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hey i think the mods are great, i wanted to start off with that.

i did a bit of thinking though. in ksp there is no way to actually issue pre-programmed commands. they're all done in real time. adding in lag is a great idea, but without pre-programmed commanding, there's isn't a real way to land a craft safely on another world. moreover, there's no way to simulate reality.

imagine for example a probe the in real world going to mars. mars is, on average 225 million km away, or 225 billion meters. light takes then, on average, 12.5 minutes to get to mars. if you were trying to land something on mars, you wouldn't be able to. you'd have instruments and autopilots built in measuring all of the things you need to to land safely. most of curiosity's commands are built in, with some manual control too. built in commands are automatic. people don't even try to land toy planes with a 1 second lag because it's so difficult; the feedback loop is broken by the lag.

i think that a nice compromise for ksp is exactly what you have now with the .22 update; something that requires a link - to relay back findings and science - but doesn't exhibit lag. or perhaps even better would be a module to allow for local control of a vessel simulating pre-programmed commanding. it would of course use some power; but being a separate part, it would more closely emulate real life. just food for thought.

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hey i think the mods are great, i wanted to start off with that.

i did a bit of thinking though. in ksp there is no way to actually issue pre-programmed commands. they're all done in real time. adding in lag is a great idea, but without pre-programmed commanding, there's isn't a real way to land a craft safely on another world. moreover, there's no way to simulate reality.

imagine for example a probe the in real world going to mars. mars is, on average 225 million km away, or 225 billion meters. light takes then, on average, 12.5 minutes to get to mars. if you were trying to land something on mars, you wouldn't be able to. you'd have instruments and autopilots built in measuring all of the things you need to to land safely. most of curiosity's commands are built in, with some manual control too. built in commands are automatic. people don't even try to land toy planes with a 1 second lag because it's so difficult; the feedback loop is broken by the lag.

i think that a nice compromise for ksp is exactly what you have now with the .22 update; something that requires a link - to relay back findings and science - but doesn't exhibit lag. or perhaps even better would be a module to allow for local control of a vessel simulating pre-programmed commanding. it would of course use some power; but being a separate part, it would more closely emulate real life. just food for thought.

Replied to the PM, but I'll say it again. A way to queue (sets of) commands is coming in the form of the flight computer and eventually kOS.

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Replied to the PM, but I'll say it again. A way to queue (sets of) commands is coming in the form of the flight computer and eventually kOS.

Wouldn't it be great if there were a way for people to find out what's planned for future releases? I dunno, like maybe reading previous posts? ;)

All trolling those asking for stuff aside...it'll be really interesting once you and Kevin get your stuff together so kOS and RT2 can talk to eachother. Especially for those times when launching something into orbit and it's out of line of sight, kOS could still perform commands (not the case now but thats ok). Granted once you have an established network that shouldn't be a problem.

For now though I'm happy with what we have, once I can actually get my first 3 komm sats where I want. Sure I could put them there manually but what fun is that? It's more fun to try and write a kOS program to do it, even though it's not exactly compatible yet. :)

At any rate, excellent work thus far. :)

*Downloading/installing the latest update now*

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I must be doing something wrong.

Here's what I've got. 3 KSO sats. Each has two commutron 16 omni's and two commutron 88-88 dishes. One dish is pointed at Mun and the other Minmus. There are three more identical sats in mun orbit except one dish points at Kerbin and the other at Minmus.

That I can tell they should connect. Since the latest update though I've got no connection to the mun sats or a rover i had previously landed. In the version i had, there was connection but i couldn't transmit science from the mun.

Any idea?

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I must be doing something wrong.

Here's what I've got. 3 KSO sats. Each has two commutron 16 omni's and two commutron 88-88 dishes. One dish is pointed at Mun and the other Minmus. There are three more identical sats in mun orbit except one dish points at Kerbin and the other at Minmus.

That I can tell they should connect. Since the latest update though I've got no connection to the mun sats or a rover i had previously landed. In the version i had, there was connection but i couldn't transmit science from the mun.

