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Thanks! I needed to set my KSC geostationary dish to Duna. I had it set to the active craft, thinking that the angle would cover the other ones on the same system, I guess that isn't the case.

I just want to make sure I have a clear picture (cause the lurkers might need one).

Your Kerbin dish was pointed at the active craft, your active craft was a lander which was on the surface of Duna, and I'm guessing the planet Duna was blocking the signal. Once you pointed the dish away from active craft and at the Duna system, things worked as expected.

So in my mind that sounds like the expected behavior. The target craft was blocked so no signal. When you repointed the dish to cover the system it picked up an active Comsat which relayed your signal to the lander. Maybe I'm missing something?

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Sent to GitHub with KSP.log, persistent.sfs and a list of plugins. Probably I've scrwed it or is an issue with another plugin, thanks for your time anyways :D

Actually this is genuinely my own screwup. I'll roll out a fix for you tonight.

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I have two fairly weird issues I couldn't see discussed earlier in thread:

Firstly, I have the latest versions of the following mods installed:

Aviation lights

Kerbal Engineer


Mk 2 Cockpit internal view.

The issues:

Whenever I move my remote-controlled ship laterally, it rolls/spins around. Here is a quick video showing the issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsUREeMPy3o

Moving up/down is slow, moving left/right is very fast.

My orbital markets aren't working correctly. With "Orbit" selected in navball, burning towards the retrograde market INCREASES my orbit. In the same situation, burning towards my prograde also increases the orbit.

I'm trying to de-orbit a ship, and cannot figure out where the actual retrograde position is so I can decrease my orbit. Here is another quick video showing that issue: http://youtu.be/rH8brmfnTqo

Anyone heard of this?

Edit: Cilph and others offered the explanation/solution: With radially-mounted probe cores the navball is askew and off. If I had a probe mounted in line with the thrust vector, I'd be ok. As it is, things are out of whack because the probe is mounted on the side. Thanks for the help. :)

Edited by Ursine
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Actually this is genuinely my own screwup. I'll roll out a fix for you tonight.

My mind can't stand placing more than one fixed orientation dish per satellite, it had to grew up fast xD

But at least my compulsive satellite launching has been useful to find the fault, thanks for the good work :D

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I just want to make sure I have a clear picture (cause the lurkers might need one).

Your Kerbin dish was pointed at the active craft, your active craft was a lander which was on the surface of Duna, and I'm guessing the planet Duna was blocking the signal. Once you pointed the dish away from active craft and at the Duna system, things worked as expected.

So in my mind that sounds like the expected behavior. The target craft was blocked so no signal. When you repointed the dish to cover the system it picked up an active Comsat which relayed your signal to the lander. Maybe I'm missing something?

No, my lander was still in orbit of Duna. And as soon as I switched the Kerbin dish focus to Duna, it could transmit to my other sattelites around Duna and relay back to my lander. And no, the lander was not blocked by Duna.

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entryCost is not necessary. They appear in my game. One should be under Adv. Science, one under Specialized Electrics (NOT Large Electrics)

Ah, see them now, just being dumb.

But there are more parts then are available still.

You added two dishes to category = -1 ?

Thanks! I needed to set my KSC geostationary dish to Duna. I had it set to the active craft, thinking that the angle would cover the other ones on the same system, I guess that isn't the case.

So, this raises another question - is the arc of a dish only relevant when pointing at a body, and pointing at anything else establishes a site to site comm line with no spread?

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So, this raises another question - is the arc of a dish only relevant when pointing at a body, and pointing at anything else establishes a site to site comm line with no spread?

It does seem to be the case, at least in my scenario.

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Ah, see them now, just being dumb.

But there are more parts then are available still.

You added two dishes to category = -1 ?

So, this raises another question - is the arc of a dish only relevant when pointing at a body, and pointing at anything else establishes a site to site comm line with no spread?

The old SS-5 and LL-5 are deprecated and replaced by Kommit's new models. I should remove them from the science center.

Dish arc is only relevant pointing at planets. Everything else is a direct line.

