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Can I Bring RemoteTech MacroDish Sr. into .23?

Cliph, (or anyone else that might know) In the RemoteTech1 release there were many parts that were not included in the RT2 release. One of these parts was the RemoteTech MacroDish Sr. I really liked that dish and want to continue to use it. I saw that it is in the old format with .pngs files.

Is there a plan to convert these to the new part format? Is this possible? Would it be possible for another modder, or someone with part creation experience to do this?

There are a few other parts in the RT1 package that I like as well, but in particular I would like to continue using the MacroDish Sr.

Any help?

Edited by Fett2oo5
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Has anyone experienced this issue without doing doing a deployment like this?

I'm not the plugin author (nor have I poked at the source), but I practically have a 100% "breaks games until next reload" test case of build comsat as subassembly, build multi-satellite carrier craft, attach comsats in symmetry, deploy 1-2 satellites successfully, crash somewhere around the third or fourth deployment when changing ships. The one common link I can think of is that the satellites all have the same origin vessel and have been renamed. (In fact, one crash was while cycling between them to change them from "Kerbin Comsat Launcher Probe" to "Kerbin Comsat E1" etc.

The crash only seems to be on scene change, so cycling with '[' and ']' doesn't trigger it (nor switching from the map if the target is in physics range)

Could you please clarify? That above mentioned version does duplicate sats after they're renamed or not? Or I can deploy them safely, but better not try to rename them?

It looks like as most of us do build a Sat and launch it a handful of times the duplicate names of the Sat's sounds like the problem as posted by dewin on page 202. But by peppe has posted a edit cfg file that changed some of the command cores add said as no problem might just be that a command core is bad or that having the same command core with the same name is bad.

Edited by Mecripp2
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It looks like as most of us do build a Sat and launch it a handful of times the duplicate names of the Sat's sounds like the problem as posted by dewin on page 202

Well, that can be fixed easily, just by renaming them in VAB prior to launch. But as I understand that option wasn't tested yet =\

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Cliph, (or anyone else that might know) In the RemoteTech1 release there were many parts that were not included in the RT2 release. One of these parts was the RemoteTech MacroDish Sr. I really liked that dish and want to continue to use it. I saw that it is in the old format with .pngs files.

Is there a plan to convert these to the new part format? Is this possible? Would it be possible for another modder, or someone with part creation experience to do this?

There are a few other parts in the RT1 package that I like as well, but in particular I would like to continue using the MacroDish Sr.

Any help?


most of the stuff took out was by JDP it still works alittle i put in RT2 had alittle problem of running out of power and AnimatedAntenna not working

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It looks like as most of us do build a Sat and launch it a handful of times the duplicate names of the Sat's sounds like the problem as posted by dewin on page 202. But by peppe has posted a edit cfg file that changed some of the command cores add said as no problem might just be that a command core is bad or that having the same command core with the same name is bad.

It's more complex then this because of docking. Sure, we can launch all satellites individually with unique names, but that does not fix the docking problem when we dock to our orbital stations that are connected to mission control. When I undock I often lose complete control of my vessel, manned or not. Returning to the Space Center then reloading the vessel will correct the problem, but more often than not I get a bugged Space Center when I do this and need to reload the game. And when I reload the game I often get duplicate vessels I need to delete before flying.

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But if peppe didnt have a problem after he edit his file it might just be a bad core or part like, i was playing around with the new AIES mod and some of the sat's was going crazy after getting decouple, i went and took out the parts, i didnt use and started with the command parts and all is good now no crazy sats.

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Can I Bring RemoteTech MacroDish Sr. into .23?

not most of the stuff took out was by JDP it still works alittle i put in RT2 had alittle problem of running out of power and AnimatedAntenna not working
I tried to just bring in the old files (.mu, .pngs and .cft). While KSP .23 was loading, along the bottom loading bar, I saw that the part was loaded.

In the VBA - The RemoteTech MacroDish Sr. can be attached to a ship but as you said the animation doesn't work.

Launch - When you launch the vehicle and RClick the dish, you can not target anything, nor activate the dish.

In conclusion yes the old style of part can be imported but the functionality (to my knowledge) is lost.