Any idea?

PM me the persistence file. I made minimum changes to the routing. It could be however that your KSO sats are not in the cone of vision of your dishes pointing at Kerbin? The science thing is weird though. Again, PM me that file.

Edited by Cilph
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I'm feeling weird about one thing: the animations of these antenna are no longer available.

I understand that RT2 may have disabled the manual control of antenna's animation, but why doesn't RT2 control the animation to play when we are activating/deactivating the antenna?

I've checked the config files provided with the package, and see some lines like "allowManualControl = false" for their ModuleAnimationGeneric. That may be the reason why i cannot extend/retract them myself, but still i don't understand why RT2 is not taking over the animation control.

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I must be doing something wrong.

Here's what I've got. 3 KSO sats. Each has two commutron 16 omni's and two commutron 88-88 dishes. One dish is pointed at Mun and the other Minmus. There are three more identical sats in mun orbit except one dish points at Kerbin and the other at Minmus.

That I can tell they should connect. Since the latest update though I've got no connection to the mun sats or a rover i had previously landed. In the version i had, there was connection but i couldn't transmit science from the mun.

Any idea?

The 88-88 has a very narrow cone, pointing them at Kerbin will probably not get much in terms of coverage. When you point one at Duna, it barely covers the planet. If you had gone for an antenna with a wider cone, say a DTS-M1, which has a 45 degree cone, you could cover Kerbin from the Mun (some satelites in higher orbits like Kerbin's geostationary will fall outside the cone though)

Edit: Also, Comunotron 16 have a 2500km range, if i got KSO (Kerbin Stationary orbit?) right, you're 300km higher than the rated distance...

Edited by Mokmo
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The 88-88 has a very narrow cone, pointing them at Kerbin will probably not get much in terms of coverage. When you point one at Duna, it barely covers the planet. If you had gone for an antenna with a wider cone, say a DTS-M1, which has a 45 degree cone, you could cover Kerbin from the Mun (some satelites in higher orbits like Kerbin's geostationary will fall outside the cone though)

Edit: Also, Comunotron 16 have a 2500km range, if i got KSO (Kerbin Stationary orbit?) right, you're 300km higher than the rated distance...

If you include trigonometry he's 3500km above the rated distance with a 3 sat KSO...

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So it looks like you're making it so you have to manually orient the whole spacecraft to aim the dishes at targets... I think that approach will end in tears. It's very hard to get a PID controller that works for everything, so whether you're using the stock sas module or mechjeb's PID it's gonna be wonky a lot of the time. And rotating a geosynch sat is usually a good way to throw its orbit off a bit too...

I think animated dishes that can pivot and aim themselves are what is needed. I don't know how hard that might be to implement, but I see nothing but issues with the current approach unfortunately. Tell me if I'm totally wrong! Love the mod by the way.

e: nevermind I can't read

Edited by pina_coladas
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How do you determine the cone size of a dish?

Cones are an angle value given when you hover your mouse over the different dishes on the SPH/VAB, they go from 45 degrees (DTS-M1, shortest range dish) to 0.01 on the looong range dishes.

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Thanks Cilph for bringing up this new version of Remote Tech! Love this mod.

Wouldn't it be great if there were a way for people to find out what's planned for future releases? I dunno, like maybe reading previous posts? ;)

All trolling those asking for stuff aside...it'll be really interesting once you and Kevin get your stuff together so kOS and RT2 can talk to eachother. Especially for those times when launching something into orbit and it's out of line of sight, kOS could still perform commands (not the case now but thats ok). Granted once you have an established network that shouldn't be a problem.

For now though I'm happy with what we have, once I can actually get my first 3 komm sats where I want. Sure I could put them there manually but what fun is that? It's more fun to try and write a kOS program to do it, even though it's not exactly compatible yet. :)

At any rate, excellent work thus far. :)

*Downloading/installing the latest update now*

Can´t wait for a kOS integration. Wrote a little script to bring probes to a geosynchronous orbit. So I am ready to build up my satellite network. See the script in action:

(performed on an manned vessel, because remote tech has no kOS support yet)

Needs a little tweaking here and there, undershooting the altitude about 10k. So script is not perfect yet.

