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How the hell do you aim flags.

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So I've run into a really annoying problem. No matter which kerbal, no matter how long they've EVA'd or what direction they're facing, every flag planted lately is set up so that it PERFECTLY parallels the sun's path. Meaning the flag is all black, all the time, every time, as the LIGHT NEVER HITS IT. How the hell do I get my kerbals to aim the damn thing in another direction?

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I don't think you can aim flags actually. As far as I can tell you can point the Kerbal in any direction, but they just rotate automatically to give you the same issue. I've gotten lucky a few times though, with *slight* sunlight showing the flag's face.

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First off, Tassyr please try to remain calm, it's understandable that you're frustrated but filling your posts with hell and damn isn't going to help.

Now then, this issue has been brought up / asked about plenty of times, mostly so right after flags were added. Back then I got tired of all the threads with this exact same topic/question and did a bit of testing:


My conclusion then was that flags were placed in a north/south facing, no matter the location. Perhaps it was changed, I'd have to go test it again, however the 'workaround' I came up with back then was that after you place the flag, you can rightclick it and pick it up again. The plant flag button won't be immidiately available again, but if you move a couple of steps it'll pop up.

So, if the flag isn't placed in the facing you want, pick it up, walk a few steps, try again. And if it keeps staying in the wrong facing, move accordingly to place it in view of whatever you want it to be in front/behind when taking your screenshot.

In case the flag planting was changed and it's now west-east then both the planet's orbital inclination and your landing location's inclination would take part. Very few places should actually be 'perfect' for not getting any light on the flag. The workaround there would be to not land perfectly equatorial on planets/moons that are in perfectly equatorial orbits around the sun.

I know, I know, you'll say you *want* to aim the flag or that you *shouldn't* have to use a workaround, but it's what it is right now. Feel free to make a suggestion in the suggestions subforum, but as for an answer to how you aim a flag, you can't seems to be the only answer right now.

I'll go do some more testing later to see if things have changed, but for now, try the workaround(s) I've suggested.

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