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is 0.23 playable with the experimental version, or is it crazy-full of bugs?

The experimental seems to be handling fairly well for still not being a full release yet. Only minor issue I've run into is the 'Mission control is Unknown target' mentioned on the last few pages.

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The experimental seems to be handling fairly well for still not being a full release yet. Only minor issue I've run into is the 'Mission control is Unknown target' mentioned on the last few pages.

Part of a rewrite that allows for more configurable ground stations. I have it fixed now.

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Dev build you posted seems to be working great here, no errors (apart from the "unknown target" already known) have been encountered.

Is there any instructions of what the buttons in map view do? I've searched the thread a few different ways to find something. I've tried piecing it together but it's mostly guess work.

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*sigh* In the .23 dev version, we seem to have lost the ability to reset an antenna's target when the vehicle had no connection to a control center. IMO, that's an important 'backup' capability.

Kerbals are your backup. Make a manned repair boat.

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*sigh* In the .23 dev version, we seem to have lost the ability to reset an antenna's target when the vehicle had no connection to a control center. IMO, that's an important 'backup' capability.

That must've been a bug because you were never supposed to =D.

Also no test build today because I don't know...

Edited by Cilph
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*sigh* In the .23 dev version, we seem to have lost the ability to reset an antenna's target when the vehicle had no connection to a control center. IMO, that's an important 'backup' capability.

How would a probe that is unable to get instructions be directed to reposition its antenna?

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Experimental version still have problem with freezing KSP. Sometimes random ships on loading sometimes even tracking station.

When i rename remotech2.dll, i can unfreeze some ships , but i can't re-enable antennas after. Can we get parameter in remotetech.cfg to enable/disable control without connection until it is sorted out ?

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That must've been a bug because you were never supposed to =D.

Also no test build today because I don't know...

really? I've always been able to do this too. Personally, I like it. It makes sense to me for probes to keep switching targets until they get a signal. Please ~~add it back~~ keep it in as a proper feature :D

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That must've been a bug because you were never supposed to =D.

IMHO, it would be fair to assume that any probe has a fairly basic program always running, the purpose of it to automatically search for any signal in range in case of a loss of connectivity. In reality, this program would actually also command a scanning pattern with a dish. Nothing like the ability to directly provide a new target, but the result would be the same. That is, unless kerbals were really so clumsy to send a probe without any fail-back capability...

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IMHO, it would be fair to assume that any probe has a fairly basic program always running, the purpose of it to automatically search for any signal in range in case of a loss of connectivity..

It'd be nice if RT could point a dish at Kerbin as a failsafe mode. Would also be nice if you could have it trigger an action group -- then you could point a dish at Kerbin, extend all solar panels, and disable power use for anything non-critical. Haven't looked into kOS but it would be possible if it can check for out-of-contact and can re-target dishes.

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IMHO, it would be fair to assume that any probe has a fairly basic program always running, the purpose of it to automatically search for any signal in range in case of a loss of connectivity. In reality, this program would actually also command a scanning pattern with a dish. Nothing like the ability to directly provide a new target, but the result would be the same. That is, unless kerbals were really so clumsy to send a probe without any fail-back capability...

Part of the appeal of RemoteTech is that it forces you to think about network engineering, and automation of that type of component seems contrary to the spirit of the mod. Realism as to what NASA programmers would have done isn't really a factor; there are quite a few things in KSP that real space programs would have done differently because of the time and man-hours put into design work.

I like the fact that "no connection = no recovery", because it makes me focus on getting my engineering right. Honestly, I would actually prefer "current vessel" not be a valid target, and I very rarely use it.

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Haven't looked into kOS but it would be possible if it can check for out-of-contact and can re-target dishes.

Have not tried with kOS myself, though I know some about it. kOS includes a function "INCOMMRANGE" that returns the status with comms. Don't know if that would only work with the active vessel or not, but anyway may be enough to let start some form of recovery procedure once the "lost" probe was focused.