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Thanks Cilph for bringing up this new version of Remote Tech! Love this mod.

Can´t wait for a kOS integration. Wrote a little script to bring probes to a geosynchronous orbit. So I am ready to build up my satellite network. See the script in action:

(performed on an manned vessel, because remote tech has no kOS support yet)

**Youtube Video**

Needs a little tweaking here and there, undershooting the altitude about 10k. So script is not perfect yet.

I'm actually trying to get 3 "komm" sats up, from one launch by putting the launcher into a 4hr orbital period, then releasing one sat every time it comes around to AP. I've managed so far to get into an orbit that above my desired one, with unmanned control, though it does make it harder without a signal lol. Although I've found kOS will still run as far as you don't need to control anything. The problem comes in if you close the kos window while out of signal range you can't open it back up until in range, but for setting up nodes it works fine. It does help a little that i have a failed komm sat launcher in a much higher orbit (almost into Munar SOI) so I can on occasion get signal when I'm out of range of KSC.

I was going to post how I'm working on getting my sats into orbit but thought I'd post it over in the kOS thread instead.

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Anybody noticed Scott Manley has picked up Remote tech?

**YouTube Video**

Nice, I haven't seen ep2 yet, dont remember if i noticed on ep1 or not, though that might have been before RT2 was out again. I'll watch it after I get lunch. :) I was watching someones video the other day and thought I also saw the kOS module, though it wasn't used, don't remember who it was though.

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Would be nice - especially for the more complicated mods - if there was a collection of videos in which these were used (a lot) - could substitute for a written tutorial/manual. :)

Though even I could jump and claw at the screen sometimes - "What ... are ... you ... doing ... ?!" - helplessly reaching for my mouse to intervene ... :D

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I'm feeling weird about one thing: the animations of these antenna are no longer available.

I understand that RT2 may have disabled the manual control of antenna's animation, but why doesn't RT2 control the animation to play when we are activating/deactivating the antenna?

I've checked the config files provided with the package, and see some lines like "allowManualControl = false" for their ModuleAnimationGeneric. That may be the reason why i cannot extend/retract them myself, but still i don't understand why RT2 is not taking over the animation control.

It does. My best guess is that due to the KSPAddon bug, ModuleManager is never loading and not updating the parts, since all RT related data is kept in those configs.

If you activate an RT antenna, it extends. Simple as that.

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Help needed. I recently installed the mod and wanted to give it a try in a new career save with a simple craft (Stayputnik, Communotron 16, some batteries). The problem is, it doesn't always work. Almost never, to be fair. I always get stuck on the launch pad.

When I launch, the antenna shows it's off and that there is no connection. Because of this, right-clicking and activating does nothing. The only thing that works for me sometimes is when I use an action group and the "Activate" switch.

Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

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Help needed. I recently installed the mod and wanted to give it a try in a new career save with a simple craft (Stayputnik, Communotron 16, some batteries). The problem is, it doesn't always work. Almost never, to be fair. I always get stuck on the launch pad.

When I launch, the antenna shows it's off and that there is no connection. Because of this, right-clicking and activating does nothing. The only thing that works for me sometimes is when I use an action group and the "Activate" switch.

Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

Use either a Launch Clamp or the Dipole antenna that starts activated.

Anyhow, I bring previews of the flight computer. I dropped in the kOS flight core which in turn was ripped from MechJeb.



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Noo000bB question: if the flight computer works out all nice and sweet, will I no longer need MechJeb?

The older flight computers on Remotetech where rather basic. You could only point the ship in a certain direction and schedule burns with delays etc. That's enough to enter an orbit around some far away planet, but landing is going to be problematic. I assume this one will be the same.

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