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They are not showing in the science center, I was just blind to see the new dishes. The old ones that got replaced are only in the download still - to support old vessels as I now know.

Interesting little trick though, with -1 ... should remember that.

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hello, I've recently downloaded the 1.2.6 version and, apart from the fact that i have no idea how to learn to use the flight computer, everything seems to be working fine.

Except for one other thing: maybe i'm missing something but i've been unable to control all kinds of vessels when no connection is established with mission control. Even MANNED vessels.

I understand you can't control pods without connection, that's why you gave us the computer for. But why shouldn't Jebediah, who is alive and well in his capsule, be able to perform orbital maneuvers without a link to mission control?

I'm puzzled, if it's an intended feature then I must say it makes little sense. I tried including the Command Station feature to all stock probes through ModuleManager but, since it only works for 6+ crewed pods, none of my capsules is able to act as a command station.

Since I still don't know how to use the flight computer I'm having large difficulties even at establishing a relay network around Kerbin. Is there a way I can give local control to all manned pods?

Thank you

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Release 1.2.7:

  • Tweaked per-frame load-balancing and fixed a divide-by-zero;
  • ModuleManager 1.5 by Sarbian. Please delete the old one;
  • Static class serving as API for future kOS integration;
  • Fixed bug in TimeWarp throttling.

@Dolin: Manned vessels are always controllable.

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The mod is incompatible with mechjeb. Both mods are fully up to date, and were tested with a clean install. "Possibly fixed throttle jitter again?" was reported as a patch note for 1.2.6 but it is definitely still broken. Thread here with other users with the same issue: http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalAcademy/comments/1qvfut/remote_tech_2_users_i_cant_play_due_to_engine/

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I don't think the throttle jitter is fixed yet, although it was possibly reported fixed in 1.2.6. Myself and others I've talked with here: http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalAcademy/comments/1qvfut/remote_tech_2_users_i_cant_play_due_to_engine/

are still having the issue. It makes the mod completely unplayable. It seems to be related to mechjeb.

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I don't think the throttle jitter is fixed yet, although it was possibly reported fixed in 1.2.6. Myself and others I've talked with here: http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalAcademy/comments/1qvfut/remote_tech_2_users_i_cant_play_due_to_engine/

are still having the issue. It makes the mod completely unplayable. It seems to be related to mechjeb.

I'm working on it, but I honestly have no clue why it is a) affecting specifically MechJeb and not having multiple probes. B) not affecting yaw/pitch/roll.

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Well through my test, its playable. I didn't have problem in version 1.1.0, RT Lite, before flight computer. Seems like MJ and Flight computer don't like each other.

Anyways, its playable to a degree. MJ has a setting in the Utilities tab called smooth throttle, when thats turned on it will fix jittering. The down side to this, is that when you enable Ascent Guidance on in MJ, you have to tap the throttle once. The tap will allow the throttle to go up to max. For some reason it sticks at 0 throttle. Normally without RT and MJ installed, it would throttle up by itself.

Also you have to do this tap at later stages, because throttle will stick to 0.

Even when MJ is turned off you can move throttle up and down, it just take some effort.

Tested with MJ 2.1.0 dev build 102.

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I've confirmed that some MechJeb modules run even when the thing is disabled, like the ThrustController that does smoothing and capping. This might be the cause as it has an internal control loop. It's getting pretty late however so I'm heading to bed and I'll try selectively disabling every bit tomorrow.

Best fix however is not enabling signal delay and mechjeb at the same time.

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Ok, now I'm confused by how this mod behaves... (again).

I have an array of satellites each equipped with four KR-14 dishes, one of which (on each satellite) is targeted at "Active Vessel". The array is in constant contact with Mission Control, and each bird has sufficient power. I send a probe equipped with two KR-14's and fully powered on a Kerbin escape trajectory.... and I lose contact just past the Mun's orbit at a miniscule fraction of the KR-14's rated range. (Even with one of the two KR-14's set to target Kerbin.) Send a similar probe out past Minmus yields the same result and an interesting observation - it regains communication just before it crosses the Mun's orbit inbound. WTF is going on here?