However, I don't know of anything in kOS to let me give a command (e.g. "TARGET: KERBIN") to a specific vessel part, like a dish. kOS allows action groups activation, but I have never been able to assign the target command with a dish to an action group.

Then, there were reports about kOS incompatibility with RemoteTech, at least with KSP 0.22, so I am not sure kOS would work at all to this end.

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That must've been a bug because you were never supposed to =D.

Also no test build today because I don't know...

I don't suppose you could point me to the most recent stable build? I'd like to start rebuilding my network in .23. Don't worry, I'm a programmer too, I won't mock you if something doesn't work right. :) Thanks for anything.

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Part of the appeal of RemoteTech is that it forces you to think about network engineering, ...

Disagree in whole. I plan a lot in advance about network engineering, or I would not use RT2 as a mandatory mod with my games. Making things contrary to logic does not improve gameplay. I refuse to believe that the spirit of the mod is to create unneeded and unrealistic difficulties. But you are free to believe what you like.

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I like the fact that "no connection = no recovery", because it makes me focus on getting my engineering right.

That's why you always have a backup plan. Obviously KSP is abstracted from the nuts and bolts of spacecraft design, but communications fail safes do exist in the real world. We just can't (easily) create them with RT.

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Okay, since some people have brought up the issue of failsafes, how do you suggest I handle it? Bruteforce checking for any possible connection seems rather cheaty. Pointing at Kerbin wouldn't work with the standard range system.

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Kerbins are expendable. It takes time to send a repair Kerbal to force an antenna up, but not impossible. Or you just replace the mission entirely. Failed mission happens and it sucks and you say to yourself "I am double checking so I never have to go through that again."

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Okay, since some people have brought up the issue of failsafes, how do you suggest I handle it? Bruteforce checking for any possible connection seems rather cheaty. Pointing at Kerbin wouldn't work with the standard range system.

Would it be possible to just add it as a setting? -- "If no connection found, point at this target, or iterate through this specific list of targets."

That way you're not having to scan through every single thing, and the player gets to plan their emergency system.

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Kerbins are expendable. It takes time to send a repair Kerbal to force an antenna up, but not impossible. Or you just replace the mission entirely. Failed mission happens and it sucks and you say to yourself "I am double checking so I never have to go through that again."

Not all of us play that way. I try my hardest to keep all my kerbals alive. Gameplay gets drastically more intense when you keep track.

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Okay, since some people have brought up the issue of failsafes, how do you suggest I handle it? Bruteforce checking for any possible connection seems rather cheaty. Pointing at Kerbin wouldn't work with the standard range system.

Whatever you do I'd really like to see an option to keep it the way it is now: if you lose connection on a probe, it doesn't search or regain connection automatically. I REALLY like having to send a manned mission to the probe to fix it purely because it's like... the only time ever in this game where you can have an actual maintenance mission apart from stuff like refuelers, etc. It just adds some nifty gameplay to the game, the only thing adding failsafes in does is remove potential gameplay for those that want it.

I see where some people don't care about the added gameplay and potential "probe rescue/recovery" missions and just want to not worry about making sure accidentally losses of connection don't matter too much but I will be sad if we're forced into it. As much as it adds "more realism" to the game, it doesn't add more fun to the game.

Until they add mechanical failures or something to the game that you need to fix with an EVA or something I just don't want to see the feature removed without the option of having it back from RT. :3

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Okay, since some people have brought up the issue of failsafes, how do you suggest I handle it? Bruteforce checking for any possible connection seems rather cheaty. Pointing at Kerbin wouldn't work with the standard range system.

Adding "nearest vessel" to the target options. And make it the only target you can chose from when you've lost signal. After that, you just have to have a vessel with an antenna in range and targetting the ship that lost contact.

I suppose in the real world that a satellite isn't picky when in 'safe mode' and will talk to any satellite that wants to talk to him.


Ps: any update about settings.cfg? I'd like to turn of delay time.

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