It's too bad, because I really liked this dish. =(

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Can I Bring RemoteTech MacroDish Sr. into .23?

To enable RT2 functionality you need to configure it using Module Manager. Look at RemoteTech_Antennas.cfg for examples. You can just add it to that file if you want, but I believe Module Manager will read a .cfg file anywhere in the GameData directory.

Edited by sonicsst
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Could you please clarify? That above mentioned version does duplicate sats after they're renamed or not? Or I can deploy them safely, but better not try to rename them?

Both cases. Renamed or not, they detonate on quickload. But there's a modified .dll in the issue tracker that seems to work for me, although other people say it doesn't.

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At this point I'm having to add and remove the RemoteTech dll between sessions, if I'm working in deep space then I need it installed, if I'm in the atmosphere then I remove it otherwise my game crashes after every flight :(

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Has anyone come up with a method to fix the bug in which the animations of antennae and fold-away dishes aren't triggered when activated? Here's an example: (note that I have reinstalled the plugin twice, once with all my other mods, and again with a clean installation and it's been the same every time) Capture.png

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For one thing, that vessel has no power to deploy the antenna. But something is definitely wrong with your install, some things are appearing twice where they shouldn't be. Perhaps you have a duplicate ModuleManager.dll? I'd recommend completely deleting the RemoteTech2 folder and the module manger before reinstalling the plugin.

Edited by sonicsst
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Has anyone come up with a method to fix the bug in which the animations of antennae and fold-away dishes aren't triggered when activated? Here's an example: (note that I have reinstalled the plugin twice, once with all my other mods, and again with a clean installation and it's been the same every time) http://s15.postimg.org/h1v8k9brv/Capture.png

Do you have multiple remote tech installs or multiple module manager dlls? Your dish is showing two targets / two activates. There should just be one, and those are added by config files that module manager reads and applies the part changes.

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I noticed the lack of power right after I posted, I popped a battery on and reproduced exactly the same results.

I tried a clean reinstall of Remote Tech 2 before I posted this, I also tried a clean reinstall with all other mods removed. same issue =/

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most of the stuff took out was by JDP it still works alittle i put in RT2 had alittle problem of running out of power and AnimatedAntenna not working

Do you have multiple versions of ModuleManager_XXX.dll in your GameData folder?

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Do you have multiple remote tech installs or multiple module manager dlls? Your dish is showing two targets / two activates. There should just be one, and those are added by config files that module manager reads and applies the part changes.

I have reinstalled both the mod and the mod manager, I only have one of each, no duplicates or previous versions

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At this point I'm having to add and remove the RemoteTech dll between sessions, if I'm working in deep space then I need it installed, if I'm in the atmosphere then I remove it otherwise my game crashes after every flight :(

As i wrote few pages ago (and infact directly to yout Twitter after seeing that you disabled it in IS series) - just use development pre 1.3.3 version:


It works just fine, it just lacks the bugged active focus list-explorer thingy.

It does not crash after every flight, it crashes after decoupling craft with more than two SPUs. You can avoid it by using the version without focus switcher, or just decouple stages without SPUs (like mechjeb or probe cores). If you decouple (or undock) ship with two active SPUs, game will crash/get blue screen in space center/remote tech crafts will get duplicated after one of the vessels reach simulation limit at 2.5km.

Infact i think Cilph should link this version in main post, since in my opinion the game crash/vessel dupe is quite game breaking bug.

Edited by koksny
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My bad.. I fixed it. You guys were right.

I did have a duplicate mod manager, but it was in the plugins folder while the other was in GameData from when I first had it and wasn't sure where to put it.. Strange.. It uses it no matter what folder it's in?

Anyway thanks for the swift replies. Cheers

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Has anyone come up with a method to fix the bug in which the animations of antennae and fold-away dishes aren't triggered when activated? Here's an example: (note that I have reinstalled the plugin twice, once with all my other mods, and again with a clean installation and it's been the same every time) http://s15.postimg.org/h1v8k9brv/Capture.png

try just 1 ModuleManager.dll as i have seen u can put it in ksp/Plugins and it works but if u have 2 ModuleManager.dll of any # in any file in gamedate you get the double command.

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