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A suggestion...

Sometimes it can be troublesome to constantly have to re-aim the dishes on satellites. Especially when you have to swap craft to restore signal. I recall a tracking system from Satcomm School that uses something like five receiver pads arranged in a plus formation that can lock the dish onto even the weakest of signals.

How about a component that does the following:

Component is a low power signal receiver, omnidirectional reception. It's function is to automatically direct an onboard antenna towards any vessel that 'targets it' with another dish.

Targeting rules are simple:

Targeting must be done from a controllable, active vessel Via dish pointing at IT. (That vessel, specifically.)

Existing Dish on receiving vehicle must have range, and not be occupied.

If the dish is occupied, (Told specifically to target something) it will ignore it.

If it is offline, it will automatically activate.

If the link is broken by the dish being aimed at it for any reason, the receiver dish returns whatever condition it was in prior to link.

The part itself is passive, it requires power, but a very small amount.

"What does this part do?"

1: The part allows an active vessel (such as a player command ship) to point a dish at another vehicle that is not occupied with a connection. Essentially using any unconnected directional antenna as a ready-to-link receiver.

2: If the part is on board a long range probe, it can be used to 'link' the probe even if you were a dolt and forgot to aim its onboard antenna or turn it on.

3: It can be used to conserve power by allowing a probe antenna to be shut down until the uplink signal gets picked up.

4: It allows you to place commsats up in 'standby' by not having the dish aimed at anything.

"What are some Caveats?"

1: You MUST have an existing vessel aim a DISH type antenna at the receiver. It will not respond to omnidirectional signal noise.(I explain Why*)

2: This device must be on the target vessel.

3: This device will not help you connect to a vessel that has lost contact but has already been aimed at somewhere else. (Manually selected aim takes priority of an automatic signal call.)

4: You cannot aim 'at a planet' to call an unoccupied dish. You have to pick a target. (Because you have to beam a very powerful 'handshake signal' to catch the omnidirectional detector.)

* The receiver is a set of surfaces containing four receiver pads on each surface. The receiver listens for a specific, very basic timing signal on any of these pad groups. When a signal is detected, it identifies the source direction by comparing the signal strength across each pad. Any satellite antenna with automatic tracking contains this setup in the horn for establishing a continuous lock with a target and does not require focusing of the signal from the reflector to operate. It does however, require initial guidance when pointing. However, creating a device with is essentially a sphere covered in these pads can produce the same targeting feature, but with a very large field of view.

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Another suggestion is you could do like I have.

I have one long range dish on each of my communications satellites that orbit Kerbin. It is inactive most of the time, but when I launch a long range mission that requires constant communications, I turn them on and lock them to that target. So no matter where it is, one of those 6 satellites will pick up its signal and be able to relay commands to it.

The other option is to place a station in a VERY high Kerbin orbit with 6 Kerbalnaughts on it. When I say high, I mean between the Mun and Minimus. That way you have a mission control that has near constant communications with anything anywhere.

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I have an array of satellites each equipped with four KR-14 dishes, one of which (on each satellite) is targeted at "Active Vessel". The array is in constant contact with Mission Control, and each bird has sufficient power. I send a probe equipped with two KR-14's and fully powered on a Kerbin escape trajectory.... and I lose contact just past the Mun's orbit at a miniscule fraction of the KR-14's rated range. (Even with one of the two KR-14's set to target Kerbin.) Send a similar probe out past Minmus yields the same result and an interesting observation - it regains communication just before it crosses the Mun's orbit inbound.

Does it loose contact only in the observatory or inflight too?

If only in the observatory, then it is because there is no active vessel to target and the dish targeting Kerbin is loosing contact to a long range omni-antenna. Possibly.

If the latter, it might be a combination of this and the arc of the KR-14 not being wide enough to hit one of the satellites - but I do not know this dish yet, my engineers are a bit slow on the research tech at the moment. :wink:

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