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[0.23] Crowd-sourced Science Logs: SCIENCE NEEDS YOU!


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Hi all,

Sorry for the hiccup. I think something is wrong with the script -- either the file is too long, or there are too many outstanding submissions. You can keep submitting things, but the file won't be updated until I figure this out.

I've replaced the link with a recent (static) backup.

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How do I get this to work? I did everything that was required and I'm left with no option to make crew reports with this installed. Has to revert to the original.

This doesn't work with the latest version of KSP.

Edited by Furious1964
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  codepants said:

I've replaced the link with a recent (static) backup.

I think that there is something wrong with that link, when I click on it I get a screen saying that there is nothing at the link and that the file has been deleted or moved. The same thing happens with helaeons dropbox link (the science file from June 7th). The one right above it works though. Strange...
  Furious1964 said:
How do I get this to work? I did everything that was required and I'm left with no option to make crew reports with this installed. Has to revert to the original.

This doesn't work with the latest version of KSP.

I've used this with 0.23.5 and had no problem.

Edited by asheft
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I typed it wrong here, but it was correctly typed for the file. It might be because I'm using the unofficial version. Tested both the official and the unofficial and they don't work. Everything is properly named. So if anyone has a working confirm for this, please post it as an attachment.

Edited by Furious1964
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  codepants said:
Hi all,

Sorry for the hiccup. I think something is wrong with the script -- either the file is too long, or there are too many outstanding submissions. You can keep submitting things, but the file won't be updated until I figure this out.

I've replaced the link with a recent (static) backup.

The problem I'm having with this might be because they haven't fixed the script error yet.

Strange, it's working now after I had a glitch where I would get multiple Jebs going EVA when I pressed the EVA Button. Reloaded from the Launch Pad and it's working now...so far as I know.

Edited by Furious1964
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  Furious1964 said:
Ok, then what am I doing wrong?

I saved the file, renewed it "ScienceDef. Cfg" and when I play the game, I get no option to get a crew report.

I believe that the file you download from the link has a screwed up formatting and therefore KSP can't load it.

I'm having your same problem, btw.

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  Ippo said:
I believe that the file you download from the link has a screwed up formatting and therefore KSP can't load it.

I'm having your same problem, btw.

Same here. No crew report option. I'm painstakingly going through and converting all the apostrophes and quotation marks and rewriting them in Notepad as they use very slightly different symbols. It might solve the problem.

Edit: okay, this is how I fixed my problem:

1) Copy only the crew reports. This is only anything that is preceeded by a location and equals sign (eg: KerbinSrfLanded = )

2) Find an apostrophe and copy it.

3) Use Notepad's replace function to replace*all of the incidents of apostrophes with the one used in Notepad (paste the copied apostrophe in 'Find' and just tap whatever key is your apostrophe on your keyboard in 'replace'.

4) Repeat 2 and 3 for all incidences of quotation marks as well.

5) Repeat steps 1 to 4 with EVA reports and so on.

NOTE: You may have to change any ellipses you find with three periods. It's mainly because my KSP couldn't read the Crew Reports section correctly so tweaking all this fixed the problem. It may also be due to the config file's size constraints (which I assume it might have).

This should work.

Edited by KrakenSlayer
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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone have any idea of what kind of license this is using if any? The reports are submitted by community members, but I don't see any kind of disclaimer about ownership of said reports, so I'm guessing it's all technically all rights reserved (in which case no one should be allowed to distribute the file). But if the reports are not restricted can someone else just host it? I've seen people re-post the file multiple times without anyone complaining, so it probably isn't an issue.

Even if hosting it is done separately from actually adding and editing entries it seems like it would be appreciated.

This should also really be converted to a module manager cfg to avoid the necessity of replacing stock files. This would be a simple change, just a few lines for each of the 10 or so experiment types.

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Sorry, real life has taken over. I posted a recent copy of the form which should stay.

You can still submit things but submissions are not moving over. I have to figure out a solution to the file size problem.

This would also be a good time to revamp the project. If you have ideas about how to get a file that auto-updates that people can simply place in a mods folder instead of replacing their current .cfg file, I'm all ears. Send me an intelligent PM. I don't want to have to sort through the thread to figure it out. I'm lazy. You can, of course, discuss in the thread...

Edited by codepants
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  dlrk said:
Has anyone made this into an MM config, so it doesn't overwrite my current defs for mod parts?
  codepants said:
If you have ideas about how to get a file that auto-updates that people can simply place in a mods folder instead of replacing their current .cfg file, I'm all ears. Send me an intelligent PM.

(please lengthen your message to at least ten characters)

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The first time i tried to DL this a while ago, there just was a blank file for days.

When once again i decided to give this a try, and DL it 2 days ago, the result was me wasting THREE HOURS trying to debug my various mods in an effort to figure out why i cannot do any science anymore at all - and finally figuring out that the sciencedefs file i downloaded was corrupt (Yes, i saved it in plaintext, yes i renamed it properly, yes i know where to put it - i do plenty of plaintext modding myself - the file indeed was corrupt).

You need someone to manage properly tested PERIODICAL releases. Just letting anyone edit releasecode, and then just pointing normal players at the live version of that code, does not work - and for this reason, not even most opensource projects do that. The current state of this project isn't anarchy - anarchy is order without governance - this project has no "order" and "structure".

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  rynak said:
You need someone to manage properly tested PERIODICAL releases. Just letting anyone edit releasecode, and then just pointing normal players at the live version of that code, does not work - and for this reason, not even most opensource projects do that. The current state of this project isn't anarchy - anarchy is order without governance - this project has no "order" and "structure".

Are you volunteering?

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