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[1.0.x (partial)] Atmospheric Sound Enhancement v2.2 (2015-05-05)


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  Bobhendly said:
The tools to do this seems to already exist inside the game, The same Aerodynamic FX (The White shockwaves off the plane)Could be Amplified for about 3 seconds!

The in-game effects are locked so that reentry effects always occur above 12,000m and vapour cones below, but I'll see if I can change that. It would be easier than recreating them myself!

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  BFGfreak said:
I could have sworn that Deadly Reentry managed to get reentry/vapor cone effects to be related to speed instead of altitude.

It does for the most part my space plane at mach 2.5 @ 18km always has the mach effects on it till the plane starts breaking 500-700c while using DRE and FAR.

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Was playing with this mod last night, just hopping around Kerbin in a basic career plane. The sounds are very nice and feel right! Flight is more exciting with this mod. I was experiencing lag when the supersonic sound kicked in, but I see there was an update that probably fixed this already (will try updating tonight).

The reliance on the camera angle bothered me a bit, since as I panned around to look at scenery the sound would pop in and out. Any chance there could be an option to have the new sounds play at the right times without all sound being tied to the viewpoint? I understand the effect the mod is going for, but I'd rather just hear the sounds outright without it going quiet when I look around. Either way, still happy with this!

Edited by JumpsterG
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  nothke said:
Hi, Pizza! Can you update the gear rumble plugin that I suggested and you made some time ago to 0.22 and include it in the pack?

I'd completely forgotten about that! Thanks for the reminder! I'll add it to the to-do list.

  JumpsterG said:
The reliance on the camera angle bothered me a bit, since as I panned around to look at scenery the sound would pop in and out. Any chance there could be an option to have the new sounds play at the right times without all sound being tied to the viewpoint? I understand the effect the mod is going for, but I'd rather just hear the sounds outright without it going quiet when I look around. Either way, still happy with this!

I'm planning on adding a configuration file for options in a future release. What kind of effect are you hoping to hear? The sonic boom when passing through transonic, followed by silence when supersonic?

Edited by pizzaoverhead
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Fantastic! KSP has a good sound system already and this is just what it needs to utilize it more. I watched the Riding the Booster with enhanced sound video also, really cool! Really excited about whatever FAR integration there might be.

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  pizzaoverhead said:
I'm planning on adding a configuration file for options in a future release. What kind of effect are you hoping to hear? The sonic boom when passing through transonic, followed by silence when supersonic?

Yep, I was only talking about the sonic boom and greater speeds. Everything below supersonic speeds and the fadeout when leaving atmosphere are great just as they are.

Depending on where my camera was during the transition, I wasn't sure I caught the full effect of the boom, and afterwards, I'd get the roaring sound alternating with silence as I panned around. Would be nice just to have the boom on transition, followed by muted or silent sounds afterward (regardless of camera position). Maybe having a constant sonic boom sound as you maintain just above supersonic speed, becoming quieter as you transition to higher mach levels (If that's not already how you do it!).

Don't let my suggestions kill your realism features though. I'm sure you worked hard to get the shockwave cone working and it is very cool. Once again, thanks for making, and don't feel you need to change anything you don't want to. :)

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  Bobhendly said:
Ive Always used FAR And deadly reentry since Ive used mods.. I forgot this unrealistic bit for a while, actually.. Will the FAR Improvements you plan fix the shock cone sounds in the wrong places?

Yes, that's the main issue at the moment. I've been trying to track it down, but I've been a bit snowed under this week. I hope to get some time to look at it over the weekend. Lining the sounds up with FAR is looking like just tweaking a few values to match what it uses.

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I love good sound in games. Sound mods are encouraged. :)

I can't figure out why the sonic boom effect doesn't always work. Sometimes nothing at all, others the sound will just go quiet outside the cone of awesome, and sometimes I hear the distortion and reverb. Does this conflict with other mods? I'll have a closer look after some sleep.

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Tried this out for a few days, I like/hate how the sound is related to where your camera is, because you get the effect popping in/out a lot, but it's nice to hear it from all the different angles. Also there definitely appears to be some FPS drop during transonic flight still. Unfortunately, as this conflicts with FAR, I will be waiting for a compatibility update before I play with this all the time.

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  nater said:
Unfortunately, as this conflicts with FAR, I will be waiting for a compatibility update before I play with this all the time.

What issues are you seeing with FAR?

Calculating the sonic boom is a CPU-intensive operation because it's done via filters. I could look into having the option of a pre-recorded sound effect for low-end machines if it is a serious issue.

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  pizzaoverhead said:
Yes, that's the main issue at the moment. I've been trying to track it down, but I've been a bit snowed under this week. I hope to get some time to look at it over the weekend. Lining the sounds up with FAR is looking like just tweaking a few values to match what it uses.

Lining up is one thing, but it the calculations could be shared it would be even better.

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  Camacha said:
Lining up is one thing, but it the calculations could be shared it would be even better.

I did some performance testing, and on average it takes 0.0000004 seconds to perform them. This means there is essentially no speed benefit. It should give a similar output to FAR in the next release however.

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So, I've had some time to work on this today. I implemented the transonic stuff and the shock width variation based on Mach. I have some groundwork laid out for the FAR interface, but it's not ready yet. Also I did another overhaul of the code so that now most calculations are being done once per frame (instead of once per part). I also fixed some issues with the camera angle calculation, it should be more accurate now. Btw mach is now being calculated in the same way that FAR does it (i.e. ideal gas formula), so it should be more consistent.

So, pizzaoverhead, if you're interested let me know and I'll post the code.

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audio parts detection seems to grab all parts. Was that intentional? This could be troublesome with high part counts. I figure it should keep track of part count changes in lieu of game event hooks for vessel change, decoupling, damage/lost parts, but only maintain a list of parts that are making noise.

FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.parts.FindAll(p => p.audio != null)

Also SZDarkhack. We should share code. I added some rough DRP state logic to improve performance and it works quite well, but still working on it.

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That line of code only grabs parts that have an audio component (notice the lambda passed into FindAll).

I see that I'm not the only one working on this (other than pizzaoverhead of course), which is great news. Perhaps pizza could put the project on GitHub for easier cooperation? In any case, here's my code. Obviously, if anything is unclear just ask, let's just say I could have been more thorough with commenting :P

(Disregard the commented out parts, it's for the FAR integration and it's not working properly yet)

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  pizzaoverhead said:
I did some performance testing, and on average it takes 0.0000004 seconds to perform them. This means there is essentially no speed benefit. It should give a similar output to FAR in the next release however.

I am a bit of a purist :D But with KSP being unoptimized as it is, every bit of performance gain is welcome.

That performance testing is per what? Per frame?

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  SZDarkhack said:
That line of code only grabs parts that have an audio component (notice the lambda passed into FindAll).

True, but since all parts have that property you just get all vessel parts in that List. Alternatively, seek out only the noisiest parts; engines. Nothing else should be heard over jets/rockets anyway, so I think this is a fair compromise. Unforunately, all my attempts at using a predicate into a List filter failed because Unity uses such an old version of Mono (lacking reflection methods and features). The following works, but it's super ugly and I'm sure someone could do better.

//Avoiding fancy reflection in a predicate and whatnot:
foreach(Part part in FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.parts)
IEnumerable<ModuleEngines> enginesList = part.Modules.OfType<ModuleEngines>();
if(enginesList.Count() > 0)

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