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Guys...I really need help for this next mission, I have tried various YouTube videos, but i have yet to find one that can explain how far you gotta go to not be lost in space and not fall back into kerbin...My space station...Outcome was never suppose to happen, In my space program, Today never happened haha. But...I need a space station and/or refueling station somewhere! and...Can someone just help me please lol.

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Maybe you should try something tiny ... like first get a single small spaceship into orbit (and back to Kerbin, without killing the Kerbonaut), before you try a whole space station :)

This Tutorial gives good directions ... including the setup of a first spaceship that can make it into orbit:


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Maybe you should try something tiny ... like first get a single small spaceship into orbit (and back to Kerbin, without killing the Kerbonaut), before you try a whole space station :)

K i'll do that, Then i can go for the mun or minmus...Which i have yet to land on, haha.

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Guys...I really need help for this next mission, I have tried various YouTube videos, but i have yet to find one that can explain how far you gotta go to not be lost in space and not fall back into kerbin...My space station...Outcome was never suppose to happen, In my space program, Today never happened haha. But...I need a space station and/or refueling station somewhere! and...Can someone just help me please lol.

Put it in a 100km orbit around Kerbin

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Alright I see your problem,

you think you need to get to a certain height to not fall back down,

it doesn't exactly work like that,

you can't just go straight up, you'll go up, and then come back down,

when you reach the space, you've gotta burn sideways so the blue line goes all the way around the planet above the atmosphere, but not too much so that you escape Kerbin,

If your still having problems when I get home from school, I can post pics of me launching a rocket to orbit, and pics of every part that's important, but I get out in a few hours and after that I might have to do my chores and that might take another hour.

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