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KSP Multi-Player War Server


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I wondering if anybody would be interested in having a multi-player server with wargames and possibly teams. We would have to set up times for everyone to play together and of course it would need to be stock. If anyone is interested leave a message in the comments.

The mod required for this server is located here http://sesau.ca/ksp/KMP.html

If enough people are interested in this idea I will start a server up!

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KSP has multiplayer now?

Also for the record and my completely personal opinion I loathe the idea of militarising KSP.

It's one of the few games where you don't have to resort to violent acts to progress, it's purely exploration for explorations sake.

Don't get me wrong I like shooting NPC's in the face as much as the next guy, but it's nice to have a game where you lose if things die.

Edited by FlamedSteak
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  hobbsyoyo said:
The multiplayer mod is not compatible with any other mods.

If you read the KMP thread closely you'll see that there is a way to toggle the mod 'exclusion' variable. All users would then be required to have the exact same parts/mods installed.

What I suspect will be a problem is that it's very likely that objects which are not 'player' vessels will not be tracked by the server.

This likely means anything that's not a ramming match would likely be impossible at the moment, if I'm wrong let me know.

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  littlecheese999 said:
i would like to, and i can host, not 24/7, and via hamachi. but i have ok internet

Hamatchi is not a very safe program hamatchi is meant for a group of trusted friends if for example some random people on the forum your basically giving them access to your network learn how to map ports

And yes i agree with Xeta

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I have a server up that has romfarer systems but the lazers are still buggy.. if you're interested email me at Vilhien@gmail.com

In order for it to work better, I've considered updating my old romfarer systems to newer ones to see if that quits the bugs.. we'll see today.. as of right now, you can fly anything standard with addition to romfarer weapons and fire missiles, but the systems are blind and won't target. If you try to work with the lazers much it just crashes and resyncs

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  Vilhien said:
I have a server up that has romfarer systems but the lazers are still buggy.. if you're interested email me at Vilhien@gmail.com

In order for it to work better, I've considered updating my old romfarer systems to newer ones to see if that quits the bugs.. we'll see today.. as of right now, you can fly anything standard with addition to romfarer weapons and fire missiles, but the systems are blind and won't target. If you try to work with the lazers much it just crashes and resyncs

DOn't use romfarer, it will just make destroying things to easy. It would be more fun to have to make your own torpedoes.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey is anybody still interested in this thread? With the new tool http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kmpmodbuilder/ we could easily incorporate mods into the server. I myself was thinking of doing a realism server along with the war while perhaps incorporating FAR, DRE, MFS, (possibly remotetech), realistic parachutes, and perhaps KAS and or extraplanetary launchpads? Thoughts anyone?

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