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ive had that hapeen on some but it seems to be mostly ones that where originaly for transmit only. basicaly its happened on ones that had a transmit button on them for me

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  sidfu said:
ive had that hapeen on some but it seems to be mostly ones that where originaly for transmit only. basicaly its happened on ones that had a transmit button on them for me

you mean where I might have only transit or active enabled in an action group? I'm not sure what u mean. is there a way to turn in back on? like maybe in the game save cfg?

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  Ghost13 said:
I will be happy to do the playtesting the mod on a fresh 0.24 install if you would like to assemble a testing group.

Kinda late reply, but count me in, too. Also, wouldn't mind breaking compatibility if it means a better mod.

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heres what i mean. u know how on stock nonrt when u righ click on antanna all u have is a recive button? from what i can tell antanna and dishes that keep that after rt2 is added to them tend to close themself once u switch ship. its not every one of them thou. it also happens where if u hit transmit data and a antana or dish auto deployes like stock then it wont stay open when u switch ships at times.

safest thing to do is dont just hit send when u get reprorts make sure dish is already open and that stoped it for some types of dishes and antanas for me

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  sidfu said:
heres what i mean. u know how on stock nonrt when u righ click on antanna all u have is a recive button? from what i can tell antanna and dishes that keep that after rt2 is added to them tend to close themself once u switch ship. its not every one of them thou. it also happens where if u hit transmit data and a antana or dish auto deployes like stock then it wont stay open when u switch ships at times.

safest thing to do is dont just hit send when u get reprorts make sure dish is already open and that stoped it for some types of dishes and antanas for me

Now that sounds like a bug or a corrupted install. In RemoteTech, dishes are not supposed to auto-open, ever.

Edited by Starstrider42
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  Cilph said:
Pretty much. I removed the ability for antennas to extend/retract on their own.

Which I like very much and should be that way in the stock game too!

An antenna closing before sending the next batch of data and only sending when activating again later is useless honestly. :P

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ive not had it happen with aies,rt or stock dishes its only happened on stuff i added antanas and dishes from other mods. had one mod forgot its name its 2 antana would close half the time once u leave the ship

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  Martel05 said:
Help please, I have looked in this forum for hours and I can't get my RT2 to work. At launch pad I get no connection to KSC. Im using 0.23 ksp.

You using a probe core ? it should connect at launch pad ? from RT2

EDIT the core all have 3 km not 30km. there are a couple of dish and there is 1 antenna that don't snap.

Edit the DP-10 500 km good for get you up where you can use a antenna.

Edit If you want you can use this https://www.dropbox.com/s/v85x3heriea639x/RemoteTech_REMOVEMAXQ.cfg and you can use antenna's from launch just put it some where in KSP/GameDate

Edited by Mecripp2
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is there a way to make the flight computer disable signal delay when commands are sent to the probe? I say this because I noticed I send commands to my delayed probe, and when the timer ends and the probe executes them, the probe itself does it with signal delay built-in, just like I was piloting it myself remotely, thus losing control very easily (i use RSS, which means x10 distances). If this is the case, I find it a bit silly for the flight computer on the probe to be having signal delay. Once commands are sent to it, the probe should execute them in its own time and space, which means no delayed controls. That is what i hoped RT2 would work with signal delay, but it's not what i've experienced.

If im mistaken, or been talked before, i apologize, i didnt find anything trhough search and dont have spare time to read 312 pages XD

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  Kimaera026 said:
Once commands are sent to it, the probe should execute them in its own time and space

What are you talking about. Once you send a command and the command reaches the flight computer, it's all local from there on out.

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