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KSP headcanon


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Do you have any theories or ideas about the Kerbal universe that haven't been confirmed, but you hold to be true?

I think that Kerbals have a natural ability to hibernate for extended periods, not full suspended animation, but enough that they don't mind multi-month trips where they don't even have enough room to get out of their seats.

Also, I think Bob is actually a rather good scientist who genuinely wants to explore, but he's just terrified of flying. (lowest stupidity of the starting 3, always seems happy once landed somewhere)

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I've always though that the massive crater on the other side of the planet was an asteroid that hit, and the Kerbals have banded together planet wise and invested everything in their space program to protect them from something like this happening again.

If you look closely there is another crater on the other side of the planet, on the continent east of ksc, it must be older since its barely noticeable

Guess it didn't work the first time :rolleyes:

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I think Minmus was a joolein moon that got ejected when tylo, Vall and laythe where settling into there 1:2:4 system.

It then orbited around kerbol, flying closer then eve orbits, this melted all the water off the surface and just left the ice.

It then got a gravity assist from eve and it's gravity deposited a small moonlet in a eccentric eve orbit, before flying off into a eve-kerbin crossing orbit.

After a few 100 orbits, it flew past kerbin, and due to eves inclination, when It captured by a mun flyby, it had an inclination of about 40 degrees. But as the mun tugged on it, correcting it's own inlination in the process, Minmus when into a stable 6' orbit. And the tidal forces from the mun slowly forced it out of the tidal locking with kerbin.


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Maybe that was the one that wiped out the Kinosaurs

So THAT'S where Harvester went...

(If you saw an old blog by harvester you'll see that an asteroid named Harvester was planned to share Kerbins orbit when planets were being added, but it never got added)

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I think that Kerbals have a natural ability to hibernate for extended periods, not full suspended animation, but enough that they don't mind multi-month trips where they don't even have enough room to get out of their seats.

I quite agree. And the root cause is that that Kerbals are asexual fungi; they just go dormant. They reproduce on death by releasing a cloud of gray spores, each of which grows into a clone of its parent. This is why you keep seeing the same Kerbals over and over no matter how many times you kill them. And all this is why Kerbals don't really mind getting splattered. Their spores will last for millions of years so those who pop on Eeloo will eventually sprout when Kerbals figure out how to Kerbiform the place :).

I also believe that Kerbals are not native to Kerbin. If they were natives, they wouldn't have to wear spacesuits to walk around on the surface. Also, there'd be a whole ecosystem on Kerbin from which they would have evolved, and a huge population of Kerbals. But the only other lifeforms on Kerbin are trees, catci, and grass, none of which are fungi, and Kerbals are only found at KSC. The most logical explanation is that the Monolith Builders abducted small herd of Kerbals from somewhere else, possibly a parallel universe, and dumped them at KSC just to see how they'd react. And periodically, the Monolith Builders return and add planets to the Kerbol system, or scramble KSC around, or drastically remodel Kerbin and the other planets, just to screw with the Kerbals.

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Oh here's another one of mine

Many parts in KSP have text in English on them, and yet it seems that Kerbals speak in their own gibberish language. Maybe they're really speaking English, but they just have heavy, heavy accents and use odd pronunciation rules.

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I believe that Kerbals spontaneously pop into existence. No reproductive cycle, they just sort of appear there. Any that appear with a mustache and glasses (You cannot appear with one and not the other) are instantly hailed as geniuses and promoted to scientific positions in KSP without any other qualifications.

Similarly, Kerbals have a natural defense mechanism where when they sustain potentially fatal injuries, they disappear in a puff of smoke and are teleported to the nearest emergency medical facilities, complete with comically-ineffective full body casts, neck braces, IV bags and wheelchairs. Immediately after their several-day recovery they are launched back into space.

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Do you have any theories or ideas about the Kerbal universe that haven't been confirmed, but you hold to be true?

I think that Kerbals have a natural ability to hibernate for extended periods, not full suspended animation, but enough that they don't mind multi-month trips where they don't even have enough room to get out of their seats.

Also, I think Bob is actually a rather good scientist who genuinely wants to explore, but he's just terrified of flying. (lowest stupidity of the starting 3, always seems happy once landed somewhere)

I agree with you hibernate idea, makes plenty of sense, plenty of animals hibernates even lots of mammals to various degree.

Never though about Bob that way but he liked Bop.

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As far as i know, Squad wants to add Girlbals in the future, so when it happens you may want to re-think your head canon

Pretty much, first most human societies something like space travel would be male only just like soldiers. Yes its exceptions but rare.

Two other options, male and female kerbals look pretty much the same at least in an space suit or females are not suited as astronauts as they are far larger or other reasons.

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The Kerbal Space Program started out as a bunch of amateurs building model rockets out of stuff they found in Jeb's dad's junkyard and bootstrapped their way to successful orbits and reentries before the government started getting interested. Things progressed from there.

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The Kerbal Space Program started out as a bunch of amateurs building model rockets out of stuff they found in Jeb's dad's junkyard and bootstrapped their way to successful orbits and reentries before the government started getting interested. Things progressed from there.

^This, except the Disarming Baton Space Agency is a private organization.

Disarming Baton Space Industries is the hardware supplier, equivalent to Estes.

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The Kerbal Space Program started out as a bunch of amateurs building model rockets out of stuff they found in Jeb's dad's junkyard and bootstrapped their way to successful orbits and reentries before the government started getting interested. Things progressed from there.

I mostly take my agency as a official goverment agency that started out as the "Ballistic Missile Division" under the Ministry of Defense. However, the NAA Act of 1997 authorized the creation of a large goverment agency that would work with the Ministry of Defense and promote civilian exploration.

Jebediah Kerman is a well-respected airforce pilot with a doctrate from the Kerbin Institute of Research and Development (KIRD) with a Ph.D majoring in "Weaponizing Nuclear Reactions"

Bob is another suh success story similar to Jebediah, ecept that he was of much lower rank and was in the Naval forces. He was accepted as an astronaut due to an recommendation of Jeb (Who was his drinking buddy).

Bill is probably the only civilian in the program. He works part time as a Senator in the United Provincal Parliament, is the Vice-Chairman of Space, and is notable for being an goverment official. He was accepted into the astronaut program after he recommended himself.

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