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[0.23.5] Orbital Construction Re-Redux v1.1.1 no longer being maintained


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Pretty, and cool use of rover body. But like... wow. That's a LOT of RCS! Trying to get to the mun a constructed ship on just RCS? Or Maybe Duna? :)

Hah! No. That's the space station/construction platform. The RCS, and the fuel in the big tank behind (in shadow in the pic but barely visible) is just there to fuel up ships that dock or are constructed there. The bigger the reservoir, the less often I have to make fuel runs to replenish it.

Edited by Gaius
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Why are Kerbals not included? Is there a technical reason? I think that if you build a ship, if there are Kerbals aboard your station, at least one should be transferred as other resources to be in control. That would make more sense to my mind, rather than having to fly a Kerbal 500m out on his RCS to gain control of your new vessel, since I put crew in my station with the intent of using them to pilot constructed vehicles anyway. (Don't other people?)

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Why are Kerbals not included? Is there a technical reason? I think that if you build a ship, if there are Kerbals aboard your station, at least one should be transferred as other resources to be in control. That would make more sense to my mind, rather than having to fly a Kerbal 500m out on his RCS to gain control of your new vessel, since I put crew in my station with the intent of using them to pilot constructed vehicles anyway. (Don't other people?)
That occurred to me as well, I have to admit. I assume it was intended to compliment having ships build at the actual construction facility. It will make perfect sense once vessels are predictably placed.
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That occurred to me as well, I have to admit. I assume it was intended to compliment having ships build at the actual construction facility. It will make perfect sense once vessels are predictably placed.

I just didn't like the mechanics of having Kerbals teleported into orbit. Code-wise, Kerbals are not the same as pumpable resources, and the ExLaunchpad code I swiped to update this mod doesn't consider crew as a resource. I could add it, I suppose, but I'm focused on my replacement for OC at the moment and probably won't get to it for quite a while, if at all.

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I'm very glad to see Orbital Construction moving in this direction.

I have a licensing concern: You said that large portions of Extraplanetary Launchpads were "swiped" to achieve its style of resource allocation. Did the relevant copyright holders (it may be skykooler, but it might also be evilC or taniwha?) explicitly grant you permission to use those sections? If not, you can still use that code, but because it was released under GPL, your derived code would also have to be GPL.

There is also a licensing issue with the entire mod. Interfect seems to have misunderstood how licensing works when he released Orbital Construction Redux, because his "license" section states:

License: Everything I make for KSP, I place into the public domain. The same cannot, unfortunately, be proved for Zorkinian, who originally made Orbital Construction. They never told me *not* to maintain their mod, so I did it.

His logic is faulty, but more importantly, the original Orbital Construction thread specifies a GPL license. Accordingly, Interfect's modifications could only have been released under a different license if Zorkinian explicitly granted Interfect that permission. Since Interfect has stated he wishes to release all his own work to the public domain, it seems fair to consider Orbital Construction Redux to be under GPL, but even in that case you cannot release modifications under a Creative Commons license. You must instead release under GPL or demonstrate that Zorkinian granted you explicit permission to relicense his work.

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the original Orbital Construction thread specifies a GPL license

The original post doesn't say which version of the license applies, nor can I find any other reference to licenses for either Zorkinian's or Interfect's versions of this mod. What's the protocol in this case?

*Edit* Never mind, since I included ExLaunch code in the re-redux, it has to be GPL v3. License has been updated. It's too bad, because GPL v3 allows commercial derivatives and I firmly believe that KSP add-ons (original and derivative) should be non-commercial.

Edited by attosecond
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  • 1 month later...

While Majiir is technically right, I support what you are saying but while it is in your control, at least you can keep it revenue free. I assure you, the entire KSP community appreciates it.

On another note, I can't find anything about .23. While obviously not updated, is the mod functional? I really enjoy this mod allot for many reasons


I suppose I will just try it out and find out!

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On another note, I can't find anything about .23. While obviously not updated, is the mod functional? I really enjoy this mod allot for many reasons
If I'm remembering correctly attosecond updated OC for .22 and then shifted his focus towards Orbital Manufacturing, a more fundamental revision that remains unavailable but quietly in progress here.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay... I'm currently expanding my local FusTek-modules with a combined kethane/orbitalconstruction-module. Getting the kethconverter and the OC-3dprinter to work is easy... But the code of the "SpaceDock"-part has this commented out:



// name = SpaceDock18


The same code (but active) is included in the tiny radial thingy you put on stuff you want to build... I take from this, that the program only searches for a part named "SpaceDock" and there is no way to make another spacedock-"capable" part without overwriting the old one?

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So, I've been playing with this on 0.23 for about a week now pretty steadily and it works flawlessly other than the current tanks being horrendously over filled but there are ways to get around that. But I believe i'm experiencing a mod-breaking bug. The scenario, I have a station in orbit around Minmus (circular, 120x120 0 degree inclination) and i've build craft in orbit before and docked them just fine, but lately, i've tried building them and my craft spawns about 1.5km or less away usually but I am already moving away from the target at 100m/s+ based on the distance to target. I consider my self quite good at rendezvous but despite trying every single thing I can think of, I cannot get docked. I've probably tried it 50 times with 3 different craft both light and heavy. Even with 12 pro grade RCS jets, I was unable to get a positive velocity to the target. I've tried canceling my relative velocity and then burning all manner of ways, I've tried using mechjeb's incredible docking autopilot (though it was probably too far away), I've even tried using mechjeb's fine tuning approach to target and followed the node manually with RCS but the target still kept moving away from me at 100m/s+. It's as if my orbit was moving faster than it's. This is the second station i've build in this orbit and i had the problem with the first one, so I abandoned that 0.22 save assuming it was broken and opened up a sandbox world fresh and re-build this station in the same orbit but my results have stayed the same. The only thing I haven't tried is building a full on rocket with LFO and attempting to rendezvous with the station again though I still feel this shouldn't be needed... I will send over some rocket fuel and give it a try but I have a feeling that I will still be moving away from the target mysteriously. ONE KEY THING: Tell me if this is normal or not, but my manuver nodes, the keep increasing. I'll burn them to full and then slowly, 0.1m/s at a time, the bar fills back up again. Like some mysterious force is pushing on my ship. Please if anyone knows what I might be doing wrong, let me know. If this appears to be a bug i'd love to hear back because this is by far my favorite mod for KSP. This is quite frustrating...

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I can confirm that despite moving to a higher orbit and using mechjeb to plan an intercept, the target appears to be moving faster than my ship by about 100m/s. After killing my relative velocity, the target still is moving either towards or away from me 100m/s faster than me at that orbit altitude.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Using this in 0.23. How do you spawn a ship?!

Place a construction module on your station. Then place a space built identifier on the ship you wish built in space. When you launch the ship the menu comes up asking where you want to build it. Been using this in .23 for quite a while as it makes ships in space more reliably than Extraterrestrial Launchpads one.

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  • 1 month later...

hey guys im having a problem with this mod .. every time i build a rocket with a tank that holds "rocket parts" the mass seams to be more than any kind of support i can give it and drops right threw my whole rocket , i have removed the resource cfg file per readme file , because im using the ex planetary launchpad mod as well any help here would be great !

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so i am using this mod to conquer the the solar system but there seams to be a limit to how many parts i can build in space. after x amount of parts are built the construction window will not show up on the launchpad. any 1 eals having this problem?

plz excuse my spelling im extremely dyslexic.

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Ok i just added a bunch of mods and now even the small warehouse is to heavy for anything to hold. does anyone know how to reduce the weight of these things or any mods that would aether increase the weight or weaken parts?

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