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Ok, what's the deal, here :

This is a much simpler situation. I've got an interplanetary "mother ship" that is orbitting Gilly. I have a lander on gilly. I have a dish antenna (not needed at this range, I know) pointed at the mother ship. The mother ship has a connection to Kerbin.

From the lander, I cannot send science back to Kerbin. I can see a yellow line in this picture, I don't know what that means.


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  Fail-o-matic said:
Is there a crash course on Flight computer operation?

I've searched this thread and didn't find instructions.

I'm really stuck on how to use the Flight Computer properly also. I've been playing around with it and finally figured out that if you want to hold a certain heading (eg 90 , 90 , 90) you have to hit ENTER on your keyboard and it sends the command to the probe.

So then I played around more and figured out how to set your burn in number of s to burn "ie 26s set Throttle to 100% hit enter and the engine will fire for 26 seconds.

Here are my questions:

1) Would anyone be willing to do a video tutorial on how to use the flight computer?

2) If I want my probe to execute a manuver node I setup in the future, how oh how do i program my flight computer properly so that it executes the node at the correct time, with the correct burn, holding the correct direction?

3) There used to be a way to setup a burn in terms of D/v instead of time. Is that still possible?

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  BrickedKeyboard said:

From the lander, I cannot send science back to Kerbin. I can see a yellow line in this picture, I don't know what that means.

Do you have a control station (6 Kerbals in a vessel with a big probe core) that it might be connecting to?

The yellow line - although I am terrible with colors ... - marks the path the commands are routed on.

Edited by KerbMav
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  BrickedKeyboard said:
Ok, what's the deal, here :

This is a much simpler situation. I've got an interplanetary "mother ship" that is orbitting Gilly. I have a lander on gilly. I have a dish antenna (not needed at this range, I know) pointed at the mother ship. The mother ship has a connection to Kerbin.

Is the dish at Kerbin pointing at the mothership/gilly or the active ship? If the latter, then it would show a connection when focused on the mother ship, but not have a connection when switching to the lander, since the Kerbin dish is now pointing at the lander and not the mother ship.

  KerbMav said:
Anyone else still able to activate antennas while disconnected from KSC?

Not sure about activating, but I definitely can't change their targets.

Edited by Sacred Aardvark
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  rottielover said:
I've searched this thread and didn't find instructions.

I'm really stuck on how to use the Flight Computer properly also. I've been playing around with it and finally figured out that if you want to hold a certain heading (eg 90 , 90 , 90) you have to hit ENTER on your keyboard and it sends the command to the probe.

So then I played around more and figured out how to set your burn in number of s to burn "ie 26s set Throttle to 100% hit enter and the engine will fire for 26 seconds.

Here are my questions:

1) Would anyone be willing to do a video tutorial on how to use the flight computer?

2) If I want my probe to execute a manuver node I setup in the future, how oh how do i program my flight computer properly so that it executes the node at the correct time, with the correct burn, holding the correct direction?

3) There used to be a way to setup a burn in terms of D/v instead of time. Is that still possible?

I will do a video tutorial on it in a few days, as a follow up on my extended RemoteTech introducation video: http://youtu.be/cPmAMQv7yDM

I also did a RemoteTech basic network video a few days before: http://youtu.be/9AJM5ulcQAM

I just have to play with the flight computer a bit more to figure out the rest of the details :)

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Cilph, actually i like that, it means if i screw up i dont have to relaunch... also I am way to proud of this QYQh7o6.png?1

Also would you mind telling me where i can change the colors for the lines... I am partially color blind and the colors are currently a bit too close

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  Cilph said:
Please don't use NathanKell's range system yet ;) It has a bug that I haven't yet pushed his fix for..

You mean the bug that additive dish do not work if you point to planets instead satellites? Well it does not bother me yet.

