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Request: 0.22 Mun landing video


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I would like to request a tutorial about 0.22 Mun landing

I found a tutorial on youtube but they used parts I dont have yet (Career mode)

My main problem is that even though I copy rocket designs from other players, I keep on running out of fuel no matter what :(

My tech is: Start > Basic Rocketry > Survivability

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Just watch a tuturial, see what the person uses, and adopt that to use whatever you have.

And with so few science, why do you wanna go to the Mun already anyway? Get the stuf from closer home first. Different surfaces on Kerbin, high kerbin orbit. And when you are done there, get a Mun flyby. Than a close Mun Flyby. Than go to Minmus, that's easier

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Take the probcore, an antenna and pack the rocket full of batteries and take what science equipment you have - one of each is enough, you will probably not return anyway - build something that gets high up and keep burning upwards, leave Kerbins orbit and gravity well to enter Kerbols, transmit home what you can grab! :D

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