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Focus Bug fix?

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As I am playing the game KSP I have noticed a bug. After a few minutes after launch the focus on my ship starts jolting back in consecutive intervals usually every 6 km consistently. I have no clue as to why this happens. I am aware that it may be operator-error but it occurs with every rocket I create, even with the simplest SRB vehicle. Once I loose focus on the craft there is no way to recover it, and I loose all possible way of seeing it. I need help finding out why this problem might occur and/or a way to fix it. Thanks :huh:

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Could you describe what you mean by the "focus jolting back"? There is a cycle in the simulation in which the game's physics have a periodic little hiccup: engine flame animation, acceleration, and sounds may cut out for a fraction of a second and then come suddenly back on. Is that what you're talking about?

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I believe he's talking about the bug where the camera focuses on an imaginary center of mass while the ship continues flying so he loses sight of it.

Yea this is it, but the wierd part is it occurs every 6,000 meters then stops

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I've been having those for a while. As far as I know, it is a bug with decouplers. Though I don't know how to fix it, the focus will return to your vessel upon the destruction of both the decoupler and the decoupled booster part. Launch clamps might also be bugged (as they decouple Kerbin from your craft).

If you go back to VAB and replace the decoupler, it usually doesn't happen on the next flight.

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Correct focus on the center of mass.


The focus is now lower on the rocket.


Now the focus is even lower.


The rocket is drifting away.


The focus is now very far away from the craft and getting farther away.


This occurs with any rocket I build, manned or un-manned. :huh: When it comes time to say land on the Mun I cant even see the probe.

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Well.. Maybe your game still counts exhausted gases, but not dropped stages, as part of mass when calculating CoM :cool:

Hard to say without seeing source code. Maybe some bit decided to be something else during installation or like. Does this happen if you fire your rocket but don't let it leave launching clamps?

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Well.. Maybe your game still counts exhausted gases, but not dropped stages, as part of mass when calculating CoM :cool:

Hard to say without seeing source code. Maybe some bit decided to be something else during installation or like. Does this happen if you fire your rocket but don't let it leave launching clamps?

No it only happens when i get to 6,000m then again at 12,000m in intervals like that

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I did some research (of course using google and selecting first results...):

Almost same reported elsewhere (no solution?):


Here someone says that quicksave and reload fixes it:


CleverBobCat.dll mentioned here:


I tried search words like "kerbal camera bug" or like. Not checked dates or version numbers. Maybe clean re-installation helps?

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I did some research (of course using google and selecting first results...):

Almost same reported elsewhere (no solution?):


Here someone says that quicksave and reload fixes it:


CleverBobCat.dll mentioned here:


I tried search words like "kerbal camera bug" or like. Not checked dates or version numbers. Maybe clean re-installation helps?

Thanks! Does anyone know as to why this happens?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yet no answer but have to mention that every 6000 meters something really happens. I was flying spaceplanes directly to up using physics timewarp (2x, 3x, 4x) I noticed when my plane passed 6 km steps, there was some random smoke near me and the camera swung once little bit.

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There's a discontinuity in the air pressure there. I wrote some code to calculate the net forces on a rocket and maintain terminal velocity very precisely; it jolts the throttle at those points if my rocket has enough thrust.

At least, I think it's drag; could be gravity or other things. Regardless, I don't see how this should affect the camera.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm pretty sure I have the same problem-the focus slowly peeling away from any rocket I build- but I also have the strange issue of my trajectory fluctuating wildly and a constant acceleration of 2-3 G, making me unable to quicksave.. I had a couple of mods on, but when I uninstalled them the problem persisted. The problem really is quite restricting, and after 500+ hours of flawless gameplay only to have this show up and kick my butt is discouraging, to say the least.

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Sorry I'm new to this forum and I am having trouble posting screenshots.

Use BBCode. For individual images, you can copy it right from the Imgur page with the picture. For albums, check this.

Yet no answer but have to mention that every 6000 meters something really happens. I was flying spaceplanes directly to up using physics timewarp (2x, 3x, 4x) I noticed when my plane passed 6 km steps, there was some random smoke near me and the camera swung once little bit.

What might be happening every 6000 m is the Krakenbane - game recentering the ship in physics reference frame so that part coodinates are not too big for arithmetic errors to cause trouble. Perhaps it forgets to recenter the camera?

Edited by Kasuha
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I guess it could be that, but this reminds me of a particular glitch with a certain mod... it was supposed to have been fixed a while back, though. I think it was one of the Cart mods last time... wouldn't be surprised if a modder has accidentally put a bit of stray code in there somewhere that mucks something up (again).

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