  B787_300 said:
Cilph, actually i like that, it means if i screw up i dont have to relaunch... also I am way to proud of this

But I see a little problem with that. If you lose power in the mission control satellite then you lose conection in all satellites.

You have 4 satellites and only 1 is doing contact.

This is how I do it:



After 500 kerbin days that triangle and all satellites remains in almost the same spot. Maybe the triangle looks just a "bit" different. I am kinda proud of that :)

This are the models for the kerbin triangle:



I use one extra reaction whell (sas) to rotate them and ion engine to displace them. Is the best to achieve a perfect position.

I remove all the normal fuel tanks and fuselages from the game, I only use stretchy SRB with modular fuels.

This is the Mun and Minmus sat models.


Going interplanetary, this are the launchers for kerbin and interplanetary sats.


Braking in Jool, kinda risky becouse I have deadly re-entry (and FAR). I fail 2 times :)


Interplanetary Sat Model in Laythe.


I used hidraulic pistom to deploy the 2 big dishes in the center and avoid touch the solar panel. Also help a lot to keep thin the procedural fairing in the launch.

I have another in Eve and Duna. I just need one more in Dress and I am done with my network :)

Edited by AngelLestat
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  larsmaehlum said:
I will do a video tutorial on it in a few days, as a follow up on my extended RemoteTech introducation video: SNIP.

THANKS! I watched your other two videos as well. Pretty good and helpful info.

I am not sure why the flight computer is giving my trouble. I used RT1 and was able to do what I needed with its flight computer. So maybe I'm over-thinking it?

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  rottielover said:
...Here are my questions:

1) Would anyone be willing to do a video tutorial on how to use the flight computer?

2) If I want my probe to execute a maneuver node I setup in the future, how oh how do i program my flight computer properly so that it executes the node at the correct time, with the correct burn, holding the correct direction?

3) There used to be a way to setup a burn in terms of D/v instead of time. Is that still possible?

Here you go; I made another vid of a flight computer assisted launch using the new flight computer. Hopefully I didn't go through things too fast.

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  rottielover said:
I've searched this thread and didn't find instructions.

I'm really stuck on how to use the Flight Computer properly also. I've been playing around with it and finally figured out that if you want to hold a certain heading (eg 90 , 90 , 90) you have to hit ENTER on your keyboard and it sends the command to the probe.

So then I played around more and figured out how to set your burn in number of s to burn "ie 26s set Throttle to 100% hit enter and the engine will fire for 26 seconds.

Here are my questions:

1) Would anyone be willing to do a video tutorial on how to use the flight computer?

2) If I want my probe to execute a manuver node I setup in the future, how oh how do i program my flight computer properly so that it executes the node at the correct time, with the correct burn, holding the correct direction?

3) There used to be a way to setup a burn in terms of D/v instead of time. Is that still possible?

I could have swore there were some basic instructions for the Flight Computer on the first page, but now its not there. A video tutorial would be nice. But until that’s available ill gladly give some pointers.

@2: As far as I know the only way to do this is to check the time on your maneuver node and set the delay time in the Flight Computer accordingly. I don't believe you can synchronize it with a given node unfortunately. @Cliph, that would be a nice feature to add, when you get the time.

@3: It is possible, its all I use because of the inaccuracy of burn time calculations in this game. Info follows.

Basic Flight Computer instruction (The stuff I discovered through trial and error): Any field you have to enter numbers into, you have to press Enter in order to execute them. Example: if you put 1 hours time in the delay field, you have to press Enter for that delay to be put in the computer, it will display the delay amount in seconds to the left of the delay field. Same goes for all or most fields in the computer.

There are two ways to enter your info for the delay field and the burn time field. Delay format is 1h2m3s or in total seconds, I prefer the hours minutes and seconds format because that’s what the nodes use. The burn time format is the desired number with m/s on the end, or in total seconds. Example: 100.6m/s no spaces, or 10s

I recommend you do this in a certain order.

1) make sure you have 0 delay time and a clear signal to KSC.

