgrade posts anyway.

The issue with libpng that requires the binary hack would be a "magical LINUX limitation", and does not affect OS-X in the least. I've already followed the few steps I need for Ubuntu and still see the reported issue. I'm increasingly of the opinion this is a hardware limitation or an issue with Intel's HD4000 drivers of some sort, or an issue that Unity has with said hardware that VE/large pngs expose, and am tempted to install Win7 just to test that hypothesis. (I may need to do that for work soon anyway, so....)

Regardless, the lower-res version works fine for me. Thanks.

I have also seen the dark circle on Kerbin (usually at high altitudes such as 2868km), though that went away some versions of VE ago for me and never as-of 0.23. May have also been a UR issue, as I use both. Always seemed to occur at some draw-distance transition, as it looked fine on one side and fine on the other, but had that darker transition area that spread across the globe. (Very similar to the stock "Kraken shadow" that occurs when you "Revert Flight to VAB/SPH" one too many times.)

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  therealcrow999 said:
I just had this weird circle thing appear on Kerbin. When I move camera around it changes its position, like there is a orb around it. It is effecting visuals on surface of Kerbin.

I am using 6-7 release, I really don't know if its related to this mod. I guess its a good start.

Basically quicksave and reload, it also happens in stock ksp.

It's a harmless bug.

Cheers! :)

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Yeah it went away when I got closer, it kind of exploded into the shadows or became them. I think it happened because I time warped in and it didn't have to time to catch up.

  Hyomoto said:
@therealcrow999 - I've seen that before just in stock KSP, does it go away if you just restart the program?
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  rbray89 said:
I can't seem to replicate this. I get a ship up to 750K, Quicksave, then reload and nothing.

No, sorry, i mean that quicksaving and reloading is the way of fixing it when it happens...

Sorry for confusion...

Cheers! :)

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  rbray89 said:
I am not an artist at all. Programmer. I write the code that exposes the ability to create awesome things. I know that the textures & config are far from perfect, and I need all the feedback I can get so that people like you can do awesome things :)

Next up:

Enhancing cloud shader

Exposing params

some feedback :)

great work at all but it would be nice to have a tutorial read-me file in the downloadarchiv how to change the cloud density via the cfg file

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