2) Set your desired direction, either using the buttons or by setting your heading, pressing enter, then setting pitch, press enter, then roll, press enter.

3) Set desired delay time either in total seconds or in hour, minutes, and seconds format. Press enter, it should display total seconds to the left of the field. Any button pressed or number typed in a field will be given this delay after this point, so check again if you don't want this delay on say a direction change.

4) Set desired burn thrust with the slider above the burn time field. You don't need to press enter here.

5) Set desired burn time in seconds or in m/s format, press enter, as soon as you press enter in this field it will set your burn in the Que to the right, so make sure you have a delay set or it will start burning immediately

6) To clear a field just put a 0 in it or leave it blank and press enter.

If it makes it easier for you, think of it like you are programing an old computer, you have to tell it what you want it to do in a certain sequence. Computers back when were extremely literal and would do exactly what you told them to do no matter how stupid it may have been. If you typed "format" in the prompt in early DOS machines it would basically wipe your hard drive with no, yes or no prompt to warn you. That’s all I can think of right now, kinda quick and dirty but im still learning it too.

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THANK YOU all. (I'll watch the video as soon as I get home).

Another question.

Let's say I have a probe on the end of a 60s delayed connection. (It takes 1 min for a command to get there).

If I have a node I want to burn in 10 minutes from now do I set my delay to 0h9m0s or do I set the delay to 0h10m0s ?

In other words, does the flight computer take the signal delay time into account, or do I have to do that math real quick?

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I thought signal delay was going to be annoying to deal with and I was just going to disable it, but now that its in, I love it! My only two wishes are than it accpted time delays in yy/dd/hh/ss format so I could schedule burns without a calculator, and if I could schedule burns by deltav instead of just time, but thats maybe a bit too autopiloty.

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  AngelLestat said:
You mean the bug that additive dish do not work if you point to planets instead satellites? Well it does not bother me yet.

But I see a little problem with that. If you lose power in the mission control satellite then you lose conection in all satellites.

You have 4 satellites and only 1 is doing contact.

mind sharing some of those .craft files? look great!

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  StevenRS11 said:
I thought signal delay was going to be annoying to deal with and I was just going to disable it, but now that its in, I love it! My only two wishes are than it accpted time delays in yy/dd/hh/ss format so I could schedule burns without a calculator, and if I could schedule burns by deltav instead of just time, but thats maybe a bit too autopiloty.

Actually, for the last request there, you already can. When putting in the amount of burn required, put "m/s" after the number and it will switch over to delta-V burn mode, rather than time burn mode.

Also, one question. What is the "PAR" mode in the flight computer? I've got everything else, but I can't figure out "PAR".

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  Firov said:
Also, one question. What is the "PAR" mode in the flight computer? I've got everything else, but I can't figure out "PAR".

TBH I didn't know either. A quick look through the source tells me that it puts sets the reference frame to be parallel to the target.

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  StevenRS11 said:
My only two wishes are than it accpted time delays in yy/dd/hh/ss format so I could schedule burns without a calculator, and if I could schedule burns by deltav instead of just time, but thats maybe a bit too autopiloty.

Format 3h20m45s works for the delay, haven't tried beyond hours yet and like Firov said for burns add m/s to the end to do dV burns, if you don't use a suffix it defaults to seconds, so don't try to do a "845m/s" burn by typing "845" and then wondering for a bit why the heck you overshot and your stage tank is dry like I did :P

Edited by Sacred Aardvark
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Thanks for the vid. With queued commands it would seem that you (if you knew the timing) could land a probe out of contact, though I can see why people are drooling over kOS, "but that's another show".

So back to flight computer I got to thinking (and maybe this is already possible somehow??), wouldn't it be useful to send a stage command? Parachute stage comes to mind. IE: schedule a deorbit burn and queue up the chutes to stage a while later.

Cilph- your doing excellent